State ______Date______State Contact______E-mail______

Guidelines: Enter the total number of entries received for judging at the state level and number sent on to regional in each of the NAE4-HA awards categories.

Submit this state report with your state entries to the appropriate Member Recognition Regional Contact postmarked by April 1. The national committee reviews this information to evaluate the appropriateness of the awards program.

Service Awards
/ # Rec’d in State / # On to Regional /
Specialty Awards
/ # Rec’d in State / # On to Regional /
Professional Development
/ # Rec’d in State / # On to Regional
25 Years of Service / 4-H Military Partnership Award / 1st Time Conf. Att. Scholarship
Achievement in Service (ASA) / Beyond Youth Leadership Award / Stiles Memorial Scholarship
Distinguished Service (DSA) / Diversity
Meritorious Service (MSA) / Ed. Technology – Ind.
/ Ed. Technology – Team
Communicator Awards
/ # Rec’d in State / # On to Regional / Exc. in 4-H Club Support – Ind. /
Educational Package – Ind. / Exc. in 4-H Club Support – Team
Educational Package – Team / Excellence in Teamwork
Educational Piece – Ind. / Excellence in Camping – Ind.
Educational Piece – Team / Excellence in Camping – Team
Exhibit / Nat. Res./Env. Education – Ind.
Feature Story / Nat. Res./Env. Education – Team
Media Presentation / Power of Youth
News Story / World Citizenship in 4-H YD
Periodical Publication – Ind. / Excellence in Teen Prog. – Ind.
Periodical Publication – Team / Excellence in Teen Prog. – Team
Personal Column / Interactive Educational Web Site
Promotional Package – Ind. / Denise Miller 4-H Innovator Award
Promotional Package – Team / Exc. in Urban 4-H Programming
Promotional Piece – Ind. / Exc. in Animal Science Programming
Promotional Piece – Team / Exc. In Global Citizenship Program
Published Photo / Excellence in 4-H Volunteerism
Radio Program / Excellence in Geospatial Programs
Video Program / Life Member Award

* Please note…you are allowed to submit 1 entry from your state in each category for Service**, Specialty Awards, and Communicator Awards. Professional Development award categories (excluding the First Time Conference Attendee Scholarship) may have multiple entries as these are only judged on the national level and not on the state or regional level.

** ASA DSA award quotas are based upon individual state membership determined using the NAE4-HA database as of January 31, 2013, or your state membership deadline (whichever is earlier). No limit on # of 25 Years of Service entries.