EOC (STARR) - Second Semester Review

Africa and Culture

Culture- total knowledge, attitude and behaviors shared by and passed on by members of a group (a groups way of life)

Society- Group that shares a place, identity, and culture. Ex America and Middle East

Ethnic Group-Group that has a separate identity from the rest of the society.

Cultural Hearth-The place of origin of a major culture from which new ideas and technologies spread. Ex United States

Innovation-creating something new to meet a need.

Acculturation-When a culture changes because of its introduction to another culture.

Diffusion-The spread of ideas, inventions, or behaviors. (religion, technology, language)

Parts of a Culture- .food and shelter, religion, family, Language, education, Security/protection, Government, Art.

Desertification- the degrading of land to dry land

Sahara- large desert in northern Africa

Sahel- large grassland in central Africa, receives more rainfall than the Sahara

Tuareg-Nomads of the Sahara, that live in group of 100, that wear blue robes to protect them from the sun, and lead camel caravans across the desert.

MarginalLand- land not well suited for farming

Pastoral Nomad- people that move from place to place to find pastures for their herds

Igbo-ethnic group rewarded by British for their willingness to cooperate with colonial rulers

Apartheid- the separation of races in South Africa

Subsistence Farming- farming that produces just enough for the farmers family.

Commercial Agriculture- farming on a large scale that produces to make a profit

Main Cultures of Africa Arabian, Bantu, Afrikaaners

What human activities contribute to desertification? Nonnative plant crowd out native plants, deforestation can leave marginal land exposed to erosion, and poor farming method can wear out thin soil

How have modern technologies improved desert life in Africa? (name the technologies) Allow satellite phones for communication, drilling machines to locate underground water, trucks replace camel for hauling heavy loads.

What is a lasting legacy of British rule in Nigeria? Cultural conflicts within country borders

Name the important economic activities of the Niger River Delta. Oil Production

What led to the creation of South Sudan in 2011? The north is Islamic and the south is Christian

Name the 2 largest ethnic groups of Nigeria. Hausa and Fulani

Who was the first black President of South Africa? Nelson Mandela

What are the 2 things that MOST divide Nigeria? Ethnic and religious tensions

The finding of what resources caused the war between the British and the Boers in South Africa? gold and Diamonds

Be able to explain European colonialism (imperialism) in Africa. The Europeans divided Africa into colonies; they did not divide along ethnic boundaries


Where are most cities located in South America? Near the coastline

Name 3 human factors of where cities are located. Economic Activities (Access to Natural Resources), level of technology, transportation routes

What does sustainable development look like in Latin America? Cattle raising to prevent desertification, wind farms, hydroelectric dams.

What were the PULL factors for the original river valley civilizations?

Access to water, Better farmland, new farming technology


What is a bar Mitzvah? Jewish ceremony that marks the crossing over from childhood into adulthood

Three major branches of Christianity…Roman Catholic-Protestant-Eastern Orthodox

Holy city for Christians, Jews and Muslims…….Jerusalem

Which religion is the largest in the world……Christianity

How many people practice Sikhism……..25 million

what is a guru……an Enlightener

Which religion’s goal is to attain Nirvana……Buddhism and Hinduism

What country is the cultural heart of Buddhism……..India

This religion is considered an ethnic religion……..Hinduism

The followers of Islam worship in a…..…mosque

What are the beliefs of the Buddhists….in life we are only temporary vessels and the goal is to attain nirvana where we are free from greed, hate and ignorance

Which religion does not have a “holy book”…Hinduism

Which religion has 700 million believers…..Hinduism

what is innovation …the creation of better ideas, technologies and services

what is an ethnic group… members identify with one another thru a shared language and customs

What is the goal of Al Qaeda….restoring Muslim land to Muslim people

What are the 5 Pillars of Islam…daily prayer, fasting, pilgrimage, alms to the poor, only one God

Why was Pakistan created by the British…created for Muslims to separate from Hindus

Main language of Middle Eastern countries…Arabic

What is the main vegetation of Saudi Arabia …desert vegetation

What group established executions and floggings in Afghanistan…The Taliban

Iran has nuclear plants and the rest of the world is concerned…why? Afraid of Iran attacking Israel and other western countries

What is cultural diffusion….the spreading out of culture to another area

What is a cultural region…a geographic area that encompasses a specific ethnicity and/or culture

Define society… a large social grouping sharing similarities like language, holidays

What is the most abundant resource and the most valuable resource in the Middle East…most abundant is petroleum and most valuable is water

How did Israel become a country… UN designated land in Palestine for the Jews (Israel)

Who are the Taliban…ruled Afghanistan from 1996-2001, very radical, suppressed woman’s rights

What is terrorism and show examples…violent acts against civilians intended to create fear

Why has Afghanistan been a place where terrorists stay…radical believers of Islam live in this country

The holy book for the Jewish faith….Torah

Population & Migration/ South & East Asia

Population density- How many people live in a certain area

Population distribution- Most people live close to water

Push factor- negative factors that make people want to move from the area where they live.

