Equality Mainstreaming Supports for the Further Education and Training Sector

Expressions of Interest

The Equality Mainstreaming Unit is seeking expressions of interest from providers of further education, training and labour market programmes who wish to avail of support from an equality expert to carry out an equality mainstreaming project.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 5.00pm, Monday, 7th July 2014


The Equality Authority has secured funding from the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Investment Operational Programme for an Equality Mainstreaming Unit in the Equality Authority. One of the objectives of the Unit is to support providers of further education and training and labour market programmes to promote equality and combat discrimination in how they plan and deliver programmes.

When planning and delivering further education and training programmes, a focus on equality is beneficial to service users, as well as staff. It enables organisations to be compliant with the Employment Equality Acts 1998 – 2011 and the Equal Status Acts 2000 – 2012, and to understand and respond to the needs of diverse service users.

A focus on equality not only helps organisations to promote equality and combat discrimination but also to become more efficient. It enables resources to be targeted where they are most needed and helps to identify programmes that work better or that need improvement.

Equality mainstreaming strategies can help to identify whether policies and programmes can accommodate diversity across the nine grounds covered by the equality legislation and identify any specific barriers experienced by learners, mitigating any potential negative impact.

Investing in equality will also support providers to be compliant with FETAC Quality Assurance standards.

Equality Mainstreaming Supports

The Equality Mainstreaming Unit (EMU) has established a panel of equality experts who can be made available to providers of further education, training and labour market programmes to support the institution to develop and deliver an equality mainstreaming project.

We are now seeking expressions of interest from providers of further education, training and labour market programmes, including ETBs, INTREO offices, Local Employment Service Offices and Training centres, etc.) who wish to avail of this support. Depending on organisational need, an equality expert can be made available for a minimum of 2 days to a maximum of 12 days. The cost of the expert’s support will be borne by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit.

Organisations that have not previously availed of equality mainstreaming supports from the EMU are encouraged to apply as well as those that have previously been beneficiaries of support.

It should be noted, however, that organisations which have previously availed of EMU equality mainstreaming supports are required to demonstrate in their application that their proposed project will be focused on implementation of equality action plans that they have developed through previous rounds of funding.

For the purpose of this expression of interest, an equality mainstreaming project will include at a minimum:

·  Equality training for staff and management in order to agree and implement an equality action plan (N.B.: Any equality training should promote at a minimum an understanding of the impact of discrimination on learners or potential learners across the 9 grounds covered by the equality legislation)

For FET providers who may have existing equality action plans, equality supports may be used to roll out equality mainstreaming training to tutors, front-line staff and managers with a view to effectively implement the equality action plan.

Other actions that may take place as part of an equality mainstreaming project are:

·  Positive action measures for learners from one or more of the nine equality grounds, with a view to improve educational outcomes;

·  The implementation of equality proofing of specific programmes, policies or procedures, in order to improve equality outcomes for learners;

·  Equality screening or equality impact assessments of specific programmes, policies or procedures;

·  The improvement of data collection with a view to implement equality data monitoring.

Actions should aim at embedding equality into:

·  the design of programmes;

·  the delivery of programmes through direct supports to tutors

·  organisational policies and their implementation (e.g. advertisement of courses, bridging courses, recruitment and selection of learners, provision of supports for learners’ such as reasonable accommodation, or language supports);

·  methodologies in learners’ evaluations and assessments (e.g. alternative forms of assessements for learners requiring reasonable accommodation or specific language and literacy supports;

·  monitoring of learners’ participation across the nine grounds;

·  the promotion of the equality competency of staff and learners across the institution;

·  actions to support and equip tutors to address racism, homophobia, transphobia or other forms of harassment and discrimination in the classroom.

Engagement and consultation with learners would also be welcome.

The Equality Authority has developed a number of resources and good practice tools on equality mainstreaming and will require interested organisations to apply these tools instead of creating new ones.

The Equality Mainstreaming supports are not intended for the creation of new toolkits but to test, adapt and apply already existing ones. See a list of useful tools and resources at Appendix 1.

An outline of FET Mainstreaming Supports implemented between 2013-2014 is included in Appendix 2.

Project Implementation and Verification

Successful applicants will be circulated with the contact details and background information about the experts on the Panel from whom they can select.

The costs associated with the project will be provided directly to the selected Equality Expert by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit through funding secured under the European Social Fund through the Human Capital Investment Operational Programme 2007-2013.

