EPC-INTRANS Stakeholder Consultation Form

EPC-INTRANS – Stakeholder consultation form

Capacity Building on Energy Performance Contracting in European Markets in Transition

Stakeholder consultation form (Summer 2015)

1.  Project background

The EnPC-Intrans project is a cooperation of 10 partners from 9 European countries aiming at motivating and enabling European municipalities and their local facilitators (e.g. architects, engineers, lawyers, or accountants) to make better use of the economic potentials related of energy performance contracting (EPC).

Rapidly Increasing energy prices in combination with ambitious CO2 emission reduction targets are the main drivers for the increasing awareness of European municipalities of the needs and potentials of improving energy efficiency in public buildings and services. Energy savings in the range of 20-80% are achievable if municipalities succeed in mobilizing both the necessary know-how and investment capital. Most of European municipalities are however lacking both.

This is why municipalities are increasingly interested in cooperating with the private sector on the basis of Energy Performance Contracting (EPC) business, which aim at financing energy efficiency upgrades, in whole or in part, from actually achieved energy cost reductions.

2.  Rationale of the stakeholder consultations from the project point of view

Activities performed under the EnCP-INTRANS project shall be based upon a sound review of the specific interests of key stakeholders and experts in the partner countries. This is why the project partners are consulting representatives of the following stakeholder groups that may be involved in the promotion of EPC models for the financing of energy efficient investments in public buildings in their countries, such as e.g.:

·  National decision makers and authorities influencing the legal and administrative framework for EnPC/ESCO projects in the public sector in the country.

·  International institutions, as far as they are relevant in the country as donors or technical assistance provider (e.g. in Ukraine, Serbia)

·  Local decision makers and authorities, who would be interested to make use of EnPC/ESCO models for the improvement of public buildings or services on site.

·  Facilitators and advisers of local public authorities who would like assisting public authorities in developing their ENPC/ESCO projects up to the tendering stage.

·  ESCO companies.

·  SMEs who would like joining the ESCO market.

·  And many other stakeholders and experts

The partners will contact them for interviews (in personal meetings, by phone, or by email) ´which are focusing on 6 major questions that require not more than 10 minutes to be answered.

3.  Stakeholder interest in supporting the consultation process

Stakeholders participating in the consultation process will be actively informed at all stages of project implementation of the project results, including successful EPC business models applied in Europe and their adaptation to the situation in the public sector of the partner countries. They will be actively involved in the peer review of project progress and achieved outcomes, and they will receive priority invitations to participate in:

·  Information events

·  Training seminars (on site) and webinars (online)

·  Conferences

They will be entitled to download free of charge all training materials developed in due course of the project, and to propose further stakeholders and experts, including the staff of their own organizations for priority invitations to the aforementioned events.

4.  Clarifications

n  The personal identification of stakeholders is only requested for the purpose of providing evidence to the comprehensiveness and relevance of the spectrum of interviewed stakeholders.

n  Personal data of interviewed stakeholders are only stored for project purposes insofar as they are necessary to keep the stakeholders informed about the project results and to invite them to project events.

n  No data will be forwarded to any third party.

n  All opinion expressed and information provided by individual stakeholders are stored separately from the data provided for the identification of interviewed stakeholders.

n  All provided information will be processed and evaluated in an anonymous procedure which ensures that nobody can trace any individuals’ opinions from the accumulated information provided in reports and deliverables.

5.  The interview form (guideline)

Interview guidelines - General Part – IDENTIFICATION OF INTERVIEWED Stakeholder:
Date of completion (DD/MM/YYYY):
Country of residence:
Stakeholder group: / ( ) National decision makers / authorities
( ) Local decision makers / authorities
( ) Facilitators / advisers of local public authorities
( ) ESCO companies
( ) SMEs who would like joining the ESCO market
( ) Other:______
Name of the institution:
Role of the institution:
Position in the institution:
Email address:
Phone contact:
Experience with EPC: / ( ) YES ( ) NO
Prior written consent / ( ) YES, I agree in the storage of these data for project purposes.
( ) NO, I disagree in the storage of these data for project purposes
Key questions / Answers, comments and explanations /
1) Are you informed about the basic ideas and concepts of EPC / ( ) YES ( ) NO
2) Do you know any example of a successful EPC project in your country or abroad? / ( ) YES ( ) NO
If yes: Please describe the project:
3) Do you know ESCOs providing EPC services? / ( ) YES ( ) NO
If yes: Please name and describe them:
If YES in 1), 2), or 3):
Which advantages and disadvantages of EPC concepts do see and where do you think EPC is applicable in the public sector in your country? / Advantages:
Potential applications
What are the major challenges and incentives for the application of EPC in public buildings in your country? / Challenges:
What would be necessary to make EPC a viable business model for public buildings in your country? / Changes / amendments required
( ) in politics
( ) in public administration
( ) in municipal finances
( ) in the energy sector
( ) in other sectors: ______
Please explain:
4) Have you ever been concerned with the development and implementation of EPC projects in your country? / ( ) YES ( ) NO
If yes in 4):
What was your role? / ( ) Building owner
( ) Public administration
( ) Technical / economic / legal adviser
( ) Financing institution
( ) ESCO
( ) Other: ______
Please specify:
Have these projects been implemented (achieved results)? / Please explain:
What are your conclusions and recommenddations from these projects? / Please explain:
5) Would you like yourself (or your staff) to learn more about how to develop and implement an EPC project in public buildings and services? / ( ) YES ( ) NO
If YES in 4):
According to your opinion what are the major areas of know-how related to EPC which need to be developed in the public sector in your country? / Please select 3 of the following:
( ) Basic concept of EPC
( ) Legal background
( ) Technical project design
( ) Economic basics
( ) Tendering procedure
( ) Contract models
( ) Financing options
( ) Calculation of baselines
( ) Measuring and verification of energy savings
and emission reductions
( ) Economic and technical risks
( ) Risk mitigation options
( ) Other: ______
Whom in your own organization should we put on the invitation list for trainings? / Name(s), email addresses, phone numbers
What would be your preferred training methods? / ( ) Seminars on site (one day)
( ) On-line webinars (90 minutes on-line tutorials)
( ) E-learning courses (self-study)
( ) Other: ______
6) Other comments / opinions?

Please return the completed interviews to