Name: ______Chapter Name & No: ______

Address: ______

City/State/Zip: ______

Email: ______

Listed below are ideas to help in your RUSH functions. Check those ideas that interest you, and return this form to:
ESA Headquarters, 363 West Drake Road, Fort Collins, CO 80526 or FAX to 970-223-4456.

( ) Airline Rush party ( ) Reunion party

( ) Big Thrill Musical Mystery party ( ) Rush Coffee

( ) Caribbean Festival ( ) Rush Picnic

( ) A Day at the Zoo ( ) Scavenger Hunt

( ) The Ghost Trail party ( ) Six Decades of Dining

( ) Holiday Magic party ( ) Spring Fling

( ) The Horoscope party ( ) St. Pat's party

( ) Icebreakers ( ) Sweepstakes party

( ) Icebreaker Games ( ) 31 Scoop Salute

( ) Indiana Jones: Hollywood Fantasy ( ) Texas-style Barbeque

( ) Mardi Gras party ( ) Trash Can party

( ) Mystery party (What Happened To) ( ) Trivia party

( ) Oktoberfest ( ) Valentine party

( ) Post Pigskin party ( ) Women in History

( ) Wine & Cheese party ( ) Year's Worth of Rush Ideas


( ) Rush Kit ( ) New Chapter Kit ( ) Other: ______


The materials listed below are available to help you make presentations about ESA. They are:

  • "The Story of ESA" - Bringing good people together to do good things. This is the brochure that helps people understand ESA. It is a great introduction to ESA.
  • "ESA and You" - Making the most of your college experience. This brochure is available for use with prospective collegiate members.
  • "Elan" Membership Application
  • "DESA" Membership Application
  • "Men of ESA" Membership Application
  • "Associate Member" Packet: This is a comprehensive packet that should be used in conjunction with a personal presentation to prospective Associate Members. It covers the range and scope of ESA projects along with testimonials of merit. An application is included. This is the piece that should be presented to individuals who are serious candidates for Associate membership.
  • RUSH Ideas: This flyer outlines a variety of rush ideas that are available upon request from ESA Headquarters.
  • RUSH Kits: These kits include samplings of brochures, campaign information, applications, etc. It includes everything that you will need to think about as you are planning a rush event.
  • RUSH Kits: The Collegiate Version: These kits include samplings of brochures, campaign information, applications, etc. for the existing college chapter. It includes everything that you will need to think about as you are planning a rush event.
  • NEW CHAPTER Kits: These kits include the information that you will need to begin your plans for forming a new chapter. It includes a guide and time line for organizing new chapters.
  • NEW CHAPTER Kits: The Collegiate Version: This is the same type of organizational kit for forming new chapters with the special considerations that you will need to make when working in a collegiate setting.

Revised April 1, 2004Vice President/Membership Chairman – Rush Ideas1

pg 121 Vice President - Membership - Rush Ideas