CATE Board Reports for February 16, 2017 Board Meeting at the Hyatt in Santa Clara

Denise Mikkonen, President / Since our last meeting in December I have been busy with Classroom Excellence Awards, Scholarships, Distinguished Service, and Awards of Merit. All award winners have been notified by mail. Each packet contained a letter explaining the award, the date of the award, and the procedure for registering – which included a pre-filled out conference registration form and a stamped addressed envelope. Certificates and plaques have been created and are ready to go. Michelle and I have been in close communication about the ins and outs of the convention, changes, adjustments and challenges. There is so much going on behind the scenes – we are very fortunate to have some very dedicated folks on the CATE Board.
In my district I just completed the first of two ELA pilots, the second one starting today. The books study I was leading of “A mindset For Learning”, wrapped up this week as well. And note…. I changed grades this year so everything I am developing from scratch. The good part of that is I am able to just look at the standards and not get bogged down by what I have always done. I am implementing the Next Generation Science Standards, which involves and great deal of creativity. The training in ELA had been extremely helpful and I am able to integrate reading/writing in science and social studies. We are piloting the NGSS 5th grade science test this year.
We set up our Writing Camp director meeting for March, and I am busy securing rooms, insurance and posting flyers for our 4 writing camps in PUSD in partnership with SMWP, one high school, one middle school and 2 elementary.
Liz McAninch, Past President
Jill Hamilton-Bunch, Vice President / Vice President Report
Since December, I have been working with our local Kern Council to register participants for a local event with Kelly Gallagher, which will take place on March 4.
In preparation for the February Board of Directors meeting, I facilitated an Advisory Phone Call among committee leadership and convention leadership.
I have also been preparing for the CATE 2017 convention and will be providing a session on Saturday morning.
In January and early February, I have had the opportunity to present regarding language and literacy to teachers Kern County in the Norris School District (K-12), Arvin High School and Independence High School, as well as the Exeter Joint Union School District (6-12).
Respectfully submitted,
Jill Hamilton-Bunch
Carole LeCren, Secretary / I ordered new business cards for our DSA, Bill Younglove. I’ve worked on several things for CATE 2017, including new “Ask Me About CATE” buttons, the reception invitations, the leadership cards for membership, and the bookmarks advertising CATE 2018.
Greg Johnson, Co-Treasurer / Hello all,
I have completed the financial report and am looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow.
In addition to the co-treasurer stuff, I have been involved in ERWC training in Kern, as well as fulfilling my duties as a RIAP leader, working with Dr. Kim Flachmann. Mary and I have worked with John Pearson to finish off the end-of-year taxes for CATE, and all of our 1099s have been mailed out. I will be bringing envelopes and letterhead with me to the board meeting, so if you need some, please grab it.
Attached is the financial report in Excel. It has two tabs - one for CATE budget, and one for convention budget - if you have a chance to peruse prior to our meeting Thursday. If not, we will discuss.
Safe travels,
Convention Budget / 2017
INCOME / Budget / Actual
College Credit / $10,000.00
Exhibits/Program Ads / $20,000.00 / $15,100.00
PreConvention / $15,000.00
Sponsors / $2,000.00 / $2,275.00
Registration / $240,000.00 / $107,864.21
Misc. / Rebates
TOTAL / $287,000.00 / $125,239.21
From Councils / $0.00
GRAND TOTAL / $287,000.00 / $125,239.21
Attrition / $0.00
AV / $10,000.00 / $743.96
Bags / $1,000.00
CWP Reception / $2,500.00
College Credit / $5,000.00
Conv. Ctr. Costs / $20,000.00
Conv. Planning / $200.00
Decorations / $500.00
Booth Fee / $0.00
Commission -Ads&Exh / $6,000.00
Decorators -E=exhibit hall / $2,500.00
Hospitality -for exhibitors / $500.00
Security/Staff / $700.00
Gifts for local comm. / $400.00
Hospitality / $0.00
Insurance / $200.00
Mailing/Postage / $500.00 / $826.00
Meal Function cost / $80,000.00 / $13,140.00
Misc. / $1,000.00
New Teacher booth / $500.00
PreConvention / $10,000.00
Presenter Honorarium / $7,500.00
President's Reception / $0.00
Printing/Copying / $9,000.00 / $4,198.63
Registrar / $15,000.00
Scholarships, Refunds, Awards / $1,000.00 / $680.00
Speakers / $18,000.00
Friday Night / $0.00
TOTAL / $192,000.00 / $19,588.59
Mary Adler, Co-Treasurer/MAL College / Board Report
On January 7 I hosted a regular board meeting for Southland Council of Teachers of English at my home. Everyone seemed very engaged in discussing upcoming opportunities on the board as well as some upcoming events.
As co-treasurer for CATE, I have been busy paying bills and anticipating payments needed at convention; in awe at the behind the scenes efforts that so many dedicated board members are putting into the CATE experience.
The semester at CSU Channel Islands began just a month ago, so we are settling in to the rhythms of the semester. I am teaching an absorbing class on young adult literature and really enjoying the group of students I have this year. I decided to begin every class with a poem; it’s amazing what a lift a poem can give—lasting the whole day, and beyond. I also have undergraduates out in middle schools doing participant observation; it is interesting to hear these early preservice teachers develop insights on the teaching and learning they observe.
