2008 - 2012






Classification / Unrestricted
Responsibility for drafting / Project Manager (Corporate Strategic Projects)
Consulted with / Equality and Diversity Executive Group; Diversity Committee; Students’ Union; Senior Management Team; All Staff; the Trade Unions; Student Access Committee/Student Experience Committee
Document Sponsor / Deputy Vice Chancellor
Approved by / Vice Chancellor
Effective from / 7 October 2008
Next review date / 1.8.09
Equality Impact Assessment / Date Undertaken: July 2008
Further information available from: Sue Ellwood
Date of next EIA: June 2011
Enquiries to / Sue Ellwood, Project Manager (Corporate Strategic Projects)
This document is issued by Strategic Development Service. Any copied or printed versions will be an uncontrolled copy. The definitive version is available at:

We value and practise equality of opportunity, transparency and tolerance.

We strive for excellence in all we do: locally regionally, nationally and internationally.

We work in partnership with business, the community and other educators.

We encourage and promote research innovation and creativity.


·  The advancement and protection of knowledge, freedom of speech and enquiry

·  The promotion of educational opportunity for all

·  The protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals and respect for diversity

·  A commitment to health, well-being, sustainability and sustainable development






Introduction and Foreword from Vice Chancellor 1

Notes for the Reader 1

1.0  Executive Summary 2

2.0  Strategy 2

2.1 Context 2

2.2 Objectives 5

2.3 Implementing a proactive approach……………………………………10


A Roles and Responsibilities for the Scheme

B Equality and Diversity Policy Statement

C Disability Equality Scheme

D Gender Equality Scheme

E Race Equality Policy

Last saved by sellwood 23/10/2008


2008 – 2012




UCLan is now one of the largest universities in the country with more than 32,000 students and 3,000 staff. We are a successful University with clear evidence of growth, achievement and academic excellence. The University operates in an environment which is constantly changing and which presents us with a wide range of challenges. Although we have an increasingly diverse student and staff profile we recognise that continuing to draw on the widest and most diverse range of talent for our students and staff is essential to the continuing success of the University. In 2007 we agreed a transformational Medium Term Strategy covering the period to 2012 but also casting the strategy within a 10 year vision to 2017. Our vision is to be recognised as a world-class modern university, competing successfully and sustainably in a regional, national and international market. The successful implementation of this Equality and Diversity Strategy will be essential to achieving this vision.

Notes for the Reader

This document serves as both the Equality and Diversity Strategy for UCLan and our Single Equality Scheme. It sets out our objectives in some detail and explains how we will implement them. A brief summary document of the Strategy/Scheme is available.

Section 2.1 provides the context for the Strategy, includes a definition of equality which we support and introduces our objectives and vision for 2012 and 2017.

Section 2.2 presents our objectives in detail. We distinguish between the generic objectives necessary to ‘mainstream’ equality and diversity within the work of the organisation and the specific objectives which relate to the individual equality strands. We include our commitment to develop further human rights in all that we do and we introduce a seventh UCLan specific equality strand focusing upon socio-economic deprivation. Finally, we mention those MTS Supporting Strategies which will be key to achieving an inclusive and increasingly diverse university community.

Section 2.3 sets out how we will implement the objectives.


A: Details the roles and responsibilities for the implementation of the strategy.

B: The Equality and diversity policy statement which sets out our values and vision.

C: Disability Equality Scheme

D: Gender Equality Scheme

E: Race Equality Policy

Appendices C to E are not attached. They are obtainable from


The University is committed to enabling all individuals to benefit from higher education irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation. Within the Medium Term Strategy the commitment to diversity is recognised as an essential element in achieving excellence in all we do. Drawing on the widest and most diverse range of talent for our students and staff will be critical in securing the future success of the university. Despite the positives achieved already the University is committed to doing more to overcome the challenges that remain to reduce inequalities for both staff and students. We are committed to focusing not just on equality of opportunity but also on equality of outcomes. This Strategy has a dual focus. It sets out UCLan’s aims and objectives for Equality and Diversity in line with our ethical and business needs and in support of the University’s Medium Term Strategy and it also forms the newly adopted Single Equality Scheme.

As a Single Equality Scheme the Strategy provides an overarching framework with generic objectives for advancing equality and diversity and specific objectives relating to human rights and each of the equality strands (age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation) including the development of a UCLan specific equality strand focusing on socio-economic deprivation. It incorporates the existing equality schemes for disability, gender and race and sets out our aims and objectives in relation to age, religion and belief, sexual orientation and socio-economic deprivation. It describes the governance framework for the implementation of the strategy and the accompanying Implementation Plan details the actions being taken in support of each objective.


2.1 Context

UCLan is based in Preston, the UK’s newest city, at the heart of Lancashire. Approximately 70% of UCLan’s students come from the North West. Internationally, it has a range of well established partnerships and in 2007/8 there were more than 1700 international students on campus. We have an increasingly diverse student and staff profile and despite our size, we are generally seen as a friendly and welcoming environment in surveys of students, staff, and Open Day visitors.

In 2006/7 more than 10% of our students were from Black and Minority Ethnic groups, a percentage which has grown steadily in recent years. The numbers of staff from black and minority ethnic groups is also growing and in 2007 represented 7.9% of the total, reflecting the regional profile. We have a longstanding commitment to meeting the needs of student with disabilities. In 2007/8 disabled students constituted 5% of the total student population and numbers continue to grow. Reflecting the national trends for a growing female presence in Higher Education just under 60% of our staff and 56% of our students are female. We have a well-established reputation with mature students and in 2007/8 76% of our students were aged over 21. Currently, the University does not monitor religion and belief and sexual orientation of either the student or staff profile. The need for this equality monitoring will be addressed within the Single Equality Scheme.

