Local 003

CouncilJanuary 20, 2017

AUPE – Calgary - CCTV

2116 27 Ave NE

Calgary, Alberta

In Attendance:

Local 003 Chair Mark Hercina

Local 003 Vice Chair Scott Conrad

Local 003 TreasurerBill West

Local 003 SecretaryLisa Untergasser

Local 003P.E. Rep.Gopal Ayre

Local 003 OH&S LiaisonMike Larson

Local 003 M.S.O.Tim Jackson

Local 003Council RepJeff Pentz– CYOC

Local 003Council RepJason Ezard - CRC

Local 003 Council RepRohitTinani – Sheriffs Calgary

Local 003 Council RepIjeomaMetuh–CYOC

  1. Call to order 0910
  1. Introduction of Officers and Guests
  1. Role Call
  1. Acceptance of Agenda –

-Reports of Officer added to Agenda. Motion to Move 9.8 to 9.4 Mark Hercina. Seconded. Passed.

  1. Adoption of Previous Minutes

-Motion to Accept Previous Minutes – Mike Larson. Seconded. Passed.

  1. Reports
  2. Chair – Mark Hercina– removed - m/s/c
  3. Point of Order – Motion to go in Camera – Gopal Ayre – seconded. Passed.
  4. Motion to go off Camera – Lisa Untergasser – seconded. Passed.
  5. Vice-Chair – Scott Conrad–removed m/s/c
  6. Treasurer – William West -removed m/s/c
  7. Secretary – Lisa Untergasser– removed m/s/c
  8. Provincial Executive Representative – Gopal Ayre -removed m/s/c
  9. OH&S Liaison – Mike Larson removed- m/s/c

Adjournment: 1021 Hrs.

Reconvened: 1042 Hrs.

  1. Old Business

None at this Time

8.New Business

8.1Peace Officer Memorial Cost Analysis

-Proposed Policy with regard to same emailed to Council Representatives

-Motion to Accept Policy – Paul McKinney – seconded – carried

8.2 OH&S Conference – Edmonton, AB April 27 & 28, 2017

-HQ will pay for 6 members, the Local is in favor of sending as many more members as fiscally possible. The applications must be submitted to Local by February 6, 2017.

8.3AGM dates

-Local requests chapters have AGM dates submitted to the Local by
February 13, 2017. AGMs must occur before May 2017

8.4 Bargaining Update

-AUPE has served notice of intent to bargain (90 days prior) AUPE has met with the employer with preliminary meetings with regard to the Essential Services Agreement.

-Bargaining Survey was distributed to the members. Council Representatives are encourage to fill out same and encourage other members to do same. Reminded that issues such as work load, pensions and hiring practices can be included.

-Mike Larson also provided email address for contact

8.5 Labour School Update

-20 applications were submitted. Scott Conrad is requesting a list from AUPE of members who will be attending. Scott will arrange a meeting for members to meet before it commences for networking and information. Labour school to be held in Banff for 2017 and 2018

8.6 Facilitated Discussions

-2 meetings have occurred and the next one is scheduled for February 6, 2017. -- AUPE has brought forward concerns about drug use and methods of reducing illicit drug use in centres and the violence toward staff and other inmates associated with same. In the next meeting, the employer will be bringing forward their concerns about soft skill development of staff and succession planning.

-these meetings are attended by AUPE Local 003 Executive members, AUPE Vice president Carl Soderstrom, AUPE MSO Tim Jackson, DM Phillip Bryden, ADM Kim Sanderson, Wayne Reddon and other members of Executive Human Resources in addition to a meeting facilitator.

-Discussions occur over the course of a full day and are directed at solution-based discussions for issues concerning both AUPE and the employer. Council to be updated with progress at Local 003 Council Meeting.

8.7 NARCAN Kits

-influx of fentanyl in Correctional Centres and in the Community is causing the need for NARCAN (Naloxone) kits to be present in correctional facilities

-AUPE is working toward having NARCAN kits supplied throughout the Province and have them available in nasal-spray form to every member that may come into contact with fentanyl (can be exposed through the air or through skin contact).

-use of same is covered through the Good Samaritan act, risk is mitigated to members who utilize kits on others in emergency situations.

8.8 Items for next Council Meeting/UMC

-Members are encouraged to forward issues that cannot be resolved at a centre level to the Local 003 Executive to bring forward to UMC. Members are to have minuted meetings with directors before submission and these minutes are to be included with the items. Tim Jackson explained the process in detail to members

8.9 ERC Survey

-Mike Rennich

-a survey was completed at ERC (15% completion) with regard to concerns at the centre. Results indicated a mis-trust of the employer and AUPE, in addition to concerns about the promotion process

-based on results garnered, it is recommended that the Local conduct a similar survey be completed across the Province. Question was asked if the Local would participate in same. The current survey is designed around concerns within a correctional facility; however, new surveys could be constructed around community corrrections, sheriffs and commercial vehicle enforcement members.