Looking forward to several ERWC workshops coming up later this month and in March.
See you all on Thursday!
—Mary Adler
Angus Dunstan, Capitol Rep / Capitol Council Report
Nothing to report since last time.
Policy and Censorship Chair Report
I’ve been working with Bill Younglove on a couple of resolutions.
Volunteer Chair Report
With Mary Adler’s help, I’ve solicited over 30 student teacher volunteers, most of them from CSU. Not all will show up, of course, but we should be able to provide much-needed support at the convention.
Submitted by Angus Dunstan
Susan Dillon, Central Rep/CATE 2017 Co-Chair / Central Council Representative Report
The Central Council has communicated via email on the upcoming convention and our volunteer positions. We regret that our beloved local registration chair, Charley Schaefer, can’t join us this year due to health issues. We appreciate all the work Frannie Chamberlain did as writing contest coordinator, and she is looking forward to facilitating this year’s celebration for our young writers. Liz McAninch was instrumental in interesting new teachers to attend CATE, and she helped with scholarship recipients.
The present representative is signing off, and she is grateful to the CCCTE for all their work and support. She looks forward to hearing about the success of the council as it moves forward without her, under the trusted leadership of Liz McAninch and Kathy Nichols.
Susan Dillon
CATE 2017 Convention Co-Chairs
CATE 2017 is here, and we are breathing. We are breathing due to the generous and enthusiastic support of the CATE Executive Board. We asked for your trust to try some new ideas, and you agreed. Thank you. We look forward to the constructive criticism that the evaluations will share, and we look forward to your critiques, too.
Many of the people reading this have served as convention chairs/co-chairs. They are aware of the important role the convention coordinator holds. Without Michelle, we would be lost. Yes, the convention handbook is excellent, but it does not provide the warmth and support needed to sustain our efforts and enthusiasm.
We are presenting a quality convention with meal event speakers, spotlight speakers, super session speakers, and our favorite speakers, the classroom teacher, whether active or retired. We are gratified that we can offer this opportunity for quality professional development with your help. And we know that although we will not see the numbers other conventions may have attracted, the number of folks who participated becomes the most important number as they will make an effort to come back. Of course, our efforts are only as good as our convention committee. We welcomed some new people to CATE this year through convention work, and we recognize all of you who continually say yes and make it look easy. Thanks. We look forward to a formal recognition of the Convention Committee with a small, perhaps cheeky, token of our appreciation at the President’s Reception Saturday night.
Susan Dillon
Kathy Nichols
Janina Schulz, FACET Rep / FACET Board Report:
Since December we have been working to plan Yosemite Conference 2017! Our planning committee has 9-10 people and Marina Santos is our committee chair. We are planning to have a reception for FACET members at CATE to promote YC17. See you all on Thursday.
Janina Schulz
FACET President
Jeannine Ugalde, GSDCTE Rep / GSDCTE hosted a wonderful event: Nachos and Novelists. On the Border (Mexican eatery) hosted about 30 teachers who delighted in the dozen local authors who joined us for Happy Hour. It was quite a win-win because many authors said that they live a rather solitary life when they are writing. Getting out and talking about their books brings them such joy. We also celebrated our CATE Classroom Teacher of Excellence, Vivian Bangle, who brought two tables worth of people (greatly adding to our numbers!).
I am also busy searching for and making contact with just the right speakers for CATE18. I'm feeling the weight of the world trying to anticipate the needs and interests of veteran teachers, newer teachers, those who have been to nearly every CATE Convention, and those who never knew we existed but wonderfully end up at CATE in San Diego. I will be closely shadowing Kathy Nichols in Santa Clara and brainstorming with my partner-in-crime, Carole LeCren.
As Publications Chair I try to stay on top of necessary changes to CATEweb, make sure that our FB has plenty of posts to remind our viewers that we are educational leaders, and coordinate with Carol Jago for California English.
Last August I participated in NWP training for the College-Ready Writers Program created to support students in argument writing. This school year, we are required to incorporate at least four of their text sets plus utilize the classroom materials. The group that trained through the SMWP has met twice since our August training. On a similar but separate note, I have also started to incorporate NWP's Academic Writing Continuum in both my writing and reading instruction.
In addition to teaching 9th and 10th college-prep English, I have added to my schedule an English Prep course (for incoming 9th with low skills and failing grades) plus an Academic Success class (for 9th grade students who haven't yet found, well, academic success).
Jeannine Ugalde
GSDCTE President