A small amount of funding will also be available to the successful applicants (on receipt of original invoices to cover light refreshments and room booking costs associated with training meetings or focus groups related to the project. Successful applicants must agree these costs in advance with the Equality Mainstreaming Unit.

Further Education and Training providers will be required to provide the following:

·  Evidence of actions undertaken through the equality mainstreaming supports and trail of vouched expenditures such as participant sign in-sheets, training materials used, records of meetings held, etc.

·  Submission of a comprehensive project report to the EMU.

The Equality Authority will provide ongoing technical support throughout the implementation of the project through liaison with the nominated equality expert and staff from the provider organisation. In case of circumstances outside of the expert’s control, the FET provider should make all efforts to complete the project and maintain contact with the FET expert through one or more project leaders.

The Equality Mainstreaming Unit will reserve the right to be involved in steering groups and committees set up for the implementation of the project and will provide technical assistance and expertise to ensure that a strong equality dimension is consistently incorporated throughout the project actions.

Expressions of Interest

Interested organisations are required to submit an expression of interest no longer than 2 A4 pages by 5.00 pm Monday 7 July, 2014. Expressions of Interest should outline the following:

·  Details of the planned equality mainstreaming actions including expected outputs and where relevant, numbers, level and function of staff and/or of learners to be targeted (e.g. an interactive equality training session should not have more than approx. 15 people per session).

·  Previous record of engagement with equality issues.

·  If applicable, evidence of equality action plans previously produced under EMU funding and evidence of an added value to previous equality projects.

·  Types of programmes, practices or policies to be reviewed, proofed or changed from an equality perspective.

·  Demonstration of an organisational commitment to integrate an equality mainstreaming approach into policies and programmes, i.e. by including confirmation or evidence of senior management willingness to take action on equality.

·  Clear commitment to share relevant project learning with the Equality Authority and within the Further and Adult Education Sector and with Labour Market programmes providers.

·  Evidence of organisational capacity to implement the project, including evidence of organisational capacity to implement the project within the established timeframe.

The criteria for assessment of the Expressions of Interest are :

A.  Nature of the project (35 /100)

The nature of the project will be assessed through the following:

·  The quality of the project proposal (i.e. clear objectives, clear methodology and outputs)

·  Whether the project will focus on one or more of the nine grounds protected by the equality legislation, and a brief rationale for the same.

·  For providers who have previously availed of equality mainstreaming supports, whether the project proposal demonstrates added value and progression from previous actions funded.

·  A clear focus on supporting staff in the promotion of equality and the prevention of discrimination, with regard to organisational policies as well in the classroom.

B.  Capacity to integrate an equality mainstreaming approach into the project (35 /100)

The equality mainstreaming focus of the project will be assessed through providing evidence of the following:

·  A clear understanding of how the project is linked to the promotion of equality into policies, programmes and services within the organisation

·  A clear demonstration of the capacity to implement equality actions as a result of this project

·  An outline of the expected impact on learners covered under one or more of the nine equality grounds.

C.  Leadership to drive forward and sustain project in the future (20/100)

The project leadership will be assessed through the following:

·  Demonstration of an active commitment, support and participation of senior management to the equality project.

·  Demonstration of the willingness and capacity to maintain a commitment to equality mainstreaming beyond the life of the project.

D.  Value for money (10/100)

The project value for money will be assessed through the following:

·  Number of expert days requested vis-a-vis the types of actions and scale of the project proposed.

·  Outline of the potential of the project to impact on organisational practices and outcomes for learners.

Closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest

The closing date for receipt of Expressions of Interest is 5.00pm on Friday, 4th July 2014

Expression of Interests should be returned to Ursula O’Meara by email:

Please use the subject line ‘Equality Mainstreaming Supports for the Further Education and Training Sector’.

