ECG Current Placement Template
(Assessing Current Placement)
Client: Completed by: Date completed: Address:
Problematic/Offending behaviour/s: Client’s Target Group:
DWELLINGS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSMismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Current Placement Template Example
(Assessing Current Placement)
Client: Vic Gordon Completed by: Ruth Pappas, Shirley Box, Jim Beer Date completed: 01 April 2006 Address: 14a Bunbury St Miranda
Problematic/Offending behaviour/s: sexual assault of a minor Client’s Target Group: children under 12 years
DWELLINGS PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICSMismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Double storey / Difficulty in providing supervision / · Move to another property
· Swap to downstairs bedroom & limit his need to access upstairs / ?
House sits behind another on the block of an elderly couple. / Approx 1 month have their grandchildren visit, although never left unsupervised. / · Move
· Take Vic out when the children are there / ?
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Primary School 2 blocks away / Children of this age in Vic’s target group / · Locate another house in suburb but further away from schools
· Locate another house in far removed suburb away from primary schools in that suburb.
· Never drive or walk past. (this won’t stop kids from school walking past house or accessing local facilities close by eg. Corner shop) / ?
Youngish population in suburb & surrounding areas / Children in Vic’s target group / · Move to different area with older population. / ?
Railway station within walking distance. / Needs to walk past a day care centre & a library on way to station. Both relate to his target group. / · Move further from railway station
· Drive Vic to railway station / ?
Previous victim & family live in an adjoining suburb / On rare occasions they have accessed same community facilities at same time as Vic. / · Staff are always with Vic in community & are instructed to immediately leave the area. (Concern re: emotion upset to victim & family even just sighting Vic) / Y
N (for victim)
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
19 yr old female with mod ID & personal care requirements. / Looks significantly younger & requires additional support for personal care / · Move female client to another group home in area.
· Move Vic / N
19 yr old female collects soft toys. / Vic may use these as materials fro grooming children. / · Stop her from collecting them
· Ask her to keep them locked in her cupboard
· Put a lock on her bedroom door. / N
24 yr male with physical disability, echolalia, & mod ID / Requires additional personal care. His echolalia at times really annoys Vic who has “gone off” in the past & attempted to assault him. / · Move male client to another group home in area
· Move Vic to another group home in area or potentially out of current area.
· Employ person to provide the required additional support. / Y
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Catches train to work / See issues with walking to station above / · Drive Vic to work / Y
Wants to attend dance classes at TAFE on Sat morning. / Run at same time as parenting class next door / · See if anywhere else in local area offers similar class
· Investigate private tuition / Y
Always says he needs to go to the toilet while doing the grocery shopping on Saturday mornings. / Lots of children around at this time.
No disabled toilet facilities available close by & staff person needs to supervise other clients whilst shopping. / · Shop later in the evening
· Ensure he goes to the toilet before leaving.
· Put on another staff member to go shopping.
· Don’t allow Vic to go shopping with them. / N
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Vic’s has friends in local area who are undesirable. / Suspect that they have been involved in previous incidents of indecent sexual behaviour with and without Vic.
They attend same TAFE.
1 works at the same location at Vic / · Direct Vic not to have contact with them.
· Change TAFE course
· Change TAFE’s (although course may not be available at neighbouring TAFE & transport & increased travel time may be an issue)
· Change work placement / Y
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Predominance of female staff / Vic tends to try & intimidate / · Attempt to use more male staff, rearrange rosters with other group homes in area / Y
1 staff person is sometimes picked up by husband with young child in car. / Vic always rushes to door when this staff person leaves & attempts to go out to the car & farewell them. / · Have staff person make other arrangements to get home.
· Have Vic otherwise occupied (even out if possible) when she leaves.
· See if she’s interested in night shift. / Y?
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N
Catalogues are delivered at least weekly that contain images of young children. / Vic’s target group & he attempts to collect these. / · Put not junk mail sticker on box
· Don’t allow him to collect mail
· Do not bring catalogues into the house / Y
Computer in office has internet connection / Vic is doing computers at TAFE so he knows how to use the internet. / · Don’t allow Vic in office on own or to access computer without staff supervision.
· Speak to TAFE teacher to investigate possibility that Vic could inapprop use internet at TAFE / Y
Mismatch / Reason / Remediation required / Possible Y/N