Enriching Exercises

Our vision: We aspire to prepare our pupils religiously, scientifically and ethically through Islamic cultural developing and proficient programmes in a safe and encouraging environment.


A robot is a machine. But it is not just any machine. It is a special kind of machine. It is a machine that moves. It follows instructions. The instructions come from a computer. Because it is a machine, it does not make mistakes. And it does not get tired. And it never complains. Unless you tell it to!

Robots are all around us. Some robots are used to make things. For example, robots can help make cars. Some robots are used to explore dangerous places. For example, robots can help explore volcanoes. Some robots are used to clean things. These robots can help vacuum your house. Some robots can even recognize words. They can be used to help answer telephone calls. Some robots look like humans. But most robots do not. Most robots just look like machines.

Long ago, people imagined robots. Over 2,000 years ago, a famous poet imagined robots. The poet’s name was Homer. His robots were made of gold. They cleaned things and they made things. But they were not real. They were imaginary. Nobody was able to make a real robot. The first real robot was made in 1961. It was called Unimate. It was used to help make cars. It looked like a giant arm.

In the future, we will have even more robots. They will do things that we can’t do. Or they will do things that we don’t want to do. Or they will do things that are too dangerous for us. Robots will help us fight fires. They will help us fight wars. They will help us fight sickness. They will help us discover things. They will help make life better.

1) As used in paragraph 1, we can understand that something special is NOT

A expensive

B normal

C perfect

D tired

2) According to the author, robots may be used to

A explore volcanoes

B make cakes

C plant trees

D water plants

3) What is the main purpose of paragraph 2?

A to show how easy it is to make a robot

B to tell what a robot is

C to describe the things a robot can do

D to explain the difference between a robot and a machine

4) According to the passage, when was the first real robot made?

A 1900

B 1946

C 1961

D 2003

5) Using the information in the passage as a guide, which of these gives the best use of a robot?

A to help make a sandwich

B to help tie shoes

C to help read a book

D to help explore Mars

6) In the future, robots will do things that are …………………………for us.

A more difficult

B too dangerous

C unlimited

D very easy

The fisherman

Tom is a fisherman .He goes fishing 4 days a week. In the morning he gets up early and goes to the beach. He keeps his boat there. It's an old boot. He always checks everything in the boat before going fishing because he is a cautious man and he knows that the sea is too dangerous.

One fine morning Tom went early to the beach. He hoped to catch a lot of fish that day .He started the engine and the boat moved away from the beach .One hour later he found a good place to fish, an island ,but far from the coast. He began fishing. The sky was grey and it was cold, but he was happy because he was wearing warm clothes and he had brought some hot coffee and there were lots of fish to be caught.

Two hours later the weather suddenly changed .The wind began to blow. It was very strong .The sky got very dark and the rain began to fall." There is going to be a storm" thought Tom ." I should go home quickly" .The storm got worse and worse .The sea threw the boat right and left, up and down and soon it was full of water .He put on his life jacket and jumped into water.

He swam and swam till he reached the beach. He was wet and tired but happy that god saved his life .

Read the text then answer the questions:

1-What is Tom’s job?

He is …………………………

A a doctor .

B a fisherman.

C a policeman .

D a waiter.

2- Tom goes fishing ………………times a week.

A two

B three

C four

D five

3- The sky got very …………………. and the rain began to fall

A bright

B clear

C bright

D dark

4-The sea threw the boat………………..

A right and left

B up and down

C right and left and up and down

5- What does ( cautious ) mean:

A lazy

B careful

C happy

D careless

6- The underlined pronoun " He " refers to………………..

A Tom

B the man

C the boat

-Read and answer:-

1. What’s the name of the organization? .

2. How much money did they raise last year? .

3. What did Adam want to do for Brian? .

4. Where did Adam find information about the organization? .

5. What did people do at the fundraiser that took place at Adam’s school?

2. Read and circle.:-

1. A: Is there anybody / anywhere behind the door?

B: No. There is anyone / nobody there. 2

3-Let’s go to the supermarket because there isn’t anything / something in the cupboard.

Nobody / Somebody wants to talk to you. I don’t know what he wants. 4-

5-I looked for my bag nowhere / everywhere, but I can’t find it.

Everybody / Nobody liked Tom’s performance. It was terrible. 6-

7-Is there anywhere / everywhere else we can go?

No one / Someone knows where Bill is. We are all looking for him. 8-

9-There isn’t someone / anyone at school today. It’s Friday and schools are closed.