The protection of the rights and freedoms of individuals and respect for diversity are core values of the University and are encapsulated in the concept of human rights which UCLan promotes for its staff and students. The University seeks to be ‘an integrated community based on mutual respect and tolerance where all staff and students can feel safe, valued and supported’[1]. This integrated approach to Equality and Diversity encompasses the needs and rights of students, staff and visitors and responds to and anticipates the developing legislative framework. Currently, ‘it is unlawful to discriminate against anyone because of their age, disability, ethnicity, gender, religion or belief, or sexual orientation when they are applying for a job and on any of these grounds except age when people are accessing services’[2]. The University is committed to enabling all individuals to benefit from higher education irrespective of age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation.

We support the definition of Equality developed in the Equalities Review published by the government in 2007:

‘An equal society protects and promotes equal, real freedom and substantive opportunity to live in the ways people value and would choose, so that everyone can flourish. An equal society recognises people’s different needs, situations and goals and removes the barriers that limit what people can do and can be’.[3]

UCLAN wishes to ensure that human rights are proactively considered in all that it does. To achieve this we will explicitly consider where human rights fits in with our work and set objectives which will enhance and improve human rights where it is felt necessary to do so. In practice, UCLAN generally has policies and procedures in place which ensure that account is taken of staff and students’ human rights.

Within the Medium Term Strategy, the commitment to diversity is recognised as an essential element in achieving excellence in all we do. Drawing on the widest and most diverse range of talent for our students and staff will be critical in securing the future success of the university. Despite the positives achieved already the University is committed to doing more to overcome the challenges that remain to reduce inequalities for both staff and students.

This Strategy has a dual focus. Firstly, it sets out UCLan’s aims and objectives for Equality and Diversity in line with our ethical and business needs and in support of the University’s Medium Term Strategy. Secondly it is the newly adopted Single Equality Scheme. As a Single Equality Scheme the Strategy provides an overarching framework with generic objectives and specific objectives relating to each of the Equality strands which are age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief and sexual orientation. The Single Equality Scheme provides the framework for the development of a holistic approach to equality, diversity and human rights. It incorporates the existing equality schemes for disability, gender and race and sets out our aims and objectives in relation to age, religion and belief, sexual orientation and human rights.

Generic Objectives

In order to mainstream Equality and Diversity in all that we do we have identified the following generic objectives:

·  foster and develop a proactive approach to ensuring equality and fairness in all that we do with students, staff and visitors

·  develop a suite of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to assist us in monitoring progress across the staff and student community

·  achieve greater diversity in the staff and student community through the use of KPIs and targets

·  enhance the provision of courses and services for all students

·  build capacity and capability amongst staff

·  embed the monitoring and management of equality and diversity

·  set out how we will fulfil our legislative duties

·  develop further the Single Equality Scheme

·  communicate our commitment effectively internally and externally

·  develop our approach to engaging with staff, students and the wider community in relation to the equality strands

·  enhance the diversity of the student and staff profile and experience, in particular the recruitment and progression of staff and students

Specific objectives

In addition to the generic objectives we have adopted the following specific objectives supporting the development of the equality strands and our commitment to human rights.

·  the implementation and further development of the existing equality schemes relating to disability, gender and race

·  the development of equality policies for age, religion and belief and sexual orientation

·  develop our commitment to human rights in an HE context

There are several MTS Supporting Strategies which will be key to achieving an inclusive and increasingly diverse University community. These are the Student Access Strategy, Student Experience Strategy, Internationalisation Strategy and the Human Resources Strategy.

In order to achieve the objectives set out above, we have set the following goals to be achieved by 2012 and 2017:

By 2012 we will have

·  Embedded the use of Equality Impact Assessment in the development and review of all policies to enhance the provision of courses and services for all students

·  A well embedded and functioning Single Equality Scheme incorporating Schemes for the six equality strands along with Schemes for additional ‘equality’ groups reflecting the ethical and business needs of the University

·  Embedded the management, monitoring and reporting framework for Equality and Diversity into the planning and performance management framework of the University

·  A general awareness for all staff and some specialist capability in equalities and human rights knowledge, skills and expertise in each faculty, school and service supporting the achievement of KPIs/targets at the local and corporate level

·  A more diverse student and staff community reflecting the achievement of KPIs/targets set for 2012 at both a corporate and faculty and school level so that UCLan is both the Educator and Employer of Choice for some of the equality strands.

·  A clear understanding across the University of equal pay issues, and the ability of all managers to safeguard against the perpetuation of inequality through the appropriate use of existing pay processes.

·  KPI's to support the promotion of human rights in all that UCLAN is involved in and have achieved the majority of those KPI's

·  A Communications Strategy for Equality and Diversity which sets our aim to becoming a leader nationally in Equality, Diversity and Human rights in HE

·  Have well established links, engagement and dialogue with staff, students and the wider community across the equality strands

·  Fulfilled and exceeded our legislative duties

By 2017 we will have:

·  An accessible and inclusive environment and integrated university community with mutual respect and tolerance where all staff and students can feel safe, valued and supported.