- Enter your Android’sGoogle Play Store or your Apple device’s App Store.

- Search for and download the Follett Enlightapp to your device.

IMPORTANT: Apps & eBooks cannot be downloaded to KINDLES and older NOOKS. The only way to read a FollettShelf eBook ona Kindle or older Nook is to log into Destiny and open the eBook. eBookswill have limited functionality on these devices.

- The first time you open the Enlight app you will be asked to log on using your District issued username and password. Type wbb34240into the browser when asked for a URL.

- After completing the login screen, the Enlight app will take you directly intoyour FollettShelf “Bookbag” where checked out eBooks are stored.

- Beside each eBook is a Download button. Clicking this button will download the eBook from your Bookbagto your device for offline reading. You will have 7 days to read your eBook before it is automatically returned.

IMPORTANT: Clicking onto Enlight’s icon of three books will take you into FollettShelf where you can “Checkout”an eBook or open read one online (see below).

Method One:

- Click onto theEnlight app then onto the FollettShelficon (upper left).

- This will take you into FollettShelf where you can search for, checkout, &/or open an eBook.

- To checkoutan eBook, drag the eBook of your choiceinto the “ChecKout” icon.

- Once the eBook has been checked out, close FollettShelf and reopen Enlight to download it to

your device for offline reading.

Method Two:

- Access URL: from your browser.

- Select the Haine Elementary & Middle Schooloption.

- using your District issued username password.

- Click onto the tab, then the tab, then the icon.

- Drag the eBook of your choice into the “Checkout” icon.

- You may now open read your eBook ONLINE or use theEnlight app to download it to your

devicefor offline reading.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you already checked out your eBook before opening the Enlightappas it will sync with your device.

- Open your Enlight app. This will take you directly into theBookbag containing your checked

out eBook. If it’s the first time you’ve used the Enlight app, you will be asked to log on using

your District issued username password. Type wbb34240into the browser when asked

for a URL. You should only have to do this one time…

- Click the Download button beside the eBook of your choice.

- Once it’s been downloaded, click onto the image of the book to open it.

- The eBook checkout period is 7 days. The book will disappear from your device at that time.

- To return an eBook early,click onto the “Move Online”button located beside the eBook in

yourEnlight app or offline reader.

- Now click onto the FollettShelficon then the BookBag icon.

- Click on the arrow button under the eBook. This returns your eBook.


IMPORTANT:Reading an eBook online without downloading itwill use up data on your phone.

- Use the FollettShelf icon in the Enlight app or enter FollettShelf by typing

destiny.svsd.netinto your browser log on using your district username & password.

- Click on Follett Shelficon located on the bottom left of the screen.

- Find an eBook you would like to read. An infinity symbol by a book means an unlimited

number of people can use it at the same time! If there is no infinity symbol, only one person

can use the book at a time.

- You can read an eBookin Destiny by just clicking on the word Open. This will always work

with unlimited access ebooks, but not withan single use eBook someone already has

open or checked out.

- If you want to check out an eBook, drag itinto the “Checkout” icon at the bottom of the screen or click on the little i in the bottom corner of the book cover select Checkout. The title will then appear in your Bookbag at the top of the page.If you logged in and are reading an eBook through Destiny or your Enlight app, you will be able to make/save notes; highlight text; search for words/phrases; magnify text; & change the view from one page to two. If you download aneBook, the availability of these features may vary depending on the device.

eBooksFollettShelf Apps Tutorial.doc

System Requirements: Follett Enlight is accessed through the browser and requires that private browsing be turned off on your device.

Platform / Minimum Requirements / Recommended Requirements
Desktops and Laptops / Microsoft IE 71
Firefox 5
Google Chrome
Apple Safari 5
1024 x 768 Resolution
Adobe Flash v11.1
Adobe Air 3.42 / Microsoft IE 10
Firefox 18
Google Chrome
Apple Safari 6
1024 x 768 Resolution or higher
Adobe Flash v11.4
Adobe Air 3.42
Tablet (browser based access) / Android 3.0
Android Browser
Chrome Browser
Firefox Browser
iOS 4
Safari Browser
Chrome Browser
Microsoft Windows RT/Windows 8 Pro
Microsoft IE 10
Kindle Fire3 / Android 4.0
Android Browser
Chrome Browser
Firefox Browser
iOS 6
Safari Browser
Chrome Browser
Microsoft Windows RT/Windows 8 Pro
Microsoft IE 10
Kindle Fire HD3
Tablet (app) / Android 3.0 with access to Google Play
iOS 6
Nook HD, Nook HD+4 / Android 4.0 with access to Google Play
iOS 6
Nook HD, Nook HD+4
Smartphones and iPod touch (browser based access) / Android 4.0
Android Browser
Chrome Browser
Firefox Browser
iOS 61
Safari Browser
Chrome Browser
Microsoft Windows Phone 8
Microsoft IE 10 / Android 4.0
Android Browser
Chrome Browser
Firefox Browser
iOS 6
Safari Browser
Chrome Browser
Microsoft Windows Phone 8
Microsoft IE 10
iPhone/iPod touch (app) / iOS 6 / iOS 6

System Requirements

Reader / Description / Online / Offline / Highlighting and Notes / Search /
Dictionary / Integration with Follett Products
New Follett Enlight - Cloud / HTML5 reader; Online browser-based reader1 / Online / Yes / Yes / Follett Shelf
Follett Shelf Classroom Connections
Follett Shelf District Manager
Destiny Library Manager
Follett Enlight – iOS / HTML5 mobile app reader for iPhone®, iPad® & iPod touch® / Offline / Yes / No / Follett Shelf
Follett Shelf Classroom Connections
Follett Shelf District Manager
Destiny Library Manager
Follett Enlight – Android™ / HTML5 mobile app reader for Android tablets and smartphones / Offline / Yes / No / Follett Shelf
Follett Shelf Classroom Connections
Follett Shelf District Manager
Destiny Library Manager
Follett Digital Reader (Win/Mac) / Flash based computer application that allows downloading for offline reading / Offline / Yes / Yes (internet access required) / Follett Shelf
Follett Shelf District Manager
Destiny Library Manager