Prototype Report Version 1.2
Prototype Report
CRCD Management System
Team 11
Erik Frimodig - Project Manager
Yazeeed Alabdulkarim - Operational Engineer
Muzzammil Imam - System Architect
Jason Loewy - Prototyper
Fan Xu - Requirements Engineer
Daniela Gergley - Integrated Independent Verification & Validation
December 4 2011
Prototype Report Version Date: 10/24/2011
Prototype Report Version 1.5
Version History
Date / Author / Version / Changes made / Rationale /10/10/11 / JL / 1.0 / • Original template / • Initial draft for CRCD Management System. Initial prototyping of the system.
10/18/11 / JL / 1.1 / • Changed navigation flow to better illustrate the future system
• Added second prototype of the inventory portion of the system
• Changed status of the prototype to reflect current status / • Navigation flow did not correctly represent site map like flow
• Prototype of inventory portion of the system needed
10/24/11 / JL / 1.2 / • More clarification about what are product-employee transactions
• Added description regarding navigation flow.
• Updated navigation flow to add generate reports
• Updated Inventory system GUI prototypes to reflect navigation flow update / • Made updates/changes based on ARB feedback and evaluation
11/16/11 / JL / 1.3 / • Implemented the NDI Inventory Management System with CRCD functionality and graphics
• Updated Prototype Status / • Needed to evolve the Inventory Management System prototype from Balsamic screenshots to a working prototype.
11/21/11 / JL / 1.4 / • Included the TimeTrex prototype in reports. / • Needed to provide a working prototype for the NDI payroll solution.
12/4/11 / JL / 1.5 / • Updated navigation flow
• Added sentence to explanation in section 3.3 / • Bugzilla feedback
Table of Contents
Table of Tables 1
Table of Figures 2
1. Introduction 3
1.1 Purpose of the prototype report 3
1.2 Status of the prototype 3
2. Navigation Flow 4
3. Prototype 5
3.1 Time log to ADP Parser 5
3.2 Inventory System 6
3.3 TimeTrex System………………………………………………………………………………..8
Prototype Report Version Date: 12/4/2011
Prototype Report Version 1.5
Table of Tables
Table 1: Code block .txt to ADP Parser 5
Table 2: .zip Of Prototype Documents 6
Table 3: Inventory System Overview 6
Table 4: TimeTrex System Overview 9
Table of Figures
Figure 1: Navigation Flow of System 4
Figure 2: While loop of Code block .txt to ADP Parser...... 5
Figure 3: Products List...... 7
Figure 4: Product Details...... 7
Figure 5: Add A Product-Employee Transaction...... 8
Figure 6: Generate Reports From Product-Employee Transaction View...... 8
Figure 7: Add/Edit Employee Information...... 9
Figure 8: Assign Payroll Information...... 10
Figure 9: Punch In / Punch Out...... 10
Figure 10: View Pay Period Report...... 10
Figure 11: Reports Generation Options and Output Formats...... 11
1. Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the prototype report
This document is responsible for outlining the current version of the system throughout the various prototype iterations. This document supplies all necessary documents corresponding to the various elements used in developing the prototype of the future system.
1.2 Status of the prototype
This is the third iteration of the prototype report. Currently we have developed a basic Biometric Handpunch output to ADP format parser that demonstrates the ability to create a system that converts from one to the other. We have learned the output data types and format of the data collected from the Biometric Handpunch system as well as gaining knowledge about the input format to the ADP system. Knowing those two data sets, and although we still need to research the physical ordering of the data output from the Biometric Handpunch system, we have created a mapping between the two systems. We have also developed the second-generation prototype of the Inventory Management System. This iteration of the Inventory Management System prototype closely models the previous GUI representations but in a fully operational form. The TimeTrex system has also been acquired as a NDI solution to the employee payroll and clock punch system. TimeTrex is a high fidelity prototype, which allows at a high level the ability to perform the key requirements necessary of the system.
2. Navigation Flow
The system itself is broken into two sub-systems. Upon logging into the system the user can select which sub-system they wish to continue on to, Inventory or Payroll. In the inventory system each user has the same view but is provided with different performable actions based on their user permission level.
In the inventory system you have the inventory manager who has the ability to add/edit/delete the employee-product transactions, as well as generate reports based off of the transaction history. You also have the inventory admin who has the ability to add/edit/delete products and their corresponding quantity and description criteria from the inventory system. All those actions can be seen in Figure 3 and Figure 4.
