Erickson Fields Preserve Community Garden 2015

Rules and Expectations

  1. Be respectful and safe.
  1. Please keep your plot well maintained,within plot boundaries and free of trash/debris.
  1. The community gardens are managed organically, please see info sheet for a list of acceptable garden products. If you have questions, ASK first!
  1. Each gardener is responsible for contributing 4 hours of volunteer work to the garden throughout the season. A sign-up of tasks will be available.
  1. Please let us know if you are not able to maintain your plot or decide to leave the community garden.
  1. If you go on vacation have someone tend your plot and let us know who they are.
  1. Please bring your own tools. Label any tools that you store at the farm.
  1. When watering don’t waste water andreturn hose neatly when finished.
  1. Harvest crops from your plot only, unless given permission by another gardener.
  1. Children are welcome and encouraged in the community garden, but should not be left unsupervised.
  1. At the end of the growing season, gardeners are responsible for clearing plots and putting them to bed for the winter.
  1. Have fun, grow lots of veggies, eat lots of veggies, and please ask if you have any questions!

Liability Release

I understand, and agree, that Maine Coast Heritage Trust is in no way responsible for my actions or the actions of others at the Community Garden. Therefore, I agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Maine Coast Heritage Trust for any liability, damage, loss or claim by me that occurs in connection with use of the garden by me or any of my approved guests.

I am solely responsible for my own health and safety. I warrant that I am physically fit and capable to participate in this project. If I experience any symptoms which make it difficult or unsafe for me to continue, I agree that I will halt all activity and ask for assistance.

I, the undersigned, have read the Erickson Field Community Garden Rules and Expectations and agree to abide by them. I understand that if I fail to adhere to the above contract it may result in the loss of my garden plot.


Printed Name______


Phone ______E-mail______

Aaron Englander

Farm and Program Manager

Maine Coast Heritage Trust

Erickson Farm

70 Russell Avenue

Rockport, ME 04856

(207) 236-2739