Please hold in prayer:

+ Lucille Timberlake, who is at St. David’s hospital

+ Nancy Quick, who is recovering at home

+Blaine Pace,in hospice care

+Richard Gaski—prayers of thanksgiving, as he goes back to work

+Martha and George Ramsay

+ Max and Marilil Rychlik

+ Lucille Barrick

+Frances Hall

Scriptures for April 11

Acts 10: 34-43

Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24

1 Corinthians 15: 19-26

John 20:1-8 or Luke 24: 1-12

Dancing the Days...

Hello, Friends.

Have you ever experienced a more gorgeous, blooming, spectular springtime?

Being from the deep South, I’m accustomed to feeling a twinge of nostalgia for my

native habitat around this time of year, because as the Indigo Girls’ song says, “There’s somethin’ ‘bout the Southland in the springtime.”
Truth is, I’ve lived in Texas longer than Mississippi, and I’m a thoroughly naturalized Texan now—and I cannot imagine any land’s springtime being more beautiful than this one we’re blessed with, right here, right now.

Those wildflower seedlings I wrote about a month ago? Drive by the parsonage, or walk over into the yard, and behold—a veritable banquet for the eyes—a profusion of wildflower blossoms of more colors and varieties than John or I have ever seen before. We can’t even identify some of the beauties, that continue to pop up every day.

Drive down any street, any highway, walk through any neighborhood in our area, and you’ll be astounded, amazed, blessed beyond measure by the colors, the fragrances, the overwhelming greenness of trees once bare, now bursting with new life.

We’re in Holy Week, the most profoundly significant season of the Christian year. I hope you’ll be here Thursday, Friday, and Easter morning, too—so you can remember how boundlessly self-giving, how powerful in absolute humility, how transcendently loving is our God, made known to us in Jesus, our Lord.

This spring we’re having reminds me that no matter how dusty and dry, how bereft of hope and purpose the journey can seem, beautiful, bountiful, and surprising new life is ever possible, in God’s green time.

I look forward to our lively journeying with Jesus together this Holy Week, and all our days to come.



HOLY WEEK SERVICES—April 1, 2, & 4

Holy Thursday Dramatic Reading & Foot washing—7 pm

Good Friday Reading of the Passion—7 pm

Easter Sunrise Celebration—7 am

(bring a covered breakfast dish to share after worship)

Resurrection Celebration—10:50 am

(bring fresh flowers for the Easter Cross)

3 pmSaturday, April 3

West Austin Park on 9th St.

Spread the word—all kids from toddlers through fifth grade

are welcome to hunt—

and older kids (and grown-ups) are welcome to help hide eggs.

We’ll hide eggs starting at 1:30 pm, and the hunt promptly at 3 pm.

NOTICE: THE Capital 10,000 race is coming up Sunday, April 11. A map of closures is posted on the bulletin board in the fellowship hall—or google “cap 10,000”.

Second Annual Arts/Crafts Fair

Saturday, May 1 -- 10am--2pm

Contact Diane Suder to help or participate—

, 339-8042

She has flyers and postcards you can

distribute, to help spread the word!

Sign up sheets for volunteers are in the fellowship hall.

Also, there’s a basket for contributions to the themed gift baskets for the silent auction.

The Faith We Sing

We’ve ordered new copies of The Faith We Sing.

To purchase one in honor or memory of someone you,

you may fill out one of the forms available at church, or email or phone in your order.