Kim Flachmann, Kern Rep / CATE: KERN COUNCIL
Feb 2017
Board Members
PresidentKim Flachmann

Vice PresidentJill Hamilton-Bunch

Resolutions ChairRobert Polski

TreasurerGreg Johnson
SecretaryCrystal Huddleston

Writing Competition ChairKatie McNamara
Membership ChairLori Campbell
KHSD LiaisonsVickie Spanos
KCSOS LiaisonTeresa Twisselman

AVID LiaisonBrad Ruff
Middle School LiaisonJulie Paulsen

Writing Project LiaisonMark Olsen

Scheduled for Mar 8, 2017
Membership Drives
January 13, 2017: Cris Tovani speaking on Academic Vocabulary and Reading
Essay Contests
On-going in the schools
One Book/One Bakersfield: To be announced
Announcement of OBOB choice planned for our Building Bridges Conference on Mar 31
Book Club Meetings
[Sept 25: The International Bank of Bob by Bob Harris (One Book/One Bakersfield)]
[Dec 11: Go Set a Watchman by Harper Lee]
[Mar 4: The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins]
[May 27: Book Club, Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi]
[October 26, 2016: Book Club Meeting, The Big Thirst]
Summer: Planned Postcard Blitz and phone calls by membership chair
Upcoming Events
March 4, 2017: Kelly Gallagher speaking on Academic Writing
Kern Online Presence

