TECO-2010 guidelines for poster presentations
Poster display panels are portrait shaped (higher than wide). The entire panel area is 98 x 218 cm and suits well to an A0 size poster (84.1 x 118.9 cm). Organizers will provide the Scotch tape to attach your poster to the panel. Alternatively, if your poster has frame for hooks, hooks can be used.
Unfortunately it is not possible to provide additional equipment to poster presenters like for instance power supply or a table next to your poster. The latter restriction is due to space limitations. There will be 140 posters displayed simultaneously during the two days of TECO (31.8.-1.9.). Posters should get a great attention since they are in the corridor leading to the main conference hall of the venue.
Please note the following poster set up and tear down times:
Poster set up is done Monday morning (Aug 30th) from 08:30 to 12:00 at the latest.
Tear down during Wednesday (Sept 1st) after the afternoon break.
If you are not available during the set up or tear down times of your poster, please ask a colleague to step in. We expect presenters of posters to be available at their poster, during the poster sessions.
TECO-2010 guidelines for oral presentations
Following these guidelines will help to make the conference run smoothly. The goal is to avoid statements like “oops, my font seems to be very small“, or “this image might not be visible”.
Equipment available for presentations
A laptop computer with MS PowerPoint 2007, and Adobe Acrobat Reader 9.0 for pdf presentations
Data/video projector, resolution 1024 x 768
Laser pointer
Podium microphone
Equipment available upon prior request
Overhead projector for transparencies
Wireless microphone with neck strap / microphone headset
Note: No internet access can be guaranteed for online demonstrations. Please download the demonstration prior to your presentation, or present screen captures.
We strongly recommend that you use our standard computer equipment. If certain features of you presentation cannot be converted to be presented using these tools, please let us know well in advance.
General instructions
Please give your presentation to the Info desk and do this in sufficient time prior to your session. For morning sessions, during the previous day, and for afternoon sessions during morning coffee break at the latest. You may bring your presentation on a USB stick, on a CD Rom or on your own laptop. For presentations to be shown on morning Aug 30th, send your presentation in advance to Mr. Mikko Kurri () by the end of Thursday, Aug 26th.
Always make sure you bring a back-up of your presentation!
Each speaker has a 15 min time slot for the presentation. This includes approximately 12 min for the presentation followed by 3 min for questions, answers and rotation to the next speaker. Keynote speakers will have 25 min for presentation and 5 min to questions, answers and rotation. Please do not exceed these time limits. Otherwise the session chair will be forced to interrupt you.
Useful hints
For simple animations you can greatly improve the compatibility of your presentation when adding each frame separately and just clicking the “next slide” button quickly.
Electricity in Finland is 230V, 50 HZ. If you intend to use your laptop during the week, bring an appropriate adapter.
Assessment of the legibility of your slides
Run your slide show on a 17 inch screen and stand 2 metres away. If you can read the text and see the details of your figures, your presentation will be legible from the backrows of the lecture hall.