Please hold in prayer

Evelyn Deforest, (Diane Suder’s mom) who broke her pelvis,

Lucille Timberlakewho is recovering from an

infection and is now in rm. # 310

Marcie (Marianne Dorman’s sister) who fell injuring

her face and breaking her knee

Blaine Pace, who isin hospice care

Martha and George Ramsay, Max and Marilil Rychlik,

Lucille Barrick,Frances Hall, Netta and Charles Ward,

Keith Carter, & Kathy Gooden

“Dark as my path may seem to others, I carry a magic light

in my heart. FAITH, the spiritual strong searchlight,illumines

the way,and although sinister doubts lurk in the shadow,

I walk unafraid toward the enchanted wood where the

foliage is always green, where joy abides…

in the presence of the Lord.”

-Helen Keller-

Dancing the Days...


People who are Making a difference:

Volunteers are the backbone of Hope Food Pantry Austin (Hope). They make the organization possible in providing both the service and the energy it takes to run the pantry. They provide skills, experiences, and people power for Hope's mission of sustaining, strengthening, and educating disadvantaged families in the Austin area.Volunteers are the bridge to the various partnerships within the community.

Thank you St. Luke UMC, for sharing three phenomenal members who give their time, energy, and support to Hope. Diane Suder, Elizabeth Newell, and Gale Houston have devoted endless hours to Hope’s mission. As you know, each week they announce to congregants what Hope’s needs are, in order to fill the pantry shelves; they are members of the Hope Advisory Board, a group of volunteers who guides Hope towards reaching out and helping our neighbors; and they help promote and educate Hope’s mission to the community. Without them and your participation, Hope would not be able to sustain its momentum and outreach.

Thank you Diane, Elizabeth, and Gale for your many contributions to Hope and a big thank you to the St. Luke congregation for following their lead.

Stephanie Humphreys
Hope Food Pantry Austin

With the summer travel season fast approaching,

the Finance Committee is looking for some Excel-savvy church members who could help with the weekly accounting after Sunday services.If you’re interested and capable, please join us

in the office after church to see what we do.And thanks in advance!


Sunday, May 9,

Memorials Committee 5 pm

Ad. Council 6 pm

Staff-Parish Relations Meeting

is being rescheduled

Stay tuned!

Friday, May 14

7 am-5 pm Life-Line Screening

We have only 2 certificates a $45 (value)

please contact Dianna (476-8164)


Please note:

Sunday, May 16

The Vision Team meeting

has been postponed.

We’ll put this process on hold for now—stay tuned!

Thursday, May 20, 7 pm

Trustees Meeting