Maybe you’d like to be more specific and mention that this applies to terumos, maasros and ma’aser sheni of the 1st 3 years. The matanos of fourth year produce is not yet chayev in biur.

Also, nothing to do with your article, but an interesting tidbit: Rav Manat mentioned in today’s shiur that those who use Keren Hamasros should be aware that the Keren will have a pruta chamura up to the afternoon of Erev Shevi’i shel Pesach. He said something about there being 2 girsos as to when the zman biur is, Erev Pesach or Erev Shevi’i. The Chazon Ish was machmir for Erev Pesach, but in order not to leave everyone without a pruta chmura they are lenient.

From Erev Shevi’i until Motzai Pesach one will not be able to redeem ma’aser sheni that is worth less than a pruta. Apparently, on Motzai Pesach they take wine that did not have gmar melacha before Yom Tov and they make a new pruta chamura.

One may use a matzoh for lechem mishneh, but not a matzoh that one intends to use for the seder, since many poskim hold that it is muktzah.

Where did you get this chiluk from? I’ve never heard it before.

Friday night meal.

Perhaps you should mention that the meal should be eaten where the Shabbos candles are.

Eat and finish seudah shlishis before tenth hour, which is 3:55pm.

I thought this is only applicable when eating mezonos or bread. Isn’t non-mezonos/bread mutar the whole day?

Also remember not to begin preparations for the Seder until Shabbos is over.

Perhaps add: and says Boruch Hamavdil…

Do you want to mention what to do if someone wakes up late, or is it too sticky?

Erev pesach on Shabbos

Thursday- We do say mizmor lisodah and lamenatzeiach; taanis bechoros (siyum)

Thursday night- regular bedikas chometz with bracha; bitul afterwards

Friday am We do say mizmor lisodah and lamenatzeiach. (some make second taanis Bechoros or second siyum). One may do melacha after chatzos (as opposed to erev Pesach in all other years).(Maharil quotes that one who does not do melacha, will receive a brocha.)

Friday am before 11:32 (11:16?) - burn chometz (Shulchan Aruch 444:2), but leave over what one intends to eat on Shabbos.

No bitul afterwards since one is still going to eat chometz.

Renew eruv chatzeiros as every year.

The mechiras chometz takes affect- on Friday am (Sho’el umeishiv 6:55; Minchas Elozor 3:26;) on Friday afternoon (Daas Torah 444:2; Imrei Yosher 1:146) or on Shabbos am (Daas Torah says to make a tnai that if it is permitted, it should take affect on Shabbos, but if not, it should take place before shabbos).

RAkiva eiger (Shut 159) whether one can set in motion a kinyan to take place on Shabbos. He rules that one should be machmir, but both Mahrasham and ohr somyach bring proof from yeru perek mefanin that it is permitted to do such a kinyan.

Grinding the chrein

Making the saltwater

Roast zeroa or Beitzah before Shabbos

If one forgot to make the saltwater before Shabbos, one may make it on Yom Tov. Lichatchila one should not make more than one needs for the one seder night, since there are poskim who are machmir not to allow to make more. There are poskim who are lenient and permit making saltwater on Yom Tov without any limit (Smag Hilchos Shabbos;

The chrein may be ground (our minhag is to grind everything with a shinuy on YT- thus, spread a napkin on the plate, or something like this)

If forgot to roast zeroa and Beitzah on Yom Tov -- Eat it during day time.

Don’t make sticky chometz dik food lichatchila (Shulchan Aruch 444:3)

Lechem mishnah if you want to make sure you don’t have too much chometz (Chazon Ish ruled you can use the matzoh

Chazon Ish (Igros 188) also ruled for his family not to prepare food for this Shabbos in keilim that cooked chometz within 24 hours before. This is to avoid a shaylah that there is chometz in the leftover food that you would not be able to eat after zman issur.

He also told them not to cook kitniyos, although it is unclear why.

Easier to do is to cook on disposable- and to cook rice for first two meals; and pesachdiks for afternoon. However, how are you going to make sure that you don’t make your pesach-dik plata or blech chometz-dik from the rice?

