Environmental Detectives: PDAs as a Window into a Virtual Simulated World
Eric Klopfer
MIT Teacher Education Program
Kurt Squire
Curriculum & Instruction, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Henry Jenkins
MIT Comparative Media Studies
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA02139
Type of Course:
Use of mobile devices in class:
The use of computer simulations is changing the very nature of scientific investigation [2], and providing us unique insights into the way the world works [10]. Scientists can now experiment in a virtual world of complex, dynamic systems in a way that was impossible just years ago. These tools have led to discoveries on topics ranging from the origins of planets to the spread of diseases through human populations. Simulations have also changed the way that science is taught. Many teachers use simulated systems on desktop computers to allow their students to conduct explorations that otherwise would be too time-intensive and costly [5].
To date most computer simulations have been tethered to the desktop, as they have relied on the processing power of that form factor. As we move simulations from the desktop to more ubiquitous and increasingly powerful portable devices, we could simply port existing tools to this new platform. This change in form factor alone would provide advantages in price and accessibility to students. But, the move from the desktop to the handheld computer provides other advantages, which make this an especially attractive platform for studying simulations. In order to fully capitalize on the handheld form factor, we should harness other features of handhelds including:
- portability –can take the computer to different sites and move around within a site
- social interactivity – can exchange data and collaborate with other people face to face
- context sensitivity– can gather data unique to the current location, environment, and time, including both real and simulated data
- connectivity – can connect handhelds to data collection devices, other handhelds, and to a common network that creates a true shared environment
- individuality – can provide unique scaffolding that is customized to the individual’s path of investigation.
The purpose of this research project is to develop and examine a new simulation platform that is designed from the ground up for handheld computers and draws on the unique affordances of handheld technologies. Implicit to our research is the belief that a powerful handheld learning environment might capitalize on the portability, social interactivity, context sensitivity, connectivity, and individuality of ubiquitous devices to bridge real and virtual worlds. This platform will enable the development of “augmented reality” simulations, that is simulations that provide a virtual context layered on top of a real-world context. The handheld computer then provides a window into the virtual context that is sensitive to information being supplied to it by the real world.
Our first step in designing an augmented reality simulation development environment for handheld computers was to create a module that served as a proof of concept. This module represents the types of simulations that the development environment will ultimately be able to create. By creating and studying this single module, we gained insights into the requirements for the simulation development environment. The prototype, “Environmental Detectives,” is a participatory simulation where groups of students participate in a real-time simulation based on a local watershed. The real-world watershed includes streams, trees, and other natural elements. This real-world situation is then augmented by a simulation of an environmental disaster; in this case a toxic spill that can potentially contaminate ground and surface water. The handheld computers then provide a window into that simulation where students can take simulated sample readings, interview people and get geographical information. They must combine real-world and virtual-world data to get to the bottom of the problem.
Description of Scenario
Students play the role of environmental engineers who are presented with the following scenario at the beginning of the simulation:
During the construction of the underground garage of the new GearyCenter (at the corner of Elm and Main Street) significant amounts of water are pumped up from the ground in order to lower the groundwater table so that the garage can be constructed in a dry environment. As a matter of regulation the water is tested for the 25 most commonly found in groundwater at hazardous waste sites. As a result of the testing it is discovered that the chemical TCE is present in the extracted water. You call the President of the University to report and he asks, “How dangerous is TCE? Where did the contamination come from and how widespread is it? Does MIT need to take some action (and what action might this be)? What do you advise?” You promise to call him back within three hours with your advice on the problem.
Students watch a 60 second digital video-briefing from the University president where they are enlisted to investigate the spill of TCE, a carcinogenic degreasing agent which is commonly found in machine shops, cafeterias, and hospitals. The goal of the game is to locate the source of the spill, identify the responsible party, design a remediation plan, and brief the president of the University on any health and legal risks so that he will be prepared for a meeting with the EPA – all within two hours. At the end of the game, students make a five minute presentation to their peers outlining their theory behind the spill. The game is designed to be flexible so that teachers may have students report to a third party who judges a winner, have their peers vote on the best solution, choose winners themselves, or choose no winner at all, if they prefer a less competitive experience.
