Environmental Task Group Conference Call / Webinar


National Ready Mixed Concrete Association

Operations, Environmental & Safety Committee Meeting

FridayAug. 28, 2009

1:00pm – 2:00pm

Original minutes posted on 1 Sept. 09 at 1500

Minutes amended on 2 Sept. 2009 at 0900

  1. The presiding officer Chairman Corrales called the group to order. Those in attendance were:

D. Corrales, J. Forbes, J. Alexander, T. Jones, E. Christi, M. Mariotti, CJ. Spainhour, D. Ruhlin, J. Richardson, K. Chumley, M. Hallmark, S. Hammersley, T. Foley, B. Wigginton, G. Vickers, D. Ayers, G. Mullings

  1. Chairman Corrales reminded attendees that the meeting would be held in strict accordance with theAnti-trust statement of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association.
  2. Chairman Corrales Opening remarks included a welcome to attendees, a brief overview of the one- hour meeting and that the meeting would be adhere to the time schedule. Any further business that could not be accomplished would be moved to the task group meeting in Indianapolis this October.
  3. Mr. Mullings lead a discussion of U.S. EPA Initiative to target the ready mixed concrete.

Mr. Ruhlin discussed his meetings with EPA and suggested that their compliance assistance has not been industry specific and targeted to the current enforcement initiative in his opinion. The MCET State wide grant/pilot training program was discussed. This Maryland specific training will be held four times in the state of MD (free of charge) during the month of September and will be used as a model for other states.

Mr. Spainhour suggested that NRMCA might have a Stormwater training webinar that was industry specific.

  1. The Green-Star Programwas reviewed. There are now 26 certified plants and more than 50 accredited auditors. There will be a special Green-Star meeting at ConcreteWorks on Sunday Oct 18, 3:30- 5:00pm.
  2. Mr. Mullings reviewed the draft Sustainable Plant Guidelinesdocument as presented by the RMC Research and Education Foundation contractor. It was noted that the Sustainable Plant Guidelines are different from Green-Star and the Environmental Excellence Awards.
  3. The Environmental Seminars for 2009ConcreteWorks were reviewed.

Mr. Forbes mentioned that Mr. Taylor would agree to step in and give a presentation on “No water truck wash out”.

  1. The Environmental Excellence Awards for 2009 were reviewed.

Mr. Hammersley pointed out that judging was made less complicated by electronic submission process new for this year.

  1. In “Other business” Chairman Corrales asked to be prepared to discuss change over to a new Environmental Task Group Chairman in April of 2010.

Mr. Jones reminded the group of a request for names for the 2010 Carpenter award to been sent to staff by Oct. 1, 2009.

10. Having no further business and within the one-hour meeting time Chairman Corrales adjourned the meeting.

Aug 28, 2009 NRMCA Environmental Task Group Agenda