Emergency Communication Plan
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Provide the Agency with instructions on how to communicate during an emergency situation.
The Agency will develop a Communication Plan Phone/Calling tree to be implemented during a disaster. The Communication Plan will include:
· Identified location where names and contact information for staff, contractors, patients, patient physicians, and volunteers may be found.
· Designation of each person responsible for each portion of the call tree
· Contact information for Federal, State, tribal, regional, or local emergency preparedness staff and other resources for assistance.
· Patient priority code description to remind staff which patients are the first priority.
In the event that telephone service is disrupted, a back-up communication system will include the use of cellular phones and applicable announcements on the local radio station.
In emergency situations phones are the primary means of communication and should be used if possible. Email and cell phones may also be utilized to keep staff informed of emergency information. Phone trees will be activated if necessary. Use of media, local emergency management agencies when phones, pagers, cell phones are all not available for use, staff are responsible for monitoring local media and the county’s emergency management agency.
Guidelines for Call Tree
· The Executive Director/Administrator or designee calls the Emergency Preparedness Plan into effect by contacting the Clinical Manager and Operations Director.
· Staff will make remaining contacts as outlined in the Call Tree.
· When telephone calls are made, caller must determine numbers of staff available and transportation needs, as well as employee location to efficiently do visits.
The Agency will track all communication or attempted communication with employees, patients, caregivers, family members, and community services on a communication log. All attempts to communicate with Federal, State, Tribal, Regional, or Local emergency preparedness will also be included on the log.
Field staff will communicate with executive director/administrator or designee when an evacuation is needed.
All initial communication with the federal, state, and local emergency department officials will be provided by the executive director/administrator or designee.
Discontinuation of Emergency Preparedness Plan
· The Administrator or designee will discontinue emergency plan.
· The Call Tree will be utilized to discontinue procedure.
Local communication will begin with your local health department:
Salt Lake County Emergency Management:
Phone: 801-743-7100
Regional Emergency Preparedness Coalitions:
Central Region Healthcare Coalition
Ronald Steege:
Healthcare Preparedness Coalition of Utah/Wasatch Counties
Lewis Hastings:
Talisha Bacon:
Northern Utah Health Care Coalition
Kevin Christensen:
Salt Lake, Summit, and Tooele Healthcare Preparedness Coalition
Terry Begay:
Southeaster Utah Healthcare Preparedness Coalition
Robert Donaldson:
Southwest Utah Healthcare Preparedness Coalition
Stevens Rossberg:
Uintah Basin Region Healthcare Preparedness Coalition
Julianne Ehlers:
Regional Tribal Contact:
Region 8 (CO, MT, ND, SD, UT, WY)
Megan Floyd
Office: (303) 235-4638
Mobile: (303) 945-6367
Denver Federal Center, Building 710
Box 25267
Denver, CO 80225
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