Chapter 15
Developing Stimulus Control
Study Questions
1. Stimulus Control is essential to the survival of all advanced organisms and human societies. Explain why this is true? (p. 302)
2. Define the term stimulus control. (p. 302)
3. A stimulus that sets the occasion for a response is called a discriminative stimulus, abbreviated how? (p. 302)
4. Explain how discriminated operants work and give an example from your study of applied behavior analysis. (p. 302)
5. In order for an antecedent stimulus to be considered a discriminative stimulus what must it signal? (p. 302-303)
6. Explain the difference between a discriminative stimulus for reinforcement (SDr) and an S-delta (SΔ) (p.304)
7. List and explain the three major classifications of SD’s.(p. 305)
8. Match the different stimuli with their definitions: (p. 306)
S____ A stimulus in the presence of which a given response is likely
to be reinforced
S+____ Discriminative stimulus
S-____ A stimulus designed to become an SDr
SD____ A Stimulus that signals non-reinforcement
SΔ____ A stimulus designed to become an SDP or an SΔ
SDr____ An object or event that may influence behavior
SDp____ A stimulus that signals punishment
9.Identify the parts of the three-term contingency and give a novel example based on something you have read within the past week. (P. 307-308)
10. Define the term differential reinforcement and the two basic operations of which it is composed. (p. 307)
11. List four impediments to using the differential reinforcement procedure. (p. 308)
12. Any discriminative stimulus may have multiple functions. T or F? Explain and illustrate your choice. (p. 309)
13. The authors list four areas that must be considered when using differential reinforcement. List and explain each area’s importance to a successful program. (p. 309-312)
14. State how stimulus control may be used to develop creativity. Give an example from the field of graphic or theatrical arts or music. (p. 310)
15. In order to teach more complex responses, especially difficult concepts, the common features of that concept need to be identified. (p. 310)
16. Look at each of the following and formulate a definition so as to enable it to be reinforced when expressed. (p. 310)
b.Good problem solving skills
16.Identifying for learners the relevant properties of the S+ guarantees that everyone’s behavior will come under control of those essential features. T or F? Explain your choice. (p. 311)
17.Each of the following serve as an SD, SDp or as an SΔ for certain behaviors. Give an example of a behavior controlled by the stimulus functioning as an SD and a behavior controlled by an SΔ or SDp for each of the following. (Be sure to state the occurrence of the behavior, not the absence of behavior, for each, the SD and the SΔ or SDp). (p. 309-312)
a.An empty mailbox
b.The official opening of the baseball season for a Padres fan
c.A flashing blue light in the rear view mirror
d.An envelope from the Internal Revenue service in July
e.A child throwing a toy
f.Announcement that hospital visiting hours are over
18.How is the value altering effect of a motivating operation reflected? (p. 312)
19.Define motivating operations (MO’s) and state how they differ from discriminative stimulus (SDs). (p. 312-313)
20.What category of MO does not depend on learning history? Which one does? Explain both and give a novel example for each. (p. 314)
21.Clara’s mother describes her daughter’s behavior as uncooperative and rude. When she asks Clara to do any chores, such as set the table or make her bed, Clara often shouts “NO!” and walks away, or continues to watch television. Her mother says she has tried everything- time-outs, removal of privileges, and even an occasional spanking, to no avail. (p. 314-315)
Give Clara’s mother some suggestions on how to change her MO’s in order to help Clara change her responses.
22.List and explain the three subclasses of MO’s. (p. 314)
23.Explain why it might be important to know if, and if so what medications someone is taking in order to create an effective set of MOs. (p. 315)
24.Describe an actual person you admire for his, or her, expertise in a particular area. Consider the role stimulus control plays in that expertise. Identify some of the stimuli that have required discriminative properties over the person’s behavior. Speculate about how that stimulus control may have developed. (p. 307)