. An author is someone / everybody who writes books 10-

11-.I want to go anywhere / somewhere on holiday this summer. We went
nowhere / everywhere last year because I was ill.

1. Match.

1. raise a. ring toss

2. buy b. fun of

3. play c. a volunteer

4. go d. raffle tickets

5. come e. money

6. make f. -karting

7. become g. true

2. Read and write the promises James is making to his parents. Use will or


help with / chores help / little brother with / homework play computer games

for hours

1. I .

2. .

3. .

3. Read and write the questions and the answers. Use Will you…?, Can..., please?, Could..., please? and Of course I will/can/could. / I’m sorry,
I can’t.

1. You ask your dad to reach a book for you. He says yes.


2. You ask your friend to help you with your homework. S/He says no.


3. You ask your brother to help you carry some boxes. He says yes.

5. Write a few sentences about your favourite TV programme. Write about:

- the channel it’s on

- the time it’s on

- the type of programme it is

- why you like it

My favourite TV programme is

1. Read and write.

1. You use this to open or close a door or a window. h ______.

2. A part of a house which is under the ground. __ __ s ______

3. We can put these on the roof of a house. t ______

4. When the earth shakes, we call this an ______t __ q ______.

5. When your head hurts, you have a h ______

2. Complete with should or shouldn’t.

1. You chew gum in the classroom.

2. You do what your teacher says.

3. Hassan listen to his coach carefully.

4. You eat too many sweets.

5. Muna run or take pictures in the museum.

6. You tidy your room and do your homework every day.

6. Read and write two things that you and your friend will do at these places. Use Maybe/Perhaps.

You are going to the zoo.

1. .

2. .

Your friend is going to the amusement park.

1. .

2. .

Write the words in the correct places :

1- Somebody who works in a restaurant is a………………………………

2-Don’t forget to take an ……………………. with you. It’s going to rain .

3-Ali wants to post a letter but he doesn’t have an ………………………..

4-There isn’t …………………..……. in the kitchen .

5- There is ………………………….. in the bag.

Choose the correct answer.

1-You have to read this book !It’s very ……………………..

A bored

B interested

C interesting

D excited

2- It’s …………………… to stay at home and watch TV. Let’s go to the park.

A boring

B bored

C interested

D worried

3-My father doesn’t look well. I’m………………………. about him .

A exciting

B excited

C worried

D excited

Choose the sentence that matches the picture.

2-Don't forget to take a(n) ……………………..with you .It’s going to rain .

A book

B envelope

C picture

D umbrella

2-When Ali was a kid ,he could …………………..a football on his head and hold it there for ten minutes.

A balance

B buy

C hang

D join

3- He hopes his……………….will come true.

A happiness

B illness

C story

D wish

4-My ………………… is to become a doctor and help sick people.

A dream

B favourite

C problem

D sport

5-All children around the world should have a good ………………..

A education

B joke

C legend

D sadness

Write a sentence to describe the picture:


Write a sentence to describe the picture:


Choose the a word or a phrase that matches the blank:

2-Maybe we will……………..…our grandmother at the weekend.

A come

B go

C read

D visit

2-We are going shopping .Perhaps Ali will …………..with us

A come

B draw

C send

D swim

3-Maybe they will ………….tickets.

A buy second hands books

B buy raffle

C go karting

D go on the Ferris wheel

4- We went to the festival last Friday .The ……………. was great.

A box

B envelope

C pen

D show

Choose the correct sentence:

1- A Would you like something else?

B Would you like anything else?

C would you like else anything?

D Would you like anything else?

2- A I must buy fruit and vegetables.

B I must buy fruit but vegetables.

C I must buy fruit so vegetables.

D I must buy fruit because vegetables.

3- A Bob shouldn’t be very careful.

B Bob must be very careful.

C Bob doesn’t have to be very careful.

D Bob have to be very careful.

4- A Can you help me fix my bike.

B can you help me fix my bike..

C can you help me fix my bike?

D Can you help me fix my bike?

Write a letter to your friend, telling him about your favourite TV programme .

Be shore to write (4) sentences with the correct punctuation .

The questions below may help you .

Dear ………………..,











Bye for now,

Write a letter to a magazine telling about problem you have and aski for advice .

Write four sentences to describe this picture.

Check spelling and punctuation يرجى مراعاة قواعد الإملاء وعلامات الترقيم






Our vision: We aspire to prepare our pupils religiously, scientifically and ethically through Islamic cultural developing and proficient programmes in a safe and encouraging environment.