For further information or queries contact:

Stefania Minervino


Tel: (01) 4173374

Appendix 1

Useful Tools and Resources



Guidelines for conducting equality impact assessments on IVEA and VEC plans, policies and programmes


Equality Benefits Tools – Employment


Equality Benefits Tools – Your Service Users and You


Equality Action Planning Framework


Working-for-Travellers'-Equality-Equality Mainstreaming Toolkit


Equality and Diversity and Grounds for Action: Building a Culture of Equality in Our Society. A Citizenship Education Resource for Transition Year and Key Stage 4


Spotlight on Stereotyping - A Resource for Teachers of Civic, Social and Political Education


Reasonable Accommodation of People with Disabilities in the Provision of Goods and Services


Guidelines for Employment Equality Policies


Guidelines for Equal Status Policies


Embedding Equality in School Development


Equality Status Policy Guidelines Local Government Services Board






Equality Screening Toolkit for the Public Sector

(please contact the Equality Mainstreaming Unit for a copy of this document

Other useful publications and conference proceedings are available at:


Appendix 2: FET Equality Mainstreaming Supports/ Projects funded in between September 2013 and June 2014)

FET Provider / Description of Actions/Supports
1.  Coláiste Dhúlaigh College of Further Education / Equality Mainstreaming training with college departments and students with a specific focus on mental health. Focus groups with staff and learners on the interface between minority group status and mental health; meetings with management and feedback from training discussions to form the basis for the college equality action plan; action plan agreed by management.
2.  AONTAS Community Education Network (CEN) / Survey Monkey re: equality issues and initiatives in adult community education. Training needs assessment, design and delivery of an equality training module to CEN Members, AONTAS staff and board. Review of an Equality Policy. Equality expert liaised with individual CEN members to develop equality actions and plans.
3.  Carlow Institute of Further Education / Equality Audit through Focus groups, interviews, students’ feedback, survey on equality and review of policies (informed by the FESS Equality Audit and Action Planning Framework). Training design and delivery and identification of future equality actions.
4.  Cavan Monaghan ETB - Adult Education / Focus groups for equality action planning, training for tutors in relation to assistive technology and inclusive learning; review of equality policy.
5.  Clare VEC
(Limerick and Clare ETB) / Training on reasonable accommodation in assessment and assistive technology for tutors in Adult Ed, Community Ed and Youthreach, review of relevant policies and procedures on reasonable accommodation, identification of new actions for the already existing equality action plan.
6.  Limerick VEC
(Limerick and Clare ETB) / Steering group/ team worked on an agreed concept of equality in Adult education; equality proofing of VTOS, BTEI, Adult Literacy, Community Education and Youthreach programmes using the FESS Equality Action Planning Framework, equality training and action planning, review of skills and tools to ensure implementation of equality actions.
7.  Co. Dublin VEC
(Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB) / The aim of the project was to develop an equality based admissions framework for Youthreach and Adult and Community Education. The work included delivery of equality training for those not familiar with the concept and introduction to equality planning. This was followed by a number of facilitated consultations which culminated in the development of an admissions framework which included an admission policies and draft codes of practice. Both policies were adopted by senior management and codes of practice will be piloted during the coming academic year.
8.  Dun Laoghaire VEC
(Dublin and Dun Laoghaire ETB) / The aim of the project was to support the development of equality mainstreaming through the delivery of equality training and action planning for staff within Sportsreach and Adult and Community Education. This was followed by a number of facilitated consultations (in conjunction with staff from Co Dublin VEC) which culminated in the development of an admissions framework which included an admission policies and draft codes of practice. Both policies were adopted by senior management
9.  Further Education and Support Services (FESS) / The project focused on programme delivery and built on the already existing FESS Equality Action Planning framework by adapting specific templates for the equality proofing of some programme modules. Guide and templates piloted with Wicklow VEC and Co. Cavan VEC Adult Education service; train-the-trainers session and dissemination plan devised.
10.  Longford Women’s Link / Focus groups on equality; design and delivery of equality mainstreaming training, including equality action planning; focus group on implementation of the equality action plan, including allocation of responsibilities for the plan and specific actions.
11.  St. Catherine’s Community Services, Carlow / Equality training for tutors and coordinators; consultations with staff and learners; review of policies from an equality perspective with tutors and coordinators; drafting and dissemination of the equality action plan.
12.  Westmeath VEC
(Longford-Westmeath ETB) / Equality training for management; development of an Equal Status policy and Employment Equality Policy; revision of the dignity and respect policy; development of a work plan for the Access Officer; training on the FESS Equality Action Planning Framework and initial Equality proofing of 2 key areas; design of a survey for equality monitoring and community mapping; identification of next steps.
13.  Cavan Institute / Equality awareness training for students’ representatives and board of management; equality workshops for the Equality Working group; equality audit of facilities, programmes and policies by the expert, in consultation with staff and students; revision of the current equality action plan and identification of next steps.

“Funded by the Equality Mainstreaming Unit which is jointly funded by the European Social Fund 2007-2013 and by the Equality Authority”