Equality and Diversity Report
17 August 2012
- Purpose of the Report
- LDNPA Workforce Statistics
2.1 Staff in post
2.2 Gender
2.3 Full Time / Part Time Status
2.4 Age Profile
2.5 Disability
2.6 Ethnicity
2.7 Religion and Beliefs
2.8 Sexuality
- Leavers
2.1 Staff in post
2.2 Gender
2.3 Full Time / Part Time Status
2.4 Age Profile
2.5 Disability
2.6 Ethnicity
1. Purpose of the Report
1.1 This report provides data in relation to the diversity of the workforce of Lake District National Park Authority (LDNPA), specifically gender, age, full/part time status, disability, ethnicity, religion/belief and sexual orientation.
It is a legislative requirement for public sector organisations to publish annual statistics relating to ethnicity and employment and monitor these statistics to ensure that particular groups of employees are not being discriminated against.
The protected characteristics are defined as age, disability, gender reassignment, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, marriage and civil partnership, sex and sexual orientation
The findings are taken from the Data Cleansing and Equality and Diversity Monitoring survey distributed to all employees onin July 2012.
2. LDNPA Workforce Statistics August 2011 – August 2012
2.1 Staff in Post
Headcount / Full TimeEquivalent
August 2011 / 209 / 181
August 2012 / 210 / 180
The headcount of staff employed by the authority has increased by 0.5% since August 2011. The Full Time Equivalent has decreased by 0.5%
2.2 Gender
The percentage of male employeeshas decreased by 1 and the percentage of female employees has increasedby 1since 17 August 2011.
Figure 1: Gender as of 17 August 2012
2.3 Full time / Part Time Status
The Authority considers requests for flexible working, whilst balancing the needs of the business; in September 2010the flexible working policy was opened up to all employees as a savings measureasking employees to make a two year commitment. The percentage of full and part time staff has remained the same since 17 August 2011.
Figure 2: Full Time/Part Time Status as of 17 August 2012
2.4 Age Profile
The age profiling has been grouped in line with the current policy for the Local Government Pension Scheme, where employees can take their pension from the age of 55.The percentage of the workforce under 50 has increased by 1 per cent, whilst the percentage of the workforce over 50 has increased by 1 per cnet.The overall changes in the age profiling shows an ageing workforce, which is in line with the increased age profile of the workforce in general. The Authority needs to be aware that following the abolition of the Default Retirement Agein April 2011 there will be an increase over the next 5 – 10 years in the age profile of the workforce.
Figure 3: Age Profile as of 17 August 2011
Figure 4: Age Profile as of 17 August 2012
The percentage of employees who declared themselves disabled has decreased by 3 since August 2011. 7 per cent of employees chose not to declare their disability status, which is a decrease of 1 percent and the number of people declaring themselves with no disability increased by 4 per cent.
Figure 5: Disability Profile as of 17 August 2012
The percentage of White-British employees has increased by 1 and the percentage of employees who chose not to declare their ethnicity has remained the same. The ‘Other’ refers to all employees who are not White-British and as a very small proportion of the workforce they have been grouped into one category for statistical purposes. This has decreased and the percentage has been rounded down to 0%.
Figure 6:Ethnicity Profile as of 17 August 2012
2.7Religion and Beliefs
The percentage of employees who chose not to declare remained the same.
The percentage of employees who stated no religion has increased by 2.
The percentage of Christian employees has decreased by 1.
No employees declared themselves as Sikh, which is a 1 per cent decrease from last year. There is an increase in the number of employees declaring themselves as Buddhist, which was last year rounded down to 0% because of the small number. There is a 1 per cent decrease in the number of other religions and beliefs being declared.
Figure 7: Religion and beliefs as of 17 August 2012
The percentage of heterosexual employees has increased by 5 and the percentage of employees who did not declare their sexuality has decreased by 5. The percentage of Gay or Lesbian employees has remained the same.
Figure 8: Sexuality as of 17 August 2012
- Leavers
- Reasons for leaving
13 per cent of employees have left the organisation since 17 August 2011.
Figure 9: Reasons for leaving since 17 August 2011
3.2 Gender of leavers
Of the employees that left between the 17 August 2011 and 17 August 201250 per cent were male and 50 per cent were female.
Figure 10: Gender of Leavers
In 2011, 50 per cent of those made redundant for efficiency reasons were male and 40 per cent were female, compared to 100 per cent being male in 2012.
In 2011, 43 per cent of employees who took voluntary redundancy were male and 57 per cent were female, compared to a 50 per cent split in 2012.
In 2011, 73 per cent of those employees who left because of a better job offer were male and 27 per cent were female, compared to a 50 per cent split in 2012
In 2011, 73 per cent of those employees who left because of the end of a temporary contract were female and 27 per cent were male, compared to 60 per cent female and 40 per cent male in 2012.
3.3Age of leavers
The biggest age profile of leavers at 81per cent is those aged 21 – 50 an increase of 9 per cent on 2011.
Figure 11: Age Profile of Leavers
100 per cent of those made redundant for efficiency reasons were aged 21-50 compared to 75 per cent in 2011.
50 per cent of employees who took voluntary redundancy were aged 21-50 and 50 per cent were aged 51-55.
17 per cent of those employees who left because of a better job offer were aged 51-55 and 83 per cent were aged 21-50.
10 per cent of those employees who left because of the end of a temporary contract were under 20 and 90 per cent were aged 21-50
3.4Full Time/ Part Time Status of Leavers
Of the 13 per cent of employees that left the organisation between 17 August 2011 and 17 August 201262 per cent were full time and 38 per cent were part time.
Figure 12: Full time / Part time status of leavers since 17 August 2011
100 per cent of those made redundant for efficiency reasons were full time.
100 per cent of employees who took voluntary redundancy were part time.
50 per cent of those employees who left because of a better job offer were full time and 50 per cent were part time.
40 per cent of those employees who left because of the end of a temporary contract were part time and 60 per cent were full time.
3.5Leavers with a disability
Of the 13 per cent of employees that left the organisation between 17 August 2011 and 17 August 2012, 15 per cent declared themselves to be disabled, a rise of 12% from 2011. 77 per cent declared themselves not to be disabled and 8 per cent had not declared.
Figure 13: Leavers with a Disability since 17 August 2011
3.6 Ethnicity of leavers
Of the 13 per cent of employees that left the organisation between 17 August 2011 and 17 August 2012, 84 per cent were White-British,8 per cent were other and 8 per cent chose not to declare their ethnicity.
Figure 14: Leavers by ethnicity
3.7 Religion of Leavers
Of the 13 per cent of employees that left the organisation between 17 August 2011 and 17 August 2012, 27 per cent were Christian, 15 per cent had no religion, 54 per cent chose not to declare and 4 per cent had had another religion or belief, these are grouped together to protect identity.
Figure 15: Leavers by religion
3.8 Sexual Orientation of Leavers
Of the 13 per cent of employees that left the organisation between 17 August 2011 and 17 August 2012, 4 per cent per gay or lesbian, 50 per cent were heterosexual, 46 per cent chose not to declare.
Figure 16: Leavers by sexual orientation