ENTRIES CLOSE:Saturday 25th Feb, 2017

Send entries to:

B.T.T.A.,P.O.Box 555,Ballarat, VIC.3350


Venue: BallaratTableTennisStadium, DowlingStreet,Wendouree

Phone: (03)5339 2680 or 0430 829 701

Tournament Directors:Kellie SmithGlenn Carman

Referee: VTTUL



(The Ballarat table tennis stadium is located in Dowling Street, Wendouree,

close to the intersection with Coronet Street.)

FROM MELBOURNE: Take Western Highway to Ballarat. Do not turn off at first Ballarat exit but continue on to exit marked “A300, City Centre, Geelong, Creswick, Castlemaine”. Turn left off freeway towards Ballarat city centre and at the first roundabout turn right into Coronet Street. At the end of Coronet Street turn right into Dowling Street and the table tennis stadium is immediately on your left.

FROM BENDIGO, DAYLESFORD: Take Midland Highway into Ballarat. Go over the Western Highway overpass as you approach Ballarat and then turn right into Coronet Street at the first roundabout. At the end of Coronet Street turn right into Dowling Street and the table tennis stadium is immediately on your left.

FROM GEELONG: Take Midland Highway to Ballarat. Continue on Midland Highway (route A300) through the city centre. About 4 km past the city centre turn left at a roundabout into Coronet Street. At the end of Coronet Street turn right into Dowling Street and the table tennis stadium is immediately on your left.

FROM ARARAT, WESTERN VICTORIA: Take Western highway into Ballarat. Do not turn off at first Ballarat exit but continue on to exit marked “A300, Ballarat City Centre, Castlemaine”. Turn right towards Ballarat city centre and at the first roundabout turn right into Coronet Street. At the end of Coronet Street turn right into Dowling Street and the table tennis stadium is immediately on your left.

9.00amOpen Singles Round Robins
U/18, U/13 & Division Doubles
10.00amOpen Doubles
U/15, U/11 & O/30 Doubles
11.00amAll other singles


Please circle/highlight event numbers)
No / Event / Format / Fee / Doubles Partner
S1 / Open Men’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
S2 / Open Women’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
S3 / Open Men’s Doubles / K/O / $8.00 each
S4 / Open Women’s Doubles / K/O / $8.00 each
S5 / Open Mixed Doubles / K/O / $8.00 each
S6 / Open Para Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
S7 / O/30 Men’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
S8 / O/30 Women’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
S9 / O/30 Doubles / K/O / $8.00 each
Y10 / U/21 Men’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
Y11 / U/21 Women’s Singles / R/R-K/O / $10.00
J12 / U/18 Boys Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J13 / U/18 Girls Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J14 / U/18 Boys Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J15 / U/18 Girls Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J16 / U/18 Mixed Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J17 / U/15 Boys Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J18 / U/15 Girls Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J19 / U/15 Boys Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J20 / U/15 Girls Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J21 / U/15 Mixed Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J22 / U/13 Boys Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J23 / U/13 Girls Singles / R/R-K/O / $9.00
J24 / U/13 Doubles / K/O / $6.00 each
J25 / U/11 Boys Singles / R/R-K/O / $7.00
J26 / U/11 Girls Singles / R/R-K/O / $7.00
J27 / U/11 Doubles / $6.00 each
You may enter a MAXIMUM of 2 consecutive divisions
JS28 / Division 1 Singles / (Max 1900 pts) / K/O / $8.00
JS29 / Division 1 Doubles / (Max 1900 pts) / K/O / $6.00 each
JS30 / Division 2 Singles / (Max 1600 pts) / K/O / $8.00
JS31 / Division 2 Doubles / (Max 1600 pts) / K/O / $6.00 each
JS32 / Division 3 Singles / (Max 1300 pts) / K/O / $8.00
JS33 / Division 3 Doubles / (Max 1300 pts) / K/O / $6.00 each
JS34 / Division 4 Singles / (Max 1000 pts) / K/O / $8.00
J35 / Division 5 Singles / (Max 700 pts) / K/O / $6.00 (Juniors only)
J36 / Division 6 Singles / (Max 400 pts) / K/O / $6.00 (Juniors only)
Entries limited to a MAXIMUM of 2 consecutive age groups, 2 divisions and MAXIMUM of 3 doubles,
with a MAXIMUM of 6 events in total
I enclose a total of: / $ / for Event No: / / / / / / / / / /
Make cheques payable to B.T.T.A. Payment may be made on the day of the Tournament
PHONE: / T.T.V. REG. NO: / D.O.B. / / / /