-there would be no cost to the Local to conduct same.

-Motion made to conduct a survey across the Local with regard to member concerns within correctional centres to be followed up by a secondary survey distributed to community centres, sheriffs and CVE members as a separate survey.

-Mike Rennich to proceed with the motion with HitomiSuzuta and follow up with the Local 003 Executive with regard to progress.

8.10 VP Susan Slade

- encourages members to attend the YAC Ball Tournament in June 23 -25, 2017 (Red Deer). Camping is free. 4 members of AUPE and 4 women required to be on the team.

-thanks members for support of Walk a Mile in Her Shoes and is encouraging Locals to donate 25 cents per member in support of same in 2017. The goal of the Women’s committee has set a goal of $20,000.

Adjournment: 1021 Hrs.

Reconvened: 1042 Hrs.

9. Round Table

Medicine Hat

– 4 formal grievances and 1 28 page complaint from staff regarding arbitrary decisions from management. Question if AUPE can access when a member has reached 2850. Tim responded advising the member must track their hours so they can advise where there are issues surrounding same.

Tim has offered to assist in any way should the members require support.

– Gopal - first paid shift is when hours start accumulating, there is a sliding scale in a 24 month period. If no work is done in 6 months, the hours are re-set to zero.

-members were not provided with sufficient hours for Christmas closure. Mike confirms that Christmas Closure if the same amount for all members, regardless of modified shift length (ie. 12 hour shifts).


-were having monthly steward meetings (missed last 2 months). Will have AGM date to Local by the end of the week

-Shop Steward Seminar (Workshops) – will be occurring annually in September and October. Topics to be determined. Dates will be on the AUPE website in June or July.

Lethbridge Sheriffs and Probations

-members are filling out surveys and submitting information for bargaining

Red Deer

-nothing at this time.

Pause Round Table for Guest Diana Griffiths

-new OH & S employee with AUPE

-encouraging members who cannot resolve issues at the worksite to contact the OH & S team in order to track and hold the employer accountable for the issues. Follow up completed with member, chapter and MSO. Provided information to members to bring back to the OHS bulletin board at work sites with regard to work place violence and bullying. Pursuing training and advised of the OH & S conference. She is also providing advances OH & S training at Labour School. Offered to attend Chapter and Local meetings if so wanted by the members.

Resume Round Table

Calgary Remand Centre

-concerns about online education registration. If there are enough people on wait-lists for courses, attempts will be made to open up another class on the same day. Members should ensure they add their contact information to be advised of updates.

-People are losing interest as the time to get into courses is too long

Spyhill - Calgary

-handcuffs, narcan kits, leg irons and mark 9’s have been issued to all units in lock boxes. The COIII has the keys to same.

-12 hours shifts have been discussed,

-Medium unit has been opened and upgrades have been made to the facility including windows and a training room for staff training.

Sheriffs South

-traffic sheriff had his security clearance revoked (as he allegedly was disrespectful to the RCMP) and he was moved to downtown Calgary. There is a possible grievance and lawsuit that may be associated to this.

CYOC – Calgary Probation

-staff training academy is changing their fire response teams training components and policies. It is under review at this time as other Provinces have different protocols. This may be brought up at UMC. Members encouraged to track incidences of fire and response times.

CVE South

Nothing at this time

Fort Saskatchewan

-operation issues such as staffing and problems with segregation. David to have a minuted meeting with the director and will forward to local.

-David is looking for some support as he is having challenges

EYOC -Edmonton Probation

-attempts to reengage EYOC are being pursued, being met with positivity at this time

Edmonton Sheriffs

-issues concerning parking remain, being dealt with at this time

Edmonton Remand Centre

-issues with wages working the overtime before full-time staff. Issues are with Schedule Pro which is intended to be a cost-saving measure. There are glitches and anomalies but it will eventually be rolled out to the entire Province when corrected. Audits have been conducted and Chapter 8 is awaiting results.

-challenges with infrastructure ( 10 hot water tanks replaced, shower areas replaced and screws coming out of the stairways). Heathcare and max units are being renovated to remove issue of escape through climbing. Barrier is being constructed in the Max Pod area.

-members encouraged to read the new “Whistle Blower” contract.

10. Date set for next Local Council meeting

-One and one half days, May 11, 2017 ½ day May 12, 2017 full day Edmonton.

Motion to Adjourn – Mark Hercina – seconded. Passed

Adjourned at 1343

In Solidarity, Stay Safe Brothers and Sisters!