Figure 1 – A screen shot (left) of Environmental Detectives taken from a Pocket PC. The red dot indicates the players current location and is guided by real world position as supplied by GPS. The pink markers represent locations of interviews, while the blue markers show where the player has already sampled the water. On the right is shown some of the textual resources that players can uncover.
The spread of TCE is simulated on a location-aware Pocket PC, which functions as a tool which students can use to investigate the TCE spill. Each Pocket PC is equipped with a GPS device, which allows players to sample chemical concentrations in the groundwater depending on their location. So, for example, if the player is standing at point a, which is near the source of the spill (See Figure 1), she might take a reading of 85 parts per billion, where as a student standing on the opposite end of campus (point b) might take a reading of 10 points per billion. Players are given three reusable drilling apparatuses which they can use to drill for water samples. After drilling for a sample, players must wait three minutes for the sample to return, meaning that students can only take three samples at a time, and are forced to develop sampling strategies in order to optimize the amount of ground that they can cover in limited time. Because the GPS data is only accurate within 10 meters, there is some built-in error to the collected readings as well.
Environmental Detectives contains a multimedia database of resources which students can use to learn more about the chemical make-up of TCE, where TCE is found on campus, the health risks associated with exposure to TCE, how TCE flows through ground water, relevant EPA regulations TCE, remediation strategies for cleaning up TCE, and the political and economic consequences of EPA violations on campus. Students access these resources by obtaining interviews from virtual university faculty and staff who we have spread across campus at locations roughly corresponding with actual operations. Because time is limited and there is not enough time to interview everyone or to drill more than a handful of wells, students must make choices between collecting interviews, gathering background information, and drilling wells, adjusting and reprioritizing goals as new information becomes available.
The current version of Environmental Detectives takes about 2 hours for college students to complete (though we have a similar approach in the works for high school students), although a teacher might extend or shorten the game in order to meet her classroom needs. In its current form, Environmental Detectives includes a 20 minute game setup and discussion, approximately 90 minutes of game play, and an anticipated 30 minutes of discussion. The game is designed to be flexibly adaptive, so that teachers might easily add extension activities (such as exploring the properties of TCE, the health effects of TCE, hydrology, water treatment plans, or similar cases) or remove activities as local conditions suggest (See Squire, Makinster, Barnett, et al., 2003). As a part of our design research agenda, we hope to use this study to identify what aspects of the experience teachers and students find valuable as we flesh out the design of Environmental Detectives to include increased functionality, such as a more dynamic hydrology simulation, peer-to-peer communication capabilities, or wireless internet capabilities.
Instructional Foundation
Virtual simulations allow learners to engage in inquiry-based activities, but within virtual worlds that create a compelling narrative context for learners. Consistent with Goal-Based Scenarios, Problem-based learning, and anchored instruction, we use problems to provoke students’ curiosity, provide a context for student inquiry and a focus for student activity. In this case, the president’s briefing introduces the point – source pollution problem that frames students’ inquiry. In other scenarios, different narrative hooks might be used to set the context for student inquiry, build engagement in the learners, and initiate conditions whereby thinking scientifically solves real problems within the augmented simulated world.
Each scenario is designed to be used in environmental education classes in order to help students develop inquiry skills similar to those used by environmental engineers in conducting environmental investigations. These scenarios are also designed to be geographically distributed and foster collaboration. In this scenario, the problem is designed so that no one person could observe all of the points along the river within the time allotted; students must create ad hoc hypotheses, develop data collection strategies, and synthesize findings into a coherent analysis of the pollution problem. All of the scenarios leverage the geographically-distributed nature of augmented reality simulations to require students to hypothesize, plan, analyze, and reflect in collaborative contexts.
