EMISON was the first Spanish company to manufacture ovens specifically for microfusion designed for the dental industry and for jewellers.

Since 1.965, we have projected and we built our own ovens, and we are with much also leaders in this field. Since 1.988 we have manufactured equipments for the elimination of smoke to completely solve the problem of scents in the laboratory and environment, without an exit to the exterior needed. These equipments were produced by our department of I + D, and as it is habitual soon they were "shot" by other "Companies". Naturally, the ignorance of the investigation makes that our products stand out of those of those "Companies."

Other important products are the equipments for powders and smoke elimination in the shop and the recovery of metals, that are designed especially for every case and their use allow to create a clean atmosphere of work and an additional benefit recovering metals that would get lost in another way.

Gradually we are incorporating new equipments and products with the same philosophy. We only manufacture those equipments whose technology we dominate.

Among other, we have the following teams for the laboratory and the dental clinic.

* OVENS FOR WARMING-UP SERIE LAB AND PURIFYING OF SMOKE. One of the problems that are presented in the works of micro coalition by the process denominated wax lost is caused by the scents produced by the waxes in the pre heating of cylinders, and the complaints of the neighbours.

The same problem is presented in the laboratory which works burning organic matters or in the shop of temper with the burnt of oil smoke.

Our ovens, because of their special construction, partly avoid this problem, and in order to eliminate it in a definitive way, we have designed a purifier of smoke (patented model) that acts burning the gases that come off through the chimney of the oven, totally disappearing and being able to work without an exit to the exterior.

The electric ovens EMISON, LAB series, combine the contrasted quality of all our products, endorsed for more than 45 years of constant investigation, with the last technological advances, getting some exceptional results that have taken us to be leaders in the field of ovens for laboratory.

Our patented system of heating uses the maximum energy of the resistances allowing a low installed power in the oven.

* OVENS FOR ELIMINATION OF WAX. Ovens conceived especially for the elimination of waxes of the cylinders of strained and cured of the models. They incorporate a system of purification of smoke that eliminates them totally, even avoiding to install an exit to the exterior

* ACCESSORIES. For the production of the models of micro strained , we build molds of refractory steel, of great resistance and duration or of PVC, more economic and of easy extraction. The base is of silicone.

We have metallic supports, of fibre and ceramic for the placement of the pieces in the ceramic ovens.

* DESTRUCTIVE OF NEEDLES. The destroyer of needles EMISON is the definitive equipment to eliminate the risks of the contamination by hypodermic needles providing a total security.

It totally destroys the needles by calcinations through an electric current of low voltage and high intensity.

It eliminates the risks of hooding of the needles and it offers more guarantees to avoid infection risks that the use of containers.

* PRESSES. We manufacture a hydraulic press; in their robust construction the most appropriate materials have been used: All the pieces that can suffer waste are built in rectified steel.

Their handling is comfortable and simple. It has capacity for three muffles and the bomb is worked by a lever specially studied for the biggest ergonomic and functionality.

We also have flanges and manual presses for totally built muffles in stainless steel.

* TRIMMER OF MODELS. It is silent because its abrasive disk of reversible thick grain of 250 mm Ø, is carefully balanced and the careened motor, what gives it a more compact and more harmonious external aspect and more security in the professional's work avoiding possible accidents.

* TABLES OF WELDING. Made of repulsed steel foil and powder coloured in pleasant tones, they have a superior piece in refractory concrete, changeable, and with holes for the subjection of the pieces to weld.

The turning system is carried out by a screw and nut. The height is adjustable and the table can be fixed by the two ends of the cart. They are manufactured in three sizes.

* JETS OF SAND AND SANDS FOR GRANALLAR. By being entirely manufactured by EMISON in Spain, their price is inferior to the import similar machine and assures the existence of replacements and technical service in the whole territory.

The equipment has a nozzle and mouthpiece of hard metal of 3 mm ø for the recirculation of the abrasive product.

We offer t three abrasive types for their use in the sand machines:

Special white Corindon for cleaning and rough, of 150 and 250 microns.

Oxide of aluminium of 50, 100, 150 and 250 microns.

Micro spheres of glass of 150 and of 50 microns.

* ULTRA SOUNDS BATHROOMS. As a complement of the process of dripping, it is convenient to use a ultrasound bath for cleaning. We have three models of different capacities.

* HEATERS OF WAX. We manufacture two models of wax heaters for the obtaining of coifs and for the modelling, with capacity for three types of wax.