Army JROTC Syllabus Semester 2 School Year 2014-2015
Instructor(s) / MAJ (Ret) Tony BrewingtonSFC (Ret.) Hector Carrion
SFC (Ret.) Randy L. Hunt / E-mail /
Office Phone / (910) 522 - 4784 / Office Hours / M – Fri.
0730 - 1500
Office / 700 Hall Room 709 / Period(s) / 1st (8:00-9:30am); 2nd (9:37-11:07am);
3rd (11:36am- 1:09pm);4th (1:39-3:00pm)
Text(s): Cadet Command Reg. 145-8-3, LET 1 – 4 Manuals; JROTC Cadet Reference Guide; Ram Battalion Cadet Handbook.
The mission of the Army JROTC program is to “Motivate young people to become better citizens.” This course is in accordance with provisions set forth in the U.S. Army Cadet Command Program of Instruction. Course content includes: Character and Leadership Development; Wellness, Fitness and First Aid; Drug Abuse Prevention; Geography and Earth Science; Citizenship and American History; Career Opportunities; Role of the Armed Forces; Technology Awareness; Command and Staff Functions; Consumer Education and Budgeting; Unlocking Your Potential. The JROTC Program combines classroom instruction with extracurricular activities oriented on attaining an awareness of the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of citizenship; developing the cadet’s sense of personal responsibility; promoting wellness and physical fitness; building life skills and providing leadership opportunities.
Requirements: 1) Cadets are issued and held personally responsible for their JROTC uniforms. Cadets are responsible for proper uniform wear, maintenance and the turn in of the uniform in the same condition as issued upon completion of the course. Cadets are required to wear their uniforms once a week during inspections on Wednesday. Wear of the uniform is not optional and is part of the overall course grade. THE STUDENT MUST WEAR THEIR UNIFORM THE PRESCRIBED NUMBER OF TIMES IN ORDER TO PASS THE COURSE! 2) A parent release form must be on file in the JROTC office for each enrolled cadet. The cadre will issue the forms the first week of enrollment and returned prior to participation in any JROTC activities or equipment issue. 3) Promotions and demotions, as well as leadership position selection, are determined based on individual merit. Schools suspensions, for any reason, will result in rank reduction and non-consideration for future promotion. 4) Classroom Rules- a) No eating, drinking or chewing gum; b) absolutely no use of personal electronic devices i.e. cell phones, walkmans, PDAs, MP3 players, video games etc c) No sleeping or sitting improperly in seats; d) Adherence to the Robeson County Schools dress code; e) Respect the instructor and fellow students at all times f) NO PROFANITY WILL BE TOLERATED
Evaluation: The level of student achievement is determined by practical performance (presentations, marksmanship, physical training, unit drills) participation, projects, essays and written examinations during each 9-week period. Final grades calculated based on the following areas: LET 1-4 students Leadership Lab and Uniform Inspections; Participation: Course Essay. The essay must be at least one typed page, double space, Arial font with 1”side margins-Topic (To be announced). All essays are due no later than 2 weeks prior to the end of the nine week; 5 Exams and Final Exam (* Cadet Staff and Chain of Command grades are based on the successful completion of duty on a PASS/FAIL basis. Quitting in a position constitutes a grade of “0”. Wearing of the uniform is included). You cannot receive a passing grade without wearing your uniform at least 80% of the required number of days; Cadets are graded on their performance as facilitators and assistant instructors. They are responsible for the successful completion of a JROTC Service Learning Project of their choice. Seniors will be exempt from taking the final if they have less than three class absences and Class Averages of A. All students will be required to make-up all missed assignments. Grade consists of the following: Participation: 15%, Uniform Appearance: 15%, Test: 40%, Quiz: 10%, Essay/Presentation: 10%, Notebook/Portfolio: 10% All missed assignments that are not made up will result in a grade of “0”. .
Extra-curricular Activities: The JROTC program affords cadets with the opportunity to participate in numerous after school activities. (Honor Guard, Color Guard, Drill Team, Raider Challenge and Rifle Teams). Merits are given to cadets who participate in school and community support activities and extra curricular activities. Demerits are given to cadets who are insubordinate to leadership, show willful disobedience to rules or direction, fail to wear prescribed uniform, fraternize with subordinates, display improper conduct, and demonstrate a lack of motivation/positive attitude, and abuse government or school property. Merits and Demerits directly affect the overall class participation grade. Cadets must maintain an overall 2.0 GPA in order to participate/compete in extra curricular activities or hold a leadership position.
Administrative Details: Students are required to bring writing materials and supplies to class daily. Must maintain a three ring binder notebook.
Week 1 (22-30 JAN-) / Introduction, Inprocessing, AdministrationU1CIL1/L2 Making a Better Citizen, Purpose
Week 2 (2-6 FEB) / U3C1L1 Self Awareness
U3C7L1 Managing Anger
Week 3 (9-13FEB) / U3C1L2 Winning Colors
U3C7L4 Violence prevention / Jail House Visit
Booster Club Mtng
Week 4 (16-20 FEB) / U3C1L3 Personal Growth Plan
U3C10L1 Making the Right Choices / Police Call # 3
Week 5 (23-27 FEB) / U2C1L1 Leadership Defined
U3C10L3 Time Management / Rifle Match
Week 6 (2-6 MAR) / U2C2L2 Leadership Reshuffled
U3C6L1 Becoming a Better Writer / Tri County Rifle Match
Week 7 (9-12 MAR) / U2C2L3 Leadership From Inside Out
U6C2L1 Our Natural Rights / Raider Challenge Competition
Week 8 (16-20 MAR) / U2C2L4 Principles of Leadership Part 1
U6C7L1 Roles of Citizens / Mini Drill @PSHS
Week 9 (23-27MAR) / U2C2L4 Principles of Leadership Part 2
U2C5L2 Taking Charge
Week 9 (310MAR-1APR) / U3C3L1 Thinking Maps
U3C9L3 Military Career Opportunity / End of 3rd 9weeks
Week 10 (13-17 APR) / U3C5L1 Finding Solutions Conflict
U4C1L4 Nutrition, You are What You Eat / Field Day @ SPHS
Week 11 (20-24 APR) / U3C5L2 Finding Solutions: Conflict and Behavior
U4C2L4 Treating Shock/ Immobilize Fractures / Police Call #4
Week 12 (27 APR-1 MAY / U3C4L1 The Communication Process.
U4C3L2 Critical Decisions About Substance / Regimental Drill Competition
Week 13 (4-8MAY) / U3C1L1-3 NEFE Setting Financial Goals / Bn Awards Day
Week 14 (11-15 May) / Heat Injuries / BN Organizational Day
Week 15(18-24 MAY) / Unit 7 Marksmanship
Week 16 (26-29 MAY) / U5C1L1 Introduction to Maps Part 1
Week 17 (1-5 JUN) / U5C1L5 Map Reading Part 2
Week 18 (8-10 JUN) / 18 Week Review and Exam
SFC USA (Retired) SFC USA (Retired) MAJ USA (Retired)
Army JROTC Instructor Army JROTC Instructor Senior Army JROTC Instructor
Student’s Signature______Date: ______
Parent’s Signature: ______Date: ______