Enloe High School Bands

128 Clarendon Crescent Raleigh, NC 27610  (919) 856-3751 Robert C. Hunter, Director

Overview for Prospective Students and Parents

  1. It is expected that all students wishing to participate in the Enloe band program will audition for placement in the spring (see Placement Audition sheet). With the guidance of the middle school band director Mr. Hunter will arrange to hold placement auditions at the student’s school.
  2. All students and parents are expected to attend Band Orientation Day (BOD) on Thursday May 17 at Enloe.


The curricular offerings in the Enloe band program are rigorous and intended only for students who are committed to practicing and improving on their instrument. Students will be placed in one of the four levels of band.

Band IConcert Band - This is the default band for freshmen unless their audition qualifies them

for Symphonic Band. Band I is not for beginners.

Band II Solo/Ensemble – Opportunities to work independently and with others in a small group.

Band III Symphonic Band (Honors) – Available to freshmen through spring audition.

Band IVWind Ensemble (Honors) –Premiere performing ensemble (upper-classmen only)


There are two levels of jazz improvisation offered at Enloe as well. Students interested in jazz should contact

Mr. Hunter to arrange an interview/audition.


The Eagle Marching Band is the largest competitive organization at Enloe! The EMB is competitive yet our schedule allows students to participate in clubs, tutoring, etc. Though we work long hours in August once school starts our regular rehearsals are just Tuesdays and Thursdays after school. The EMB consists of students who represent some of the highest GPA’s and strongest leaders at Enloe!


5/17Band Orientation Day – Students may report to Enloe immediately after school though we will not begin until 3:30PM. Students should bring their instrument and dress appropriately for outdoor activity, to include athletic shoes. Mr. Hunter will address all parents and take questions. Band Booster parents will also discuss volunteer and fund raising opportunities. Please do not miss this important meeting.

7/29EMB trip to Night Beat and Carowind’s.

8/1-3EMB pre-camp at Enloe

8/5-11EMB trip to Frostburg, Maryland for away camp

8/13-17EMB home camp

8/20-24EMB night camp (Friday the 24th is our family night and first performance!)

Those interested in auditioning for Color Guard or Drumline should contact Mr. Hunter as soon as possible. Auditions for these groups will be held at Enloe in the spring. Dates are yet to be determined.


Yahoo Group - To sign up send an e-mail to .

Bookmark our website enloeband.org

Follow us on Twitter @enloehsband.

I look forward to meeting you on Thursday May 17!

Robert C. Hunter