Professional Practice Brokerage & Consulting Services 877-418-4898
This Professional Practice Profile has been prepared for the purpose acquainting a prospective buyer with preliminary information regarding a professional practice client (i.e. also referred to as the “Practice”). Equity Professional Practices Inc. (i.e., also referred to as the “Broker”), its employees, officers, agents, brokers, analysts and affiliate brokers or co-brokers have made no investigation or verification of the information contained herein.
All recipients interested in additional financial and background information should provide a Standard Confidentiality Agreement to Equity Professional Practices Inc., the sole and exclusive business broker. This document is available in the Forms section on our website, Fax to 828-324-0700.
All contact is to be made directly with Equity Professional Practices Inc. Contact may be made via electronic mail: , or via telephone: 877-318-4898 during EST.
Executive Summary:
Type: Professional Service
Description: Architectural Services
Gross Revenue: $400,000
Position: Architect owner
Comments: Great western NC location
Ask Price: $150,000
Selling Comment: Opportunity for a licensed architect.
The subject practice is engaged in providing architectural services for churches, restaurants, health care, multi-family housing, commercial builders. The business has operated successfully for approximately 28 years at the same western NC location.
Gross Receipts:
© 2006 Equity Professional Practices Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Seller’s Discretionary Earnings:
SDE, for projected fiscal year ending December 31, 2007 is about $75,000.
Business operating hours Monday thru Friday from 9:00 am until 5:00 pm.
Minimal advertising costs, Yellow Pages, internet site and a wide referral network.
4experiencedfull time and 1 part time (owner & secretary included in full time).
Working Conditions:
Primary office work by licensed architects. Some field work.
There are several competing entities within the region, none considered dominant.
Buyer Skill Level:
The new owner should have great communication and customer service skills. Architect license required. Should be NCARB certified.
Reason For Selling:
Principle nearing retirement. Owner transition will be provided –will consider to continue to work part-time. Negotiable as to terms and compensation.
Offering, Price, and Terms:
Total asking price is $200,000.
Additional Comments:
The opportunity exists to increase clientele by acquiring/associating with an engineering firm and offering a wider variety of professional services.
Buying a practice is a complicated process. In any practice purchase the buyer should obtain or perform due diligence during the acquisition process. The buyer should carefully consider the risks involved in any investment, including the subject entity. For most individual purchasers it is perhaps a substantial personal investment. Both the subject entity and the practice broker suggest that the buyer obtain suitable advice from counselors of the buyer’s choosing (and at the buyer’s cost), and among other things perform a site visit and make appropriate inquiries.
Please keep in mind that any unintended and/or premature disclosure of the practice name or owner name should nonetheless remain strictly confidential, as the staff and patients of the practice are not aware that the owneris contemplating a sale of the practice. Control of this document and the information by the recipient herein is expected.
The sale or lease of real estate (i.e., the facilities) are not part of this practice. Matters relating to such sale or lease shall be discussed directly with the seller or landlord, and not by or with this brokerage firm.
This document does not purport to be a security offering and should not be used with such an understanding.
The financial records, equipment lists and operating reports received from management and subsequently sent to the prospective buyer are management’s representations and assumed to be accurate. Accuracy of these numbers should be verified by the prospective buyer during their due diligence investigation. Estimates, assumptions, and roundings may have been utilized. The Broker assumes no liability for the quantitative contents of this Professional PracticeProfile.
The cost data in the financial statements are historical figures and may be used as an approximate replacement cost, but nonetheless should be reviewed during the buyer’s due diligence process. Unless stated otherwise the underlying assets have not been appraised.
Inventory, if any, is assumed to be stated at historic cost.
The Practice has elected not to obtain audited financial statements, appraisals of tangible assets, or appraisals of real property. Management has elected to omit substantially all of the informative disclosures ordinarily included in financial statements or market value presentations appraisals. If the omitted disclosures and appraisals were included, they might influence the user’s conclusions about the Practice’s financial condition and market value.
The real estate lease, if any, should be part of the buyers standard inquiry directly with the seller or, in the alternative, directly with a third party lessee. The purchase of real estate is a separate listing and transaction and should be part of the buyers standard inquiry directly with the seller or, in the alternative, directly with a third party owner.
This document is the property of Equity Professional Practices Inc.and presents general information about the Practice that Equity Professional Practices Inc. has listed for sale on a sole and exclusive basis. This document is neither to be copied nor its contents distributed in any way to anyone, as it may contain highly confidential financial and operational information, and the reports are considered trade secrets by the Practice. If you need additional copies, we will provide them upon qualification of the specific recipient. For more detailed information you must have executed and returned a Standard Confidentiality Agreement to Equity Professional Practices Inc.
Your presentation of this information to either your attorney or your accountant is customary, however, you should advise them of their obligation of non-disclosure and to hold this and all other information concerning this practice as confidential, since you will be held liable for the confidentiality of your advisor(s). It is suggested that you retrieve and destroy any copies provided to them should you desire not to purchase the Practice.
Equity Professional Practices Inc. is a professional practice broker firm (i.e., a business broker). Equity Professional Practices Inc. does not engage in activities of a real estate broker in that it does not list, sell, buy, negotiate, lease or offer to list, sell, buy, negotiate, or lease for compensation or valuable consideration any real estate for others. All such real estate activities are not part of its listing agreement. Such activities should be directed to and discusses with either the seller or buyer of the professional practice.
If you receive this information as a professional to review and advise your client on the merits of this opportunity, your professional ethics should prevent the disclosure of this information to any third party. If not, then return this document, uncopied, to Equity Professional Practices Inc.
DO NOT CONTACT THE SELLING PARTY (i.e., either thePractice or its owners) WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION OF EQUITY PROFESSIONAL PRACTICES INC. All contacts, either by fax, telephone, writing, email or otherwise, require prior approval of Equity Professional Practices Inc. Failure to adhere to this requirement will jeopardize your ability to pursue this opportunity. If this opportunity involves co-brokerage then you are authorized to work only through Equity Professional Practices Inc.
Follow-up Contact:
Equity Professional Practices Inc.
877-318-4898 (toll free)
© 2006 Equity Professional Practices Inc. All Rights Reserved.
toll free phone #: 877-318-4898