Equality Impact Assessment Form
Part 1: Initial Screening
1. Persons responsible for this assessment:
Name: Annalise Price-Thomas / Telephone: 01242 282086Service: Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service (GHES) / E-Mail:
Directorate: CYPD / Date of Assessment:
2. Name of the policy, service, strategy, procedure or function:
Race Equality Policy for Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service (GHES)Is this new or an existing one? Existing
3. Briefly describe its aims and objectives
The policy is in place to ensure effective monitoring and awareness of race equality within Gloucestershire Hospital Education Service and outlines procedures to follow for dealing with any incidents or issues relating to racial inequality should they occur.4. Who is intended to benefit from it and in what way?
Children and families of all races who are receiving support from GHES as well as staff working for GHES so that they aware of procedures and the ethos of the service which is committed to ensuring that all races are treated equally whether staff or pupils and families.5. What outcomes are expected?
That all staff continue to be cognisant of the importance of being vigilant in regards to race equality and know the procedures to follow should any incident or issue occur. Through the policy staff will also understand the wider positive impact they can have on families and children, through ensuring we deliver a broad and balanced curriculum which acknowledges that the society in which we live in enriched by ethnic diversity, culture, faith and its citizens. It also highlights our duty under the Race Relations Amendment Act 2000 to actively promote race equality.6. Have you consulted on this policy, service, strategy, procedure or function?
YesDetails of consultation
Staff discussions, Management team meetings
7. What evidence has been used for this assessment?
Internal monitoring, Pupil and parent evaluation form returns, data analysis and the outcomes of the young people GHES support.8. Could a particular group be affected differently in either a negative or positive way?
Please evidence that you have used the Consultation toolkit and planning template http://staffnet/index.cfm?articleid=5203
/ Negative / Positive / EvidenceAge / The ethos of ‘equality’ engendered by the policy is for all children, families and staff and therefore irrespective of age. According to the policy everyone is equally valued and treats one another with respect.
Disability / Racial equality will be aimed for across the entire service. If a young person, member of their family of staff member had a disability this would make no difference to the ethos of racial equality. Again this policy engenders the ethos that everyone is equally valued.
Gender including Transgender / This policy highlights the importance of fairness and diversity issues and therefore, implicitly, gender is also treated fairly and equally.
Race including Gypsy & Traveller / X / This policy should ensure a positive outcome for race equality issues, as this is the aim of the entire policy. Within this policy GHES also recognise that minority ethnic groups include Gypsy and Travellers, Refugees and Asylum Seekers and less visible minority groups, e.g. Welsh. In recognising these minority groups and monitoring the outcomes of these groups should they access support from our service we are more likely to recognise racial inequality (should it arise for these groups) and therefore deal with it effectively thus have a positive impact on racial. GHES also monitors all pupils by ethnicity and can therefore ensure that any particular group of pupils are not being disadvantaged leading to action planning where appropriate.
Religion or Belief / x / This policy links the diversity of ethnicity with the diversity of religion and culture and therefore inherently ensures that equality issues for race and religion and seen as equally important. Through the ethos of this policy we endeavour to provide a broad and balanced curriculum for all, acknowledging that the society in which we live in enriched by ethnic diversity, culture and faith of its citizens.
Sexual Orientation / Again, this policy highlights the importance of fairness and diversity issues and therefore, implicitly, sexual orientation is also treated fairly and equally. Again this policy engenders the ethos that everyone is equally valued.
Other groups (see Guidance notes)
9. If you have identified a negative impact in Question 8 complete this section
Are there any other policies, services, strategies, procedures or functions that need to be assessed alongside this screening? NOIf Yes, please identify which groups are affected
Should the policy, service, strategy, procedure or function proceed to a full Equality Impact Assessment?
If the answer is no please give reasons for this decision:
The race equality policy ensures that all young people, families and staff are treated fairly and without discrimination whatever their age, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, language or culture.
Date by which full Equality Impact Assessment is to be completed
We are satisfied that an initial screening has been carried out on this policy and a full Equality Impact Assessment is not required.
We understand that the Equality Impact Assessment is required by the County Council and that we take responsibility for the completion and quality of this assessment
Completed by: A.Price-Thomas / Date:16.12.09Role: GHES Manager (Outreach team)
Countersigned by Head of Service Date:
Date for Review:
Please forward an electronic copy to the Equalities Team by emailing
The original signed hard copy and electronic copy should be kept with your team for audit purposes.