MRA Meeting Min
January 18th 2017, 7:00 pm Via Conf Call
Call to Order: Meeting was called to order by Jojo Wagner at: 7:02 pm
Attendance/Roll Call: highlight members in attendance. Underlined = nonvoting member
President: Jojo Wagner
VP: Dan Bergeson
Secretary: Jill Scott
Treasurer: Alicia Mengelkoch
Bull Riding: Kenny Betts & Wayne Johnston
Calf Roping: Cullen Hewitt & Brett Hewitt
Over 40 CR: Royce Larson & Jon Engstrom
Barrel Racing: Jill Sundell & Kathy Stoker
Team Roping: Matt McCormick, Bill VanLith, Alan Oberfell, Eric Nelsen
Breakaway Roping: Katie Bell & Kaycee Wilking
Steer Wrestling: Dylan Peper, Pickles Dillman
Judges Director: Dru Wlking
Bareback: Trevor Norgren & Travis Fagen
Saddle Bronc: Eli VanBuren & Morgen Dwire
Queen Director: Lacey Huben
Stock Director: Scott Berends
PR Director: MRA Queen (Stephanie Schelonka)
Finals Director:
General Members:
Topic / Who / Decision/ActionTreasurers Report / Alicia / Currently we have $19,188.70 total in all accounts.
Approval of January treasurers report: Royce MM to accept/Lacey 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Secretaries Report / Jill Scott / November meeting min are online and have been emailed to the board. Royce reports the meeting min are not showing up online, Jill will check on this.
Approval of November Meeting min: Kenny MM to approve/2nd by Wayne. Motion Carried.
Queen Report / Lacey, Stephanie / Lacey and Stephanie are working on raising money to get chaps made.
Stock Committee Report / Scott B, Kenny B, / Nothing to report
Awards / Fundraising
Committee / Jill Scott, Alicia, Jojo,
Jill Sundell / Raffle for 2017 – Polaris will do another 4 wheeler – I think a 470 sportsman and a Gun will also be donated via Mike Grinager. Should we do another raffle in 2017 with same prizes as last year?
On hold until we have a date to hold raffle drawing – Little Falls or at finals
Budget / Jojo, Alicia, Jill Scott / Alicia reports our goal was to carry over $15,500. We are carrying over $15,940.00.
Nominations / Jill Scott, / Nothing to report
Rules and Bylaws / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Scott Berends,
Dru Wilking / New Rule Proposal: Has been in print for 30 days - vote
Fines: Page 49,
#2. $100 minimum
n) Any person entered in a general season rodeo will be fined $100 for a notified turn out or a no show to that rodeo. $75 will go to MRA, $25 will go to the stock contractor collecting fine. In the event of the finals a contestant turns out or no shows the MFR, the total $100 will go to the MRA.
Kenny asked a question about if a rider would get hurt, we talked about medical release in this situation. There is another section of the rule book that refers to medical release or vet out.
Royce MM to accept this rule into the rulebook/Lacey 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Finals / Jojo, Jill Scott,
Matt McCormick / Jojo heard back from Ron, they would like us to return for 2017. Waiting on a contract to be sent, verbal agreement was it will be same as last year.
Jojo reports Ron would like us to come the last weekend in October the 27th and 28th 2017. Jojo reports they have already started advertising this however there is no signed contract. Jojo will wait to see the official contract and then bring this to the board for official decision on the finals. Kenny asked about a discussion we had in the group meeting at the finals about trying to generate more income to help pay for the finals and Jojo reviewed that discussion. Royce agrees we should review the signed contract from Sundbys when we get it.
Old Business / All
New Business / All / Rodeo Approval for 2017:
Rodeo Name / Howard County Agricultural Society
Sanction / IRCA/MRA
Stock Contractor / Wright Rodeo CO.
Address / Howard County Fairgrounds - Cresco Iowa
Performance / June 25th 2017 @ 7:30 PM
Slack / TBD (last year it was after perf)
Entries / TBA – call in to Shirley at 641-766-6401
Events / SB,BB, BR, CR, O40 CR, SW, TR, Breakaway, Barrels,
Added Money / $300 in all events (per end in TR)
Entry Fee / Rough stock $55
CR, O40 CR, SW, BRK = $79
Barrels = $66
TR = $71 per end (enter once in TR)
Emergency # / 641-766-6401, 641-414-0077
Application Status / Your application musts be postmarked by June 19th 2017 to receive points for this rodeo.
Jojo reports this rodeo was well received last year, it was a really small arena, but a good rodeo.
Kenny MM to approve/Royce 2nd it. Motion Carried.
Calf Roping – 1 loop at finals – needs discussion – Jojo reports some of the girls and guys were talking about ways to speed up the rodeo. A suggestion was to make the CR 1 loop at the finals not 2. Jojo said we do not need to decide today but need to think about this as the finals comes closer.
Dan reviewed how much time it took to run each event, he will send his report to Jill Scott and Jill will forward to rest of board. Continue in old business on next agenda.
Nest meeting date and time:
Adjourn: / All / Next meeting date: February 21st @ 7pm. Kenny MM to adjourn/Lacey 2nd. Meeting adjourn at 7:29 pm.