There are two main goals of this proof of concept phase of development. The first goal is to understand this type of simulation platform from a software design perspective. We are learning about the necessary components that enable people to easily create their own augmented reality simulations. But also included in this process is an analysis of the ways that people engage in this type of simulation. While other participatory simulations utilize computer hardware [3][9], the computational power, connectivity, expandability, and rich graphical interface of present-day handheld computers introduces an entirely new category of such simulations, where the device itself offers a window on a virtual reality. We are testing the design of our simulations and using that feedback to create a situation that is engaging, understandable, and easy to use.
Technical and Methodological Requirements
One of the overarching design principles of this project is to create software that will run with off the shelf, commonly available hardware. Too many projects exploring location aware technologies require specific or proprietary hardware, limiting their potential deployment. Environmental Detectives is designed to run on any current Pocket PC 2002 or later based handheld computer equipped with GPS. It is written in C# using the Microsoft .NET Compact Framework.
Because the game is location aware, it does require localization and customization for a specific site. The original implementation of the game was developed to take place on campus, making it accessible to several on-campus classes. When we ported the game to a new site we developed a customization tool (see Figure 2) to rapidly deploy Environmental Detectives at new sites, entirely customizing the game with features including new maps, GPS coordinates, interviews, media, and toxin information.
Figure 2– A screen shot of the Environmental Detectives game creation kit running on a desktop computer. Using this toolkit users can customize a game to their particular location. As seen here, the user can select a custom map, calibrate the correct GPS coordinates, and select appropriate media.
The toolkit provides the user with a drag and drop interface for customizing the game. Since the game is centered on a location, the map is the central element of the user interface. Once the map is selected, and calibrated to the local GPS coordinates, the location of each of the interviews can be dragged onto the map. The source of the toxin is also designed through a simple drag and drop operation. Finally, once the media and text have been added the application is packaged and deployed to a handheld at the click of a button.
Organizational Framework
In the first year of testing Environmental Detectives was used with three distinct groups of students – a first year environmental engineering course at an engineering university, a technical writing class for third and fourth year students also at an engineering university, and an environmental science class for high school students. Each of these classes had different goals due to the subject matter and student backgrounds.
The first trial of Environmental Detectives was with a first year environmental engineering course. Approximately 15 students participated in a special three hour long weekend session of the class to play the game. These students were part of a semester-long course that was devoted to studying and designing solutions for environmental problems. In speaking with faculty in this domain, we learned that one of the key practices for environmental engineers is the ability to integrate primary and secondary data. They must be able to collect field data themselves, but also be informed by background material that they get from other scientists, local experts, and the relevant literature. However, this practice is difficult to convey to students, who don’t often get the opportunity to engage in experiences that require these skills. The goal for this class was to emphasize this relationship by highlighting the integration of data that they collect from the interviews with the sample data that they collect themselves.
After several rounds of refinement, we next implemented Environmental Detectives in conjunction with two technical writing classes. Each of these classes had approximately 25 third and fourth year students, who played the game as part of their weekly two-hour classes. Students in this class were learning to write research papers for the sciences. The final project in the class is to conduct an original research project and write a paper about it. We used Environmental Detectives to provide the students with a low overhead realistic research experience that they would then write about as an assignment. In discussion with the course instructor, we determined that one of the essential elements of realism that we would convey through the game is the imperfect nature of data and information that one collects through research. We emphasized the fact that it is impossible to collect all of the information in the allotted time, and that the decision-making process had to take place with the limited information that they were able to collect. This created a rich source of debate between the research groups.
The final round of Environmental Detectives was conducted with a high school environmental science class. Unlike the other instantiations of the game, which took place on the university campus, this one was held at an easily accessible nature center. A group of 25 students made a field trip to the site for a two and half hour visit. The customization toolkit was required to bring the game to the new site. Several students from the class made a trip to the nature center several weeks before the game took place to help collect the necessary geographical and GPS data to construct the game. The new game was also customized in consultation with the lead educator from the nature center, as well as the teacher of the class. This time the main goals were to familiarize the students with the landscape, and engage in the complex decision-making process that accompanies large scale environmental studies.
As a part of this research project we conducted case studies of individual groups (2-4 students with one Pocket PC) engaging in this simulation. We provide a detailed log of one of these case studies as a representative of the student activities.