The payroll system has three permission level roles. The payroll manager, who can edit/approve/view weekly time sheets, as well as generate reports based on historical and current timesheet data. Second you have the payroll admin who can also view the weekly time sheets but is the permission group responsible for physically submitting the weekly payroll information into the ADP system. Lastly is the timesheet admin permission group, which will be a member of human resources that will have complete control over personal manipulation throughout the system. They will be responsible for deleting/adding/editing the information of a user in the system as well as assigning permission levels to users of the system.
Figure 1: Navigation Flow of System
3. Prototype
3.1 Time log to ADP Parser
The result of this prototype was to help alleviate the concern revolving around the risk associated with hand punch output compatibility to the ADP system. Based on the Biometric Handpunch output format specified in the user manual along with the known ADP output format the parser successfully converted a user generated time log input file into an ADP formatted output file. The one lingering problem with this prototype is while we know the output fields of the Handpunch system, we don’t know there ordering. This is not much of a risk as an easy mitigation plan is to rearrange how the parser grabs for specific fields based on the true ordering of the Biometric Handpunch output. Thanks to this prototype and the research that went into developing it we now know that conversion from Handpunch data to ADP format is possible.
Table 1: Code block .txt to ADP Parser
Description / The following is a block of code used in a .txt to ADP format parser. Ideally, the text files contents will be populated with data obtained from the hand punch into a single file. At the end of a bi-weekly pay period the populated text file will be uploaded to the parser and ADP output file generated.Related Capbility / Integration between current ADP system / 291
Pre-condition / Bi weekly time log text is available. When the manager uploads the bi weekly time log text file this code will run to parse into ADP format.
Post condition / This block of code the ADP output file is generated and displayed through the browser and stored on the server in the current directory.
Table 2: .zip of Prototype documents
Description / The following is a .zip file containing the standard text document used when modeling the prototype .txt to ADP parser, as well as including a “ReadMe” which contains a link to the working prototype and instructions.Related Capbility / Integration between current ADP system / 291
Pre-condition / The text file “bw20timesheet.txt” will have been generated by the Biometric hand punch system.
Post condition / After running the parser the file will be ready to be uploaded to the ADP system.
The .zip file is located at
3.2 Inventory System
The inventory system will allow managers to insert/delete/edit employee-product transactions. Employee-product transactions are the relevant information surrounding the allocation of product resources to individual employees and the way that it was put to use. This will allow CRCD staff to keep track of their various products and their use localized to each individual employee.
This prototype is a high fidelity prototype of the Inventory Management NDI System. At this point the Inventory Management system is being customized both graphically and functionality wise in order to completely suit the needs of the CRCD.
Figure 4 is a representation of the detailed view revolving around a specific products employee-product transaction history. The ‘User’ field is the name of who took out the amount, indicated as ‘inv’, of that product and the specified ‘date’ of its occurrence. The ‘Description’ text box as seen in Figure 5 is used to store any note worthy information regarding this specific employee-product transaction and will show up in the report generation as seen in Figure 6.
Inventory management system is deployed live, For testing purposes the login username is “admin” with a password of “test”.
Table 3: Inventory System Overview
Description / The following are screenshots from the inventory system aspect of the system. They illustrate the capabilities of the system.Related Capbility / Inventory tracking
Pre-condition / Employees have documented their product transactions and provided Managers with that data.
Post condition / All product information will be up to date and available to anyone throughout the system.
Figure 3: Products List
Figure 4: Product Details
Figure 5: Add a Product-Employee Transaction
Figure 6: Generate Reports From Product-Employee Transaction View
3.3 TimeTrex System
The TimeTrex system is a NDI solution to the problem of manually having to collect payroll data and physically transport it to the payroll administrator. TimeTrex allows for a high range of employee time tracking functions in an open source and readily available platform.
The current state of this prototype is a high fidelity, working prototype that demonstrates its ability to perform all of the required tasks that the CRCD desires out of the proposed solution.
Figure 7 and Figure 8 demonstrate some of the various employee editorial functions as well as how to provide the parameters to the employees that will be used in generating their pay information. The report generation fields have a high level of customizability as can been seen in Figure 11. There is a myriad of options that the user can select when generating payroll reports. For instance the user can chose which fields are present in the reports, what branch of the business they will be generating reports for, what group of employees to query for and more.
Table 4: TimeTrex System Overview
Description / The following are screenshots from the TimeTrex system aspect of the system. They illustrate the capabilities of the system.Related Capbility / Employee Payroll and Time Clock Tracking
Pre-condition / No pre conditions
Post condition / All time clock and payroll information will be up to date and be ready to be submitted into the ADP system by the payroll administrator.
Figure 7: Add/Edit Employee Information
Figure 8: Assign Payroll Information
Figure 9: Punch In / Punch Out
Figure 10: View Pay Period Report
Figure 11: Reports Generation Options and Output Formats
Prototype Report Version Date: 12/4/2011