Ms. Andre

English Teacher - ColumbiaHigh School


Schedule –2ndSemester

1st Hour –Prep

2nd Hour –English I

3rd Hour – English 1

4th Hour –English II

5th Hour – Advanced English I/ B Lunch

6th Hour – English I

7th Hour –Advanced English I

Contact Information


Voicemail: 2048

Parents may reach me through e-mail. I check e-mail several times throughout the day. I am able to return phone calls after 3:00 p.m. daily. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!


Composition Notebook (used as a journal), Notebook (used for activities, notes, etc...) & Folder(if you prefer, you may use a binder and loose leaf paper instead of a notebook and folder), Blue/Black Pen, Red Pen, Pencils, Highlighters, Outside of Class Reading Book, G-mail address (first name inital with last name)

*In order to maximize participation/attitude and effort grade, students will need to bring all of these items to class EVERYDAY!


  1. Be Respectful
  2. Be Responsible
  3. Be Productive*

*Being “productive” means you arrive to class ON TIME with the necessary materials listed above.

NOTE: All other rules in school handbook will be enforced.


If the student chooses not to follow my expectations, I will use the following consequences, depending on the nature of the inappropriate behavior, at my discretion: verbal warning, seating change, teacher/student conference, call/e-mail to parent, detention/office visit, and/or immediate removal from class.

If the student chooses to follow my expectations, I will use the following consequences at my discretion: verbal praise, written praise, candy, tickets to be used for homework passes/ extra credit, etc.

Grading Scale (also located in agenda)

100-93 – A92-85 – B 84-77 – C 76-71– D Below 70 – F

CHS is on a semester basis with each of the two nine-week grades counting as 40% of the final semester-grade, and the semester exam counting as 20% of the final semester-grade. In determining semester grades, it is required that the student passes two of the three grades given during each semester in order to receive a passing grade. Passing two of the three does not assure that a student will pass the semester.


Plagiarism is against the law. Plagiarism used in any homework will receive a zero grade, and in the case of the research paper, an “F” grade for the course.


Students will have the opportunity to earn up 2 points daily (10 points/week) calculated by participation. Students may earn participation points by contributing to classroom discussions, coming to class prepared everyday, raising his/her hand to speak, promptly working on bell work, working well in groups and independently, among other activities. Students who have an unexcused absence that day/suspension/AR or do NOT demonstrate these abilities will NOT be awarded points.


Each student MUST carry his/her agenda at all times. The loss or destruction of the agenda requires the purchase of a new one. Passes to the bathroom or for water breaks will not be issued unless the student has the agenda in his/her possession.

Out of Class Reading Book

Students are required to bring this book to class EVERY SINGLE DAY! Participation points will be taken away for those who do not bring a book each day.

Z.A.P. (Zeroes Aren’t Permitted)

Students who come to class without completed assignments may choose to turn in a ZAP form in its place. The ZAP form acknowledges that the student forgot the assignment and will have the opportunity to hand the assignment in for a late grade (half credit). If the assignment is turned in two days late, however, that student will receive a zero.Students who do not fill out a ZAP form will not be permitted to turn the assignment in late and will be given a zero. Students are only granted 3 ZAP forms per semester after which time they will receive a zero for missed assignments.

Essays and long-term projects do not qualify for ZAP. These will be accepted late, but NOT for full credit. I will grade the assignment as usual, but I will reduce the score by one letter grade for the first day it’s late and a half letter grade everyday thereafter.


A student is considered TARDY if he/she is NOT seated and ready to work, or working, when the bell rings. Students will have “bell ringer” assignments daily that need to be completed within the first few minutes of class. In order to finish these assignments in a timely fashion, it is imperative that the students begin working immediately. In addition, students who have no tardies for the previous week and are not failing any classes will be permitted to leave at 2:17 p.m. on Wednesdays.

Absent Work

Students who are absent will be required to make-up all work (unless the absence is deemed “unexcused”). It is the student’s responsibility to obtain all make-up work immediately upon return to class. Students will be given a day to make up the work for every day they were absent. If a student is absent on the day of a test, then he/she will be expected to make up the test upon the first day of return to school. If a student was absent for an extended amount of time and was unaware that a test was to be given, he/she will be expected to take the test at a later date.


I will announce the upcoming date of a test as soon as I can as well as write the date on the board. Quizzes are subject to be announced or unannounced in the form of “pop quizzes” to check on students’ reading progress throughout a unit. A final exam will be given over assigned material over the semester that will count for 20% of your semester grade.

Ms. Andre’s Classroom Procedures

  • Students are expected to come into the classroom (on time), get their folder/journals from the appropriate crate in the back of the room, and sit in their seats.
  • Once they are sitting, all purses and bags should be placed under the desks.
  • Students should then begin working on the “bell ringer” exercise that will be posted on the board. When students are finished with the “bell ringer,” they should be sitting quietly at their seats waiting to begin the lesson.
  • Phones must be on silent and out of sight—if a student has his/her phone out; it will be taken on the first offense. To get a phone back, the student’s parent must go to the office at the end of the day.
  • Food/drink is not permitted in the classroom unless I give it to you.

Advisory Expectations

  • Bring something to work on! Locker visits will not be allowed between 7th period and advisory.
  • There will be no passes out of the room given - if you need to leave, you should already have a pass from another teacher.
  • Phones must be on silent and out of sight- if a phone is out, it will be taken away on the first offense. To get a phone back, the student’s parent must go to the office at the end of the day.
  • Food/Drink is not permitted.
  • All other rules in the Room 101 syllabus/school handbook will apply.

Tips for Success

  • Keep a positive attitude 
  • Be honest and take responsibility for your actions
  • Don’t be afraid to ask questions—I am here to help you!
  • Get involved in school activities
  • Use your time wisely—learning time management skills will prove to be very helpful in school and in life
  • Every assignment makes a difference—it is harder to bring your GPA up than it is to bring it down…

Advanced English I/ English I/ English II/ “Signature” Page:

ColumbiaHigh School

Ms. Andre’s Discipline Plan Acceptance Form

2011-2012 School Year

I am looking forward to working with you in class this semester. If you have any questions, please feel free to come and see me before or after school or during advisory period. Please do not be fearful of asking for assistance. I want to make English an enjoyable learning experience for all students in my classroom!

All students are expected to:

  1. Have read and understood the rules and procedures written and discussed in class
  2. Have their parents review these same procedures

By sending me an email, the student and parent acknowledge receiving, reading, and understanding the classroom rules, discipline plan, and procedures in Ms. Andre’s class. You also agree to accept these expectations for the 2011-2012 school year. Please use a parent e-mail that I can use to communicate with you. Also, be sure to include your child’s name and hour that he/she has my class in the subject line followed by a short message either agreeing or setting up a time to meet to discuss the procedures. Thanks!

****This is a graded activity!!! (10 points) Please have parent reply in by Monday, August 22, 2011.