EQUIPMENT: 15 Hoops (1), Bean bags(1), Cones, Mats for tunnel (1) and gymnastics (2),

3-4 ropes and big cones, 4 wiffle balls, Tees and bases(2),

OBJECTIVES: Students will demonstrate balance and control on a variety of body parts.

Students will acquire beginning skills of a few specialized movement forms.

Students will demonstrate motor skills and knowledge of the rules when

participating in low-organized games.

Students will cooperate effectively with a partner and a group to accomplish assigned

tasks during games and activities.


Listening Circle. Whistle Mixer—blow the whistle and have students get into

different size groups and stand back to back. Then have them touch the body part you

say of all other group members. Left hands, Bottoms of right feet, elbows, backs,

touch your toes, Hit the deck. Lock elbows and skips to end of court.


Groups of two. Partner Stunt breaks.

Lock arms backward get ups.

Wring the dishrags—

Tick Tock—hands of a clock.

Alligator walk—bear crawl with 2nd person with hands on first person’s ankles.

Snake roll—lie flat, hold hands—roll together.

Three legs

Roller coaster—(tilt a whirl) hold hands and swing around.



Hop in and out of hoops.

Carry bean bags around cones using various body parts.

Crawl through a tunnel.

Jump over a rope as it is moved higher.

Limbo Contest.


GYMNASTICS (2nd day of the week, if applicable)

On Mats. Long Sit.

Make a bridge over your mat.

Use 2 hands and one foot.

Use 2 feet and one hand.

How far apart can you move your feet and hands?

Try balancing with your feet wide apart and hands close.

Try with your hands wide apart and feet close.

Find a partner and build a bridge with them---

1st and 2nd Grades—Try the tripod.


Field the ball with 2 hands and throw at the mat.

Catching the ball in the air with 2 hands.

SPECIAL GAMES (most likely second day)

Two Tees and base sets set up---hit the ball and run around the bases--race