Ergonomics OT 572 – Spring 2017
Cindy Burt, MS, OTR, CPE
Mondays 8:30am – 12:00pm E-mail:
Cell Phone: 310-995-6337 Work Phone: 310-794-5329
Course Description
This course will focus on the application of ergonomics in both office and industrial settings. Students will be instructed in how to evaluate job demands, the work environment and the worker to reduce musculoskeletal risk levels and increase productivity and comfort.
Required Text:
Why is My Office a Pain in My? Naomi Watts, (2011)
Recommended Texts:
Ergonomic Design for People at Work, 2ndEdition, S. Rogers (2004)
Ergonomics for Therapists, 3rd Edition, Karen Jacobs, Editor (2007)
Fitting the Task to the Human, 5thEdition, K.H.E. Kroemer &E. Grandjean (1997)
Jan 09Introduction to Ergonomics – Musculoskeletal Disorders and Anthropometry
Jan 16Martin Luther King Holiday
Jan 23Risk Factor Identification
- Assignment #1: Complete 3risk assessments in class
Jan 30 Risk Factor Identification (Continued)
Feb 06Introduction to Auburn Engineers Student Design, eTools SHOP training, and Preliminary Project
Feb 13Materials Handling
- Assignment #2: Complete lifting analyses in class
- Assignment #3 - eTools Lightning Round #1 assignment provided - Due Feb 15
Feb 20President’s Day Holiday -
- Assignment #4 - eTools Lightning Round #2 assignment provided – Due Feb 22
Feb 27 – Mar 06 - Leadership Capstone
Mar 13Spring Recess
Mar 20Ergonomics and the Older Worker
Ergonomics for Service Workers
Mar 27Preliminary eTools SHOP Project Presentation in class
- Assignment #5
Apr 03Office Ergonomics
Apr 10Office Ergonomics assessments presentations and review
- Assignment #6 – 2 assessments
Apr 17eTools SHOP Final Project
Justifying Ergonomics – Regulatory and Financial Drivers
Apr 24 eTools SHOP Final Project presentations
- Assignment #7
May 8Final exam - eTools SHOP Final Project review
Upon the completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Identify risk factors leading to musculoskeletal injuries.
- Utilize anthropometric data to design work tools and environments.
- Select and utilize appropriate tools to evaluate physical work tasks.
- Utilize a variety of checklists and tools to analyze and determine risk level of work tasks.
- Identify controls to reduce or eliminate risk factors associated with physical tasks.
- Identify techniques to prevent and/or reduce work injuries.
- Determine risk levels of manual materials handling tasks and ways to reduce risk
- Select appropriateproducts and tools to reduce risk associated with specific tasks
- Utilize tools to prioritize risks, evaluate costs of ergonomic interventions and determine return on investment.
Review materials in advance as assigned to prepare for class.
Class attendance is expected. Contact the instructor if you will be absent due to illness or emergencies.
Assignments must be turned in by the due date. Late submissions will be accepted at the discretion of the instructor.
Students having difficulty with assignments or course materials shouldschedule an appointment with the instructor to review any issues and obtain assistance.
Assignments and class activities will be reviewed during the first class meeting.
All written assignments will be reviewed by the instructor and feedback provided to promote development of ergonomics skills.
The instructor will be available by appointment to assist students having difficulty with assignments or course materials.
This is a pass/fail course requiring a score of 80 or better to pass. Your performance will be graded as follows:
Assignment #1: Risk assessments 10
Assignment #2: Materials handling analysis 10
Assignment #3: eTools Lightning Assignment #1 10
Assignment #4: eTools Lightning Assignment #2 10
Assignment #5: Preliminary eTools Presentation 20
Assignment #6:Computer workstation evals (2) 10
Assignment #7:Final eTools Project 30
Total100 points
Assignment 1: Risk Assessments (Jan 23)
- Students will completerisk assessments using a variety of formats as part of classroom work project.
Assignment 2: Materials Handling Assessment (Feb 13)
- Complete materials handling assessment using 3 different techniques such as the NIOSH lifting equation, Snook tables, Utah Back Compression Formula or the Washington State Calculator for analyzing lifting operations in class.
Assignment 3:eTool SHOP Lightning Round #1 (Feb 15)
Assignment 4: eTool SHOP Lightning Round #2 (Feb 22)
Assignment5: Preliminary Ergonomics Project (Mar 27)
- Present evaluations in class for discussion and critique. Presentation should be 10-15 minutes in length.
Assignment 6: Computer Workstation Evaluations (April 10)
- Turn in two computer work-site evaluations of office worker. Present in class for discussion and critique
Assignment 7: Final eTools Project (Apr 24)
- Present ergonomics analysis and recommendations in class on April 24. Presentation should be 20-30 minutes in length.