Disability Arts Online

Equal Opportunities and Diversity Monitoring Form

We would really appreciate if you could answer these few questions on diversity. This helps us to understand if we are reaching and including people from the full range of diversity in contemporary society. There are 'prefer not to say' options if you wish to opt out. The categories for this diversity data have been copied from Arts Council England's Monitoring Information form for consistency with other data sets.

A note on disability definitions: Disability Arts Online uses an inclusive definition of disability, based on the Social Model of Disability, which, by focusing on the disabling barriers imposed by society, embraces all physical, sensory and invisible impairments, learning disability, mental health and fatigue conditions.

Because we recognise that people’s perspectives and experience of disability are very wide ranging, we have a broad and inclusive approach to what disability means.

Some people will meet with access barriers on a daily basis; others may have a mental or physical impairment or health condition which is invisible to others or which they prefer to keep to themselves; some people may not even have considered themselves to be disabled until something has happened to make them reflect on the issue.

Double click on the relevant box to mark as ‘checked’

* 1. Ethnicity:

White - British

White - Irish

White - Gypsy or Irish traveller

Any other white background

Mixed - White and Black Caribbean

Mixed - White and Black African

Mixed - White and Asian

Mixed - Any other Mixed/Multiple ethnic background

Asian / Asian British - Indian

Asian / Asian British - Pakistani

Asian / Asian British - Bangladeshi

Asian / Asian British - Chinese

Asian / Asian British - Any other Asian background

Black/Black British - African

Black/Black British - Caribbean

Black/Black British - Any other Black/African/Caribbean background

Other: Arab

Other: Prefer not to say

Other (please specify)

* 2. Age:

Under 16






65 and older

Prefer not to say

* 3. Do you identify as a disabled person?



* 4. Gender identity:

Male (including female-to-male trans men)

Female (including male-to-female trans women)

Non-binary (for example, androgyne people)

Prefer not to say

* 5. Gender assumed to be at birth:



Prefer not to say

* 6. Sexual orientation


Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual

Prefer not to say

Other (please specify)

Please return your form to