Entiat Middle School

Art Learning Targets

Project / Learning Target / Vocabulary / State Standard / Medium
What Is Art / Use your name in a way that tells viewers something about you. / Art– The products of mans creativity. / 1.2.1, 2.1.1, 2.2.1 / Colored Pencil
Totem Painting
What Kind of Car Are You? / Combine mediums to create a picture that represents you. / Medium – The material chosen by the artist to create a work of art. / 4.4.1 / Watercolor and Oil Pastels
Tomb Painting
Jimoh B. Bead Painting / Combine mediums to create a picture from a different culture. / Medium – The material chosen by the artist to create a work of art. / 4.4.1, 1.3.1 / Watercolor and Oil Pastels, Tempera Paint and Beads
Jungle Fun
Alien Invasion / Create a picture with a clear focal point. / Focal Point – The main or most important idea of a picture. The first place a viewer would look. / 1.1.5 / Tempera Paint
Fall Fun
Summer Scene / Incorporate the required elements into a drawing while keeping all elements in correct proportion to one another. / Proportion – The relationship of objects to one another: referring to size. / 1.1.7 / Colored Pencil
Collage About You
Spooky Scene
Winter Scene
Birds With Feathers / Create a picture by gluing the required objects to a surface / Collage- A way of making art by gluing different objects to a surface. Pablo Picasso made this technique popular in the 20th century. / 1.1.5 / Construction Paper, Magazines
Changing Values / Make three changes to each color’s value. / Value – The lightness or darkness of a color. / 1.1.3 / Tempera Paint
Art with Numbers / Incorporate your favorite number as many times as possible into a painting and use five different values of one color to complete it. / Value – The lightness or darkness of a color. / 1.1.3 / Tempera Paint
Color Wheel / Select primary and secondary colors and put them in the correct order to create a color wheel. / Color Wheel – Colors arranged in a pattern to show color relationships. / 1.1.6 / Construction Paper and Magazines
Primary Colors / Use primary colors to create a design. Practice using long steady brush strokes to apply paint. / Primary Colors- The main colors:Red, Yellow, Blue. Primary colors may be mixed to make other colors. / 1.1.6 / Tempera Paint
Secondary Colors / Mix primary colors to make secondary colors. Arrange secondary colors in a design. Practice using long steady brush strokes. / Secondary Colors- Orange, Green, Violet. Made by mixing primary colors. / 1.1.6 / Tempera Paint
One Point Perspective / Use converging lines to create a scene in one point perspective. / Vanishing Point– The point beyond which something disappears or ceases to exist. / 1.1.1, 1.2.1, 1.1.5, 1.1.7 / Colored Pencil
Shoe Rub / Select three different shoe textures and transfer them to create a repeating pattern picture. / Texture – How things feel or look as though they might feel if touched. / 1.1.1, 1.1.4 / Crayon
Actual Texture / Examine actual textures and draw them from observation. / Texture – How things feel or look as though they might feel if touched. / 1.1.1, 1.1.4 / Pencil
Math Weave / Measure out points on a 90 degree angle then use string to weave a pattern. / Weave – To interlace string and create a design. / 4.2.1 / String
Famous Painting / Critique a famous painting and discuss it. / Aesthetic – Beauty agreed upon by a group or culture. / 1.3.1, 1.4.1, 2.3.1, 3.3.1
Fantasy Animal / Combine classic features from different animals to make your own abstract animal. / Abstract–Having a recognizable subject that is shown in an unrealistic manner. / 3.1.1 / Tempera Paint
½ Human ½ Monster / Blend human and monster characteristics to create an abstract portrait. / Abstract- Having a recognizable subject that is shown in an unreal manner. / 3.1.1 / Tempera Paint
Geometric Drawing
Advanced Geometric Drawing / Use only the allowed shapes to complete the required drawings. / Abstract- Having a recognizable subject that is shown in an unreal manner. / 3.1.1 / Colored Pencils
Overlap-Shapes / Make three different shapes and overlap them to create a pile of shapes that shows depth. / Overlapping - Placing one object in front of another to create depth or distance. / 1.1.2 / Colored Pencil, Markers
Overlap- Distance / Use overlaps, size and shadows to create four pictures that show distance. / Overlapping- Placing one object in front of another to create depth or distance. / 1.1.1, 1.1.3 / Colored Pencil
Choice / Create a picture that has depth and/or distance. / Overlapping – Placing one object in front of another to create depth or distance. / 1.1.1, 1.1.3 / Your Choice
Pipe Cleaner Sculpture / Build a sculpture of a flower, human, animal, and your choice that will stand on its own. / Sculpture – Type of art work that’s two or three dimensional, so you can see it from different sides. / 1.1.7, 1.2.1 / Pipe Cleaner Wire
Pinch Pot / Form a pinch pot with sides ¼ inch thick. Create a texture on the sides. / Applied Art – Works of art made to be useful as well as visually pleasing. / 1.1.2, 1.2.1 / Clay and Tempera Paint
Coil Pot / Create a slab and attach coils to form a pot at least eight coils high. / Slab– Flat piece of clay used for a base.
Coil- Long, thin pieces of clay that are rolled. / 1.1.4, 1.1.2, 1.2.1 / Clay and Tempera Paint
Daily Procedures / Practice productive and safe work habits that include: using materials and tools safely, completing work and meeting deadlines, caring for personal and studio space and recording vocabulary terms in students own words. / 2.1.1,4.5.1,
Art Work Display / Present work to others in the form of: art in the student display case, informational posters for school events, community projects. / 2.1.1, 2.2.1, 4.1.1, 4.3.1