English Reading
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9- Offers critical and original ideas in response to texts and tasks.
- Analyses using different layers of understanding.
- Uses precise quotations judiciously as part of the secure use of SQUAD paragraphs.
- Analyses the effects of the writer’s choices of language and structure
- Makes sophisticated and accurate use of subject terminology.
- Demonstrates a wider reading and an exploration of ideas/ perspectives/ contextual factors shown by specific links between context and task/text.
- Compares ideas and perspectives showing a detailed understanding of the different ideas and perspectives in both texts.
- Evaluate, justify and assess using precise detail.
- Offers a developed response to texts and tasks.
- Interpret quotations in a number of ways
- Confidently uses quotations to support ideas in SQUAD paragraphs.
- Explains clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language and structure
- Makes clear and accurate use of subject terminology.
- Demonstrates some wider reading and a clear understanding of ideas/perspectives/ contextual factors shown by links between context and task/text
- Compares ideas and perspectives in a clear and relevant way showing a clear understanding of the different ideas and perspectives in both texts.
- Shows clear and relevant evaluation using relevant evidence.
- Offers a developed response to texts and tasks.
- Interpret quotations in a number of ways
- Confidently uses quotations to support ideas in SQUAD paragraphs.
- Explains clearly the effects of the writer’s choices of language and structure
- Makes clear and accurate use of subject terminology.
- Demonstrates some wider reading and a clear understanding of ideas/perspectives/ contextual factors shown by links between context and task/text
- Compares ideas and perspectives in a clear and relevant way showing a clear understanding of the different ideas and perspectives in both texts.
- Shows clear and relevant evaluation using relevant evidence
- Offers a clear and explained response to texts and tasks
- Effective use of references to support explanation
- Uses SQUAD paragraphs with some success and comfortably uses PEE chains
- Attempts to comment on the effect of language and structure
- Makes some use of subject terminology, often appropriately.
- Some understanding of implicit ideas / perspectives/ contextual factors shown by links between context and task/text.
- Attempts to compare ideas and perspectives, identifying some different ideas and perspectives
- Shows some attempt at evaluation.
- Offers a clear and explained response to texts and tasks
- Effective use of references to support explanation
- Uses SQUAD paragraphs with some success and comfortably uses PEE chains
- Attempts to comment on the effect of language and structure
- Makes some use of subject terminology, often appropriately.
- Some understanding of implicit ideas / perspectives/ contextual factors shown by links between context and task/text.
- Attempts to compare ideas and perspectives, identifying some different ideas and perspectives
- Shows some attempt at evaluation.
- Offers a clear and explained response to texts and tasks
- Effective use of references to support explanation
- Uses SQUAD paragraphs with some success and comfortably uses PEE chains
- Attempts to comment on the effect of language and structure
- Makes some use of subject terminology, often appropriately.
- Some understanding of implicit ideas / perspectives/ contextual factors shown by links between context and task/text.
- Attempts to compare ideas and perspectives, identifying some different ideas and perspectives
- Shows some attempt at evaluation.
- Offers a supported response to task and text
- Comments on references
- Some success with SQUAD paragraphs and consistent ability to use PEE
- Attempts to comment on the effect of language and structural features
- Makes some use of subject terminology, mainly appropriately.
- Some awareness of implicit ideas/ contextual factors within tasks and texts.
- Makes simple cross reference of ideas and perspectives, showing simple awareness of ideas and/or perspectives
- Makes a simple, limited evaluative comment on the effect on the reader.
- Offers a supported response to task and text
- Comments on references
- Some success with SQUAD paragraphs and consistent ability to use PEE
- Attempts to comment on the effect of language and structural features
- Makes some use of subject terminology, mainly appropriately.
- Some awareness of implicit ideas/ contextual factors within tasks and texts.
- Makes simple cross reference of ideas and perspectives, showing simple awareness of ideas and/or perspectives
- Makes a simple, limited evaluative comment on the effect on the reader.
- Offers straight forward ideas in response to task and text.
- Makes references to the text.
- Occasional use of SQUAD paragraphing but clear attempts at PEE.
- Comments upon some basic features of a writer’s use of language and structure.
- make simple comments on how this contributes to the overall effect on a reader
- Some comment on explicit ideas and contextual factors.
- Offers similarities and differences between two texts
- Limited comments on impressions but these are not linked to the reader.