Friday seudas Shabbos- eat chometz or matzoh ashirah. According to most poskim, one may eat matzoh at night (Rama 471:2; cf. MGA 471:6; Igros Moshe OC1:155), however the prevalent custom is not to. AHS rules that Ashkenazim may eat matzoh ashirah on erev pesach afternoon, but the minhag is not to.

Before making motzi, if one is going to eat chometz in one area/room and the meal in another, it is preferred to say in advance that I am going to move from one room to another- since this is one’s daas, it is permitted to do so even if one did not specifically say so. One should return to the place he ate bread to bensch. Minchas Yitzchok 6:48 mentions that one should eat another kizayis when he returns; I have no idea why-

Is there a problem if I eat bread in one room, and seudah in another?

If meal was cooked in Pesach dik pot and serving on Chometz plates, ideally pour into another pesach serving dish, and then into chometz plates (PM AA 444:4). This is to avoid the ff shaylah- hot liquid connecting the chometz plate to the pesach pot, thus transferring beliya to pesach pot (based on Rama to YD 105:3). Bi’ei’evid no problem (ibid.) (PM AA 444:4).

If eating on chometz-dik, one could put all the dishes with the chometz to be sold. But then how is one going to wash the dishes?

Shabbos am

Seudah shlishis

Zohar says that EP there is no requiment of seudah shlichis with food, ont can fulfill it with torah.

Shulchan Aruch (291:2) rules that one does not fulfill the mitzvah of seudah shlishis before the earliest time to daven mincha.

There is a requirement of lechem mishneh.

What should someone do who does not need more than one roll for their morning seudah? Chazon Ish says to count the matzoh. He does not mention specifics. This is interesting because Pri Megdaim says that the matzoh is muktzah- must be not the shmurah matzoh. Therefore, use not matzos mitzvah and wrap well. Note that people should not carry their seder matzos before Shabos is over. Many people take their own matzoh to the seder and are eating the seder at someone else’s house, and want to start the seder early- either bring matozhs before shabos or after Shabbos.

Shulcahn Aruch paskins that one should eat bread for seudah shlishis (291:5), but mentions other opinions 1. mezonos. 2. meat or fish. 3. fruit


No problem of eating erev pesach even if you have a minhag not to eat matzoh from erev pesach. However, what about kelim if you do not eat “gebrochtz” and what about eating on erev pesach?

Women are chayovos in 3 seudos (SHA 291:6)

One morning seudah – finish eating chometz by 10:26, preferably by 9:53

Best hanhagah- eat two early meals with interruption. Daven neitz, then make kiddush, eat motsi and fish, and bensch. Wait ½ hour (Chazon Ish; MB says “shahus me’at) , then wash for second day seudah. This fulfills seudah shlishis like some shitos.

If eating matzoh ashirah, the first meal will only be hamotzi according to Rav Moshe- but according to many poskim, it will not be hamotzi.

(Isn’t it better to have the ikar seudah first?)MB and Chazon Ish were not choshesh for this.

End of time to eat chometz is 10:26, preferably by 9:53; final bitul of chometz.

Remaining crumbs into toilet or garbage, but not your own garbage can

Until when can I eat rice? The minhag is to be machmir after sof zman achilas chometz, although it is unclear why-=

Afternoon- eat some kneidelich for seudah shlishis. Maharil says minhag is not to eat ashirah in afternoon (unlike Aruch HaShulchan). Sefardim eat matzoh ashirah, but should eat it before 3:55 pm; Ashkenazim should also not eat after this time. Is this beginning of seudah or end?

Since most people follow the opinion of davening mincha before seudah shlishis, one should daven mincha early, and eat the seudah before tenth hour, which is

Shabbos afternoon, one should not say he is taking a nap in order to be awake for the seder (Sefer Hasidim; MGA 290:; MB 290:4- note that they were not talking about napping litzorech mitzvah).

3 seudos on Shabbos. Main shita is that seudah shlishis must be in afternoon-

Thus according to Ashkenazim, one would have to rely on minor opinions. (Cooked matzoh the size of kezayis.)Gra 444 says not to eat cooked matzoh. He apparently holds that since the brocha is hamotzi, one should not eat it EP, even though one certainly cannot fulfill mitzvos matzoh with it. AHS 444:5 says that it is fine to do, but they did not require it.

Egg or grape matzoh IM 155