1 / To be eligible to enter this tournament, players must be currently registered with TTV or equivalent ITTF affiliated body.
2 / White Plastic 40+ balls will be used for all events. White clothing is not permitted. Racket and clothing
regulations will be enforced.
3 / I.T.T.F. rules will apply to clothing, racquets, gluing, equipment and control of the tournament generally. Any query of the legality or acceptability of playing attire shall be decided by the Tournament Referee. Gluing is not permitted within the stadium.
4 / Time Out: The Time Out rule shall only apply to age-limited singles events.
5 / Age Eligibility:O30: Born in 1987 or earlier; U21: born in 1996 or later; U18: born in 1999 or later; U15: born in 2002 or later; U13: Born in2004 or later; U11: born in 2006 or later.
6 / Player event restrictions: Divisional Events are open to players not rated above the points stated for theparticular Division according to Ratings Central Points as at the closing date for entries.
7 / You may enter up to SIX events. A player may only play in a maximum of 2 sequential Division singles events and amaximum of 2 sequential age-limited events. This restriction includes the Open Singles. i.e. if you enter OpenSingles you can only enter one aged singles event.
8 / Event format: All Age-limited singles events will be Round Robin progressing into Knock-out. All other events shall be knockout exceptfor events which have very few entries which may be changed to RR. All matches are best of 5 gamesexcept for Events S1 & S2 which are best of 7.
9 / Unrated players may be placed in the Divisional events at the discretion of the organising committee.
10 / This tournament is conducted under TTV By-Laws 2 & 3 - Member Protection and Conduct Regulations thatincorporate the provision of the Victorian Government Code of Conduct for Community Sport It is a conditionSport. of entry that all players agree to abide by the TTV regulations and are liable under the regulations for anybreaches. The tournament is also run under TTV By-Law 7 regarding the running of tournaments. All playerswill submit to TTV's jurisdiction with respect to any disciplinary matter that occurs during, or arises out of, thistournament.
11 / The Tournament Committee, in conjunction with the Referee, shall have sole management of theChampionships and their decisions are final
12 / The Tournament Committee shall have the power to cancel any event which attracts insufficient entries, and to vary any conditions as it may deem necessary. Players entering an event which is cancelled, or for which they are not eligible, will be placed in an alternative event if one is suitable.
13 / The Tournament Committee reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to refuse entry into the tournament by any player. If the Tournament Committee exercises this option, it will notify the player accordingly and refund any monies paid.
14 / Late entries that effect seeds will not be accepted once lists have been sent to the selectors.
15 / Entrants who have not paid and do not turn up to play may be invoiced their entrance fees.
16 / Refunds may not be given if notification of withdrawal from events is not given to the Tournament Director inreasonable time and with satisfactory reason.
17 / All players must assist by umpiring when requested. Any player not ready to play when called may bedisqualified.
18 / Upon collecting the score sheet, players should take an umpire to the table. If unable to find an umpireplease see the referee immediately. Winning players must check, sign, & return the score sheet to the officeimmediately upon completion of matches. A maximum 2 minute hit up is allowed prior to commencement ofa match.
19 / Cash prizes for winners and runners up will be awarded in all events, amount to be determined by the number of entries received.
20 / The submission of this Entry Form and the payment of entry fees is deemed as acceptance of theseConditions of Entry to the Tournament.