Environmentally Friendly Sneaker:

Life Cycle Diagrams

Goal: Choose a consumer product, analyze and explain the environmental impact of the production of that item, then develop a re-engineering plan to reduce pollution costs without sacrificing commercial appeal.


Choose any consumer product (preferably one you use often… it will help if you are specific… for instance, Nike basketball shoes, Jansport backpack, Columbia jacket, etc.).

Research production of that item from its beginning to the time you buy it in the store.

be sure to begin with a natural resource (for example, shoes made of leather come from cowhide, so it would begin with raising cows)… if there is more than one, write all of them

follow the natural resource through every step of production

don’t forget transportation of resources

include solid wastes that are produced as well as water used in the process.

include typical packaging for the item

On a piece of construction paper (or larger), make a flow chart of the process including the following:

steps of production (include written descriptions and pictures from magazines or internet)

environmental impacts

re-engineering plan

  • goal: reduce environmental impact of production of the item without sacrificing appeal or performance of the item

Grading Rubric: 40 points total

Name: ______Period: ______

Area / Exemplary
A (10-9) / Proficient
B (8) / Developing
C (7) / Emerging
D (6) / Missing
F (0)
Production /
  • begins with a natural resource
  • each step of the process is included, nothing is left out
  • written description of each step, with pictures for each
  • transportation methods for product are included
  • packaging for the item is included
/ Most items from “Exemplary” are present / Many items from “Exemplary” are present / Few items from “Exemplary” are present / All items missing
Environmental Impact /
  • Impacts on environment are described completely (types of pollution, waste products- hazardous and solid, greenhouse gases, environmental health of workers who make it, effects on biodiversity, etc.)
/ Most items from “Exemplary” are present / Many items from “Exemplary” are present / Few items from “Exemplary” are present / All items missing
Re-Engineering Plan /
  • plan to reduce above impacts is included
  • explanations for reductions are clear
  • plan does not sacrifice appeal or performance of product
/ Most items from “Exemplary” are present / Many items from “Exemplary” are present / Few items from “Exemplary” are present / All items missing
Overall Neatness/ Creativity/ Use of Time /
  • neat and clear
  • creativeorganization
  • time in class is used to your advantage
  • grammar is excellent
/ Most items from “Exemplary” are present / Many items from “Exemplary” are present / Few items from “Exemplary” are present / All items missing