Entrepreneurship: Building a Business

Course Syllabus

COURSE INSTRUCTOR: Debra Moore (room 242)


PROGRAM CONCENTRATION: Marketing, Sales & Service

CAREER PATHWAY: Multiple marketing Pathways

COURSE TITLE: Entrepreneurship: Building a Business

PREREQUISITE: Marketing Principles is the foundational course required for all pathways in Marketing, Sales & Service.

COURSE DESCRIPTION: Entrepreneurship: Building a Business, an imperative component of a strong economy, is based on individuals who are creative thinkers and risk takers. Therefore, students in this entrepreneurship course focus on recognizing a business opportunity, starting a business based on the recognized opportunity, and operating and maintaining that business. This course begins by moving students from the typical “what is” educational focus to the “what can be” focus. Preparation of a business plan allows students to apply the functional areas of accounting, finance, marketing, and management to the planned business, as well as to the legal and economic environments in which a new venture operates. This course may be taken as a part of a student’s Marketing Pathway or may serve as a stand alone course for students in other disciplines wishing to explore business ownership.

All marketing students are expected to join DECA “An Association of Marketing Students”. You may visit to find out more about this international student organization.

*South Forsyth DECA is the 2nd largest DECA chapter in the world*

Standards: Course Standards can be found at


MKT-EN-1 Understands concepts and processes associated with

successful entrepreneurial performance.

MKT-EN-2 Explain the fundamental concepts of business ownership.


MKT-EN-3 Identify components necessary to determine market segment / target market.

MKT- EN-4 Compile a business plan worksheet.

MKT-EN-5 Determine the effect of government on business.

MKT-EN-6 Identify the ethical, social, and environmental responsibilities of businesses.


MKT- EN-7 Understand the processes, strategies, and systems needed to guide the financial organization of an entrepreneurial entity.


MKT-EN-8 Understand the concepts, systems, and tools needed to meet the goals and objectives of an entrepreneurial entity.


MKT-EN-9 Understand the concepts, systems, and strategies needed to acquire and develop human resource needs for an entrepreneurial entity.


MKT-EN-10 Understand the concepts, strategies, and systems needed to implement and obtain support for an entrepreneurial entity.

Learning Resources/Textbook(s):

Marketing Essentials, McGraw-Hill-Glencoe 2006-Replacement cost-$49. A classroom set of textbooks are provided in the classroom. Supplemental Materials will be used as well. Books and materials may be checked out as needed.

Required Assignments:

  • Operate and manage The Bird Cage school store to include product planning, pricing, promotion, and selling.
  • Design and operate a business venture of your choice
  • Develop a business plan
  • Participate in a virtual management project

Availability for Extra Help:

I am available to meet with students who need extra help before school each day.

Makeup Work: All missed work and assessments are the responsibility of the student when they are absent from school. A student who is absent on the class day before a regularly scheduled assessment will be responsible for completing the assignment on the regularly scheduled day and time. Students who have been absent more than two consecutive days (including the assessment day) will be given five (5) school days to make up the assessment and/or other assignments. This does not include major projects, research papers, etc., where the deadline has been posted in advance. The teacher has the discretion to grant a longer period of time to make up work if there are extenuating circumstances.

Grading Calculations:

Course Average = 42.5% (1ST Sem. Course Work) + 42.5% (2ND Sem. Course Work) + 15% EOCT or Final Exam

1ST & 2ND Semester Course Work = 60% Summative + 40% Formative

Concept of formative assessment:

Grading Policy:

A = 90 – 100

B = 80 – 89

C = 70 – 79

Failing = Below 70

*Formative Assessments include, but are not limited to homework, class work, practice tests, rough drafts, and sections of projects/ research papers/presentations.

*Summative Assessments include, but are not limited to unit tests, final projects, final essays, final research papers, and final presentations.

Class rules:

  • See student handbook
  • Please be in your seat when the bell rings and ready to begin class. The SFHS tardy policy will be enforced (refer to student handbook).
  • You may leave the classroom only with teacher permission and using the student agenda only as apass. If you lose your agenda, you may purchase another one in the PTSO school store for $5. You should have the destination and time filled in before asking the teacher to sign.
  • You are not allowed in the storage areas of the classroom without permission.
  • You should keep a notebook for this class and keep all graded assignments (3 ring binder with pockets).
  • Do not form a line at the door at the end of the period. You should remain seated until the dismissal bell rings.
  • The dress code will be enforced. Refer to student handbook.
  • No hats or caps permitted.
  • No cell phones or ipods are allowed during school hours.
  • Water is the only drink permitted in class. You may not bring food into the classroom.
  • Show respect at all times.

Student signature______Date______

***Sign this syllabus and place it in your notebook as page 1***