Ravensworth Terrace

Primary School

Birtley Lane, Birtley DH3 2PP Telephone (0191) 4102166


Headteacher: Mr Brian Johnson

Dear Parents

School Chief Mascot Election – Thursday May 7th

Voting arrangements are as follows:

Breakfast Club 8.00 – 8.30

Any parents – if they wish – can go to the hall and vote with their child when they drop them off for Breakfast Club.

8.45 – 9.10 a.m.

Any parents/grandparents/relatives bringing children to school can vote by going to the school hall between the above times. If you wish, you may take your child to vote at this time and then back to their class to be registered as normal.

9.10 onwards

All other pupils will get their opportunity to vote during the morning when their class is brought to the hall.

Vote by Proxy.

If an adult cannot make the above times to vote please bring/send a signed note with your name and address on before 12 noon on May 7th and we’ll make a vote on your behalf. Don’t forget to indicate who you want us to vote for!


The final result will be announced to pupils in a short assembly on Friday, 8th May at 9.10 a.m. If any parents/grandparents/relatives would like to stay and join us for the result and the candidates final ‘speeches’ then they are most welcome. Please ring the office if you would like a place kept for you.

Who will win - Woody or Sammy? The online opinion polls are very close but there’s only one vote that matters – the official vote on May 7th.

Finally, Woody and Sammy have asked me to thank you for putting their posters in your windows and taking part in our online opinion poll. They both hope that you’ll make the effort to vote on May 7th. Things are very tight and your vote really can make a difference.

Best Wishes

Brian Johnson

‘Ravensworth Terrace Primary provides an outstanding education for its pupils’

Ofsted Jan. 2012