Department of Economic Development for the City of El Centro

Request for Proposals


2010 CDBG Sidewalks Improvement Project

Requested By:

City of El Centro

Department of Economic Development

1249 W Main St

El Centro, CA92243

Phone: (760) 337-4543

Fax: (760) 352-4867

Marcela Piedra, Director of Economic Development


Request for Proposals

Resident Engineering / Construction Management Services

2010 CDBG Sidewalk Improvement Project

The City of El Centro is requesting Proposals to provide Resident Engineering / Construction Management services for the 2010 CDBG Sidewalk Improvement Project. This project focuses primarily on improving sidewalk, handicap ramps, curb, gutter, driveway and alley approaches in CDBG areas within the City.

The minimum information required in the Proposal includes:

General statement of the understanding of the scope.

An approach to the work.

The firm’s experience in providing requested services for projects of similar size and scope.

The experience of the proposed project manager and key individuals who will be involved in the construction management and inspection.

A proposed task list and level of effort for each task.

Statement of current time commitment.

Approach to managing and completing the project.

Approach to communicating with the client, design consultant and contractor.

Anticipated Scope of Servicesincludes, but is not limited to:

AssistCity with pre-construction meetings.

Coordinate construction activity between the various utility companies, municipal and State agencies and Contractor as necessary. Some entities involved will include: the City of El Centro,Imperial Irrigation District, Gas Company, Time Warner Cable, AT&T.

Verify contractor’s work is being completed according to plans and specifications. (Work shall include inspecting all aspects of the work including, but not limited to, traffic control, demolition, excavation, grading, various concrete work, and miscellaneousasphalt paving.

Provide allgeotechnical inspections as necessary according to the City approved Quality Assurance Program (QAP), and contract specifications and guidelines. The geotechnical firm shall meet the certification requirements of the City QAP and provide evidence of same. The geotechnical inspections shall be overseen by Geotechnical Engineer licensed in the State of California.

Coordinate inspections with geotech, which includes: production plant testing, onsite material testing, compaction testing, concrete cylinder testing and assist in processing submittals for mix designs for asphalt and concrete. Verifying that asphalt is in accordance to approved mix designs and is installed according to plans and specifications. Verifying imported base material meets contract plan and specifications. The type and number of inspections shall be done in accordance with the City of El Centro Quality Assurance Program. An estimate of material quantities is provided as a guideline and basis for the geotechnical portion of the inspection work and is shown as Exhibit A. The geotechnical subconsultant must have a familiarity with Caltrans testing and be certified accordingly as required by the City QAP.

Process pay applications and any change orders.

Coordinate notices to the public and appropriate law enforcement and emergency medical service agencies for impacts due to construction related activities (such as lane closure or detours). Consultant is expected to notice public and meet with public safety agencies if required.

Verify traffic control by Contractor is being performed according to approved plans and specifications. Help coordinate all road closures if necessary.

Assist in processing Request for Information (RFI’s).

Coordinate construction progress meetings during construction as necessary.

Prepare daily reports and weekly reports per Exhibit 16-C of the LAPM.

Coordinate construction activity with the City of El Centro Department of Economic Development’s Redevelopment Agency’s labor compliance officer. The City will provide a separate contract for labor compliance work which is not a part of this scope.

Verify contractor is providing necessary CDBG/ARRA documentation as required by the contract and HUD

Submittals shall be 10 pages or less of 12 point font. Three (3) copies and one (1) CD of the submittal shall be delivered to the City of El Centro, 307 W. Brighton, El Centro, CA92243, Attn: Abraham Campos. Questions concerning this solicitation should be directed to Stacy Cox at (760) 335-3538.

Proposals Due: Wednesday, November 30, 2010


The purpose of this RFP is to obtain a qualified consultant team to provide construction management services including resident engineering services, construction inspection, and specialty construction inspection during the work for the2010 CDBG Sidewalk Improvement Project. The construction cost estimate is approximately$625,000.00 dollars. At present, the proposed schedule for construction is 90 calendar days starting from Notice to Proceed being issued and goes through the completion of the project. Award of the construction contract is anticipated to take place inJanuary, 2010 and construction beginning in February, 2010.


A.Project Background

The City of El Centro has received funding under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) and Community Development Block Grant Program through theUnited States Department of Housing and Urban Development.The project involvesthe demolition/ removal of the existing public improvements and installation of various concrete improvements consisting mostly of sidewalk, handicap ramps, curb, gutter, driveway approaches. There is minor street paving that is to occur as part of the contract as well.

B.Reference Documents

The plans and specifications are available for review upon request at the Engineering Division at City Hall, 1275 Main Street.

City of El Centro Quality Assurance Program dated March 1st 2010 attached.

Local Assistance Procedures manual chapter 16 available at


The proposal shall consist of the following parts:

Proposal Requirements

Proposal Format: Letter Proposal, limited to10 pages.

Proposal sections to include

Cover Letter (single page)

Introduction and Project Understanding (2-pages)

Scope of Work

Project Personnel Organizational Chart and Team Qualifications (3 page and 3 project limit)


Estimated Level of Effort per Scope Task, itemized by labor classification.

Company standard schedule of charges

Fee estimate, including labor, subconsultants and projected reimbursable costs to be included within the proposal inside a separate sealed envelope.

Include resumes of any proposed team members not already part of the as-needed consultant contract.


Proposals will be evaluated according to the following:

Understanding of the work to be preformed

Strength of key personnel

Experience and Technical Competence of firm and subcontractors

Approach to the Project, including technical and management considerations

Evaluation of the cost effectiveness in relation to team qualifications and proposed project methodology

Exhibit A

Geotechnical Work - Geotechnical proposals shall include both in place testing at work site and testing at the material batch plant as required by LAPM Exhibit 16-R, Caltrans Std. Specifications and the City QAP. The Geotechnical subconsultant shall submit a testing schedule and cost based upon the quantities below using the LAPM frequency charts in the QAP as a guide. The proposal shall include both the number of tests and estimated number of hours for each.

Miscellaneous Concrete

6” Concrete Curb and Gutter - 3,939 LF

Sidewalks – 31,653SF

Curb ramps – 30EA

Cross Gutters – 1,152 SF

PCC Driveway/ Alley Approach – 94,542 SF

Asphalt Concrete

Hot Mix Asphalt - 300 TON

Miscellaneous Materials

Aggregate Base (Class 2) -555CY