Pull factor- positive factors that encourage people to move another area.

Demographer- Person who studies population density maps, population pyramids, and other geographic data to describe population characteristics and trends.

Negative population growth- When the death rate in a country is great that the Birth Rate

Birth rate- Number of babies born in a country in a specific period of time.

Death rate- Number of people who die in a country in a specific period of time.

Human migration- patterns of people moving from on place to another.

urbanization-people moving from rural areas to unban areas

population trends- either the increase or decrease of population over a period of time.

What area has India and Pakistan fought over since 1947? Kashmir

What landform divides China and Nepal? Himalayas

What are the positive effects of building the Three Gorges Dam? Clean energy, Flood control, help river shipping.

What are the two main reasons Europe’s high population density may not hold steady much longer? Oldest Population of any continent and lowest birth rate

Which of the countries in Monsoon Asia are Islamic countries? Indonesia, Pakistan

List the beliefs of Confucianism. Respect for parent, government, ancestors, emperor and importance of education

Why is negative growth rate occurring in Europe? ( hint: death rates, replacement rates) More people are dying than are being born.

What physical factors influence where people settle? Landforms, Climates, Nearness to bodies of water

What is the highest mountain peak in the world? How high is it? Mt.Everest at 29,035 feet

What processes lead to changes in settlement patterns? Urbanization, Transportation, iAccess to resources, Economic activities

Where is the Ring of Fire? Around the pacific ocean

List several ways European countries are dealing with an aging population.

Government budgets more for pensions and healthcare, cut the amount each person receives for pension, raise retirement age, bonuses to people who retire later, Provide better healthcare preventatives and home care instead of nursing homes.

Describe the characteristics of a summer monsoon. Moves southwest across Indian Ocean from June to September and brings heavy rains.

Where do most people live? (The region of the world i.e. - East Asia, Europe etc.) China and India

What is the main cause of uneven population is distribution around the world? People tend to live where there is good soil, fresh water, and a mild climate

Where do the majority of Europeans & Americans live? (urban or rural areas?) Urban areas

What caused the world population growth rate to increase approximately 200 years ago? New farming methods and industrialization.

Who was the leader of Communist China from 1949 until 1976? Mao Zedong

Where do most Japanese people live? In cities

Political Geography and Europe

In what type of environment do most people want to live?

Flat, fertile plains and river valleys with good climate

What are pull factors?

Reasons to move to an area – jobs, good medical care, education

What is the most common type of climate in Europe?

Marine west coast

What is the most common type of land use in Europe?

Commercial farming

What are the characteristics of a dictatorship?

One person or group of people who take control by force and make decisions for their own benefit not all of the people.

How do landforms affect the shape of countries in Europe?

Often used to form country’s borders

What type of government allows individual citizens to make decisions about important government policies?

Democracy and republics

What countries make up the Scandinavian Peninsula?

Norway and Sweden

What countries make up the Iberian Peninsula?


What landform serves as the border between Europe and Asia?

The Ural Mountains

What are the two most important rivers in Europe?

The Rhine and DanubeRiver

What ethnic group makes up the majority of the Belgium population?


What are the characteristics of a Theocratic government?

Religious leader who makes all laws based upon the religion, censorship, religious laws, and repression (ex: Iran and Vatican City)

How much land has been reclaimed from the ocean in the Netherlands? 40%

How are windmills used by the Dutch?

To pump water around dikes

What countries are members of the Benelux?

Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands

List the three German empires for oldest to latest. Charlemagne's Empire 742-814, German Empire 1871-1917, Nazi Germany 1933-1945

What country first introduced the idea of Democracy?


What is a constitutional monarch?

King or Queen as figure head with congress or Parliament making laws.

What country’s government was influenced by troops returning from the revolutionary war in America? France

What countries where allies to the United States in World War I?

United Kingdom, USSR and France

What is Nationalism?

The belief that one’s country is superior to all others

What event started World War I?

Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand

Who ended the first republic in France?

Napoleon Bonaparte taking control

What are the characteristics of the United Kingdom?

It is made up of England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland. It has had the same government since 1066. It is the oldest government in the world.

What makes Vatican City different from other European Countries?

It is thesmallest sovereign country in the world. It is the only country that speaks Latin. It is a Theocracy led by the Pope.

List the Peninsulas found in Europe.

Balkan, Scandinavian, Iberian, Italian, Jutland

Where is the stateless nation of the Basque region found? Edge ofFrance a