Submitted by Kim Flachmann
President of Kern Council
Feb 2017
2015-16: Jill delivers recruitment speech for CATE at all RIAP activities
Sept 18, 2015: Back-to-School party at Temblor Brewing Company; every Kern County board member brings at least one guest; honor our Writing Project participants and our CATE Excellence in teaching awardees; drawing for paid conference registration and 3 Runner Reader books; 1 ticket per guest; 1 ticket for members; Starbucks cards for those who join CATE on the spot
January 2016: Advertise writing competitions, including Runner Reader (see list below, compiled by Tammy McDonel)*
Feb 2, 2016: Presenter Prep Night at the Padre
Wine and Cheese social “Basket of Books” drawings
February 18-20, 2016: CATE state conference; sponsor memberships for college participants; free membership through AVID newsletter; “ditto exchange” for Kern meeting at conference.
March 8, 2016: KCTE meeting; debriefing after conference
Lori: Recruit members from BTSA w/ Jan Kenney
Keep Facebook presence updated (Lori)
Send Summer Recruitment postcard (Lori)
*Writing Contests and Possible Rewards: Forthcoming (Katie)
[vacant], Redwood Rep
Courtney Lockwood, Southland Rep / February Update – SCTE President’s Report
SCTE has not been very active since my December report. We met in January and discussed the Spring activity and how we can improve our Fall Conference. We also talked about themes and speakers for the Conference, which is again chaired by Tracy Sprague. We want to cut costs, too, since our expenses are still higher than our income, since turnout was so low.
We discussed ideas for the spring activity, which board members will follow up on.
Our election this spring will be for president (I will be finishing my maximum of two two-year terms in June), vice president, and member at large. We had a new teacher attend our January board meeting, and she was thrilled to be invited to become a MAL. Randy Seligson, MAL, has agreed to work with Mary Adler to see if she can transition to treasurer. The slate of officers will be presented at the March board meeting.
At each meeting, we have a fascinating update on all things legislative and Common Core from Bill Younglove, but he was absent in January. The board members who attended the NCTE convention reported back on the resolutions, shared ideas from the affiliate meeting, and showed our Membership Award.
No news from me, personally, since December, except that I became a grandmother (first) with a grand daughter in Sydney, Australia, starting January 31.
Carol Surabian, TUCATE Rep / TUCATE has been working with FACET on The Yosemite Conference. It is shaping up to be a wonderful weekend. You can learn more at the convention.
Carol Surabian
TUCATE representative
Gina Cole, Upper Rep / Dear Board Members:
As representative of Upper Council, I continue to promote CATE memberships and the CATE Convention to English teachers in the Marysville, Sutter, and Yuba City school districts. I am looking forward to introducing Theron Hopkins, who will be a presenter at the convention. He has also been nominated by Upper Council to receive the Classroom Excellence Award.
Theron is also considering becoming a board member and sharing the duties of representing Upper Council.
Gina M. Cole
Patrick Keough, MAL Elementary
Kristy Orona, MAL Middle / See below.
Marina Santos, MAL Secondary / As a MAL Secondary representative, I have increased awareness of FACET and CATE by attending a CTA Think Tank in Burlingame and National Writing Project new Civically Engaged Writing Anaylsis Continum in Emeryville in January. Both experiences enabled me to have one-on-one conversations about the CATE Convention and the Yosemite Conference.
On the local level, I promoted the CATE Convention by spearheading an email campaign that requests Fresno Unified School District principals and teachers to attend the CATE convention.
As the publication committee board member, I promoted the CATE Facebook page by doing online posts to CATE Facebook members and by default, our posts populated the CATE Twitter page.
As the Yosemite Conference Chair, I signed a contract with Tenaya Lodge at Fish Camp for November 3-5, 2017. The theme is Creating Spaces: Narratives, Products, Processes. The theme incorporates elements of the Maker Movement. FACET anticipates a successful Yosemite Conference in the Fall of 2017.
Marina Santos
Robert Polski, MAL Secondary / Member at Large- Secondary Report
I promoted and attended the SCWriP fall renewal and submitted to the Winter Post-SCWriP publication focusing on the promotion of poetry and it’s use in the CC classroom and community.
I promoted and attended Chris Tovani’s On Academic Vocabulary and Reading in January as part of an on going effort to provide local professional development and involvement in CATE sponsored events.
I participated in KCTE’s annual Christmas Bookclub receiving the highly recommended The Sellout by Paul Beatty (Thanks Greg).
I have been promoting the CATE Convention and supporting colleagues and fellow members in preparing for their presentations.
Respectfully submitted,
Robert Polski​
Richard Hockensmith, MAL Unspecified
Carmen Carrillo, MAL Unspecified
Annie Gervais, MAL Small Council
Joan Williams, Membership / CATE MEMBERSHIP REPORT

January 2017

# COUNCIL2/155/159/1512/152/16 5/169/1612/162/17+/-
1 Redwood223433342624262118-3
2 Upper12222114616172012-8
3 Capitol319290903272739485-9
4 Central245412406472302333328267262-5
5 Fresno177476711936363627-9
6 TUCATE193128261016151616--
7 Kern619988973662119118109-9
8 Southland169278281310232618614591267-324
9 San Diego5865666410914013813550-85