English Writing
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9- Register is convincing and compelling for audience
- Assuredly matched to purpose
- Extensive and ambitious vocabulary with sustained crafting of linguistic devices
- Varied and inventive use of structural features
- Writing is compelling, incorporating a range of convincing and complex ideas
- Fluently linked paragraphs with seamlessly integrated discourse markers
- Sentence demarcation is consistently secure and consistently accurate
- Wide range of punctuation is used with a high level of accuracy
- Uses a full range of appropriate sentence forms for effect
- Uses Standard English consistently and appropriately with secure control of complex grammatical structures
- High level of accuracy in spelling, including ambitious vocabulary
- Extensive and ambitious use of vocabulary
- Register is convincingly matched to audience
- Convincingly matched to purpose
- Extensive vocabulary with evidence of conscious crafting of linguistic devices
- Varied and effective structural features
- Writing is highly engaging, with a range of developed complex ideas
- Consistently coherent paragraphs with integrated discourse markers
- Sentence demarcation is secure and accurate
- Range of punctuation is used with success
- Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
- Uses Standard English appropriately with controlled grammatical structures
- Accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
- Sophisticated use of vocabulary
- Register is convincingly matched to audience
- Convincingly matched to purpose
- Extensive vocabulary with evidence of conscious crafting of linguistic devices
- Varied and effective structural features
- Writing is highly engaging, with a range of developed complex ideas
- Consistently coherent paragraphs with integrated discourse markers
- Sentence demarcation is secure and accurate
- Range of punctuation is used with success
- Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
- Uses Standard English appropriately with controlled grammatical structures
- Accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
- Sophisticated use of vocabulary
- Register is generally matched to audience
- Generally matched to purpose
- Vocabulary clearly chosen for effect and appropriate use of linguistic devices
- Usually effective use of structural features
- Writing is engaging, with a range of connected ideas
- Usually coherent paragraphs
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate
- Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success
- Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
- Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical structures
- Generally accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
- Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary
- Register is generally matched to audience
- Generally matched to purpose
- Vocabulary clearly chosen for effect and appropriate use of linguistic devices
- Usually effective use of structural features
- Writing is engaging, with a range of connected ideas
- Usually coherent paragraphs
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate
- Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success
- Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
- Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical structures
- Generally accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
- Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary
- Register is generally matched to audience
- Generally matched to purpose
- Vocabulary clearly chosen for effect and appropriate use of linguistic devices
- Usually effective use of structural features
- Writing is engaging, with a range of connected ideas
- Usually coherent paragraphs
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and mostly accurate
- Range of punctuation is used, mostly with success
- Uses a variety of sentence forms for effect
- Mostly uses Standard English appropriately with mostly controlled grammatical structures
- Generally accurate spelling, including complex and irregular words
- Increasingly sophisticated use of vocabulary
- Some sustained attempt to match register to audience
- Some sustained attempt to match purpose
- Conscious use of vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices
- Some use of structural features
- Increasing variety of linked and relevant ideas
- Some use of paragraphs and some use of discourse markers
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and often accurate
- Control of a range of punctuation
- Attempts a variety of sentence forms
- Use of Standard English with some control of agreement
- Some accurate spelling of more complex words
- Varied use of vocabulary
- Some sustained attempt to match register to audience
- Some sustained attempt to match purpose
- Conscious use of vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices
- Some use of structural features
- Increasing variety of linked and relevant ideas
- Some use of paragraphs and some use of discourse markers
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and often accurate
- Control of a range of punctuation
- Attempts a variety of sentence forms
- Use of Standard English with some control of agreement
- Some accurate spelling of more complex words
- Varied use of vocabulary
- Attempts to match register toAudience
- Attempts to match purpose
- Begins to vary vocabulary with some use of linguistic devices
- Attempts to use structural features
- Some linked and relevant ideas
- Attempt to write in paragraphs with some discourse markers, not always appropriate
- Sentence demarcation is mostly secure and sometimes accurate
- Some control of a range of punctuation
- Attempts a variety of sentence forms
- Some use of Standard English with some control of agreement
- Some accurate spelling of more complex words
- Varied use of vocabulary
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9Science
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9- Identify variables that could be changed in an investigation & decide on a hypothesis to test.
- State how data can be repeatable & reproducible.
- Draw lines of best fit, choose correct scales & units. Explain anomalies & support this with data.
- Explain in detail patterns in data & why these patterns occur, taking action to prove or disprove the hypothesis tested.
- Critically judge the method used & explain whether results are reliable. Where possible provide alternative methods to improve data or test a different variable.
- Confidently use equations and calculations to explain processes.
- Explain everyday science confidently using scientific language.
- Identify key variables in complex investigations where variables are hard to control.
- Begin to describe how data is repeatable & when possible obtain data that shows this.
- Draw line graphs & lines of best fit & explain anomalous data using key scientific words.
- Explain relationships between variables and identify limitations in data.
- Use scientific language to explain conclusions and when possible use data to back up findings.
- Confidently explain scientific phenomena.
- Use equations & calculations.
- Identify key variables in complex investigations where variables are hard to control.
- Begin to describe how data is repeatable & when possible obtain data that shows this.
- Draw line graphs & lines of best fit & explain anomalous data using key scientific words.
- Explain relationships between variables and identify limitations in data.
- Use scientific language to explain conclusions and when possible use data to back up findings.
- Confidently explain scientific phenomena.
- Use equations & calculations.
- Confidently identify variables to measure, change & control.
- Choose scales for graphs & plot data accurately.
- Explain relationships between variables, identify anomalies & patterns using data to support findings.
- Link conclusions to evidence obtained from data.
- Explain in detail what, why & how things happen in science using scientific key words.
- Suggest ways to improve investigations & explain whether equipment has been used accurately.
- Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to everyday science outlining advantages & disadvantages.
- Confidently identify variables to measure, change & control.
- Choose scales for graphs & plot data accurately.
- Explain relationships between variables, identify anomalies & patterns using data to support these findings.
- Link conclusions to evidence obtained from data.
- Explain in detail what, why & how things happen in science using scientific key words.
- Suggest ways to improve investigations & explain whether equipment has been used accurately.
- Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to everyday science outlining advantages & disadvantages.
- Confidently identify variables to measure, change & control.
- Choose scales for graphs & plot data accurately.
- Explain relationships between variables, identify anomalies & patterns.
- Link conclusions to evidence obtained from data.
- Explain in detail what, why & how things happen in science using scientific key words.
- Suggest ways to improve investigations & explain whether equipment has been used accurately.
- Apply scientific knowledge and understanding to everyday science outlining advantages & disadvantages.
- Choose a method and identify correct apparatus to use.
- Identify control variables & explain why they should be controlled.
- Collect data in a table & draw line graphs with a line of best fit.
- Describe how one variable affects the other.
- Explain how & why things are happening using scientific ideas.
- Begin to judge the accuracy of data & make suggestions to improve the method used.
- Link scientific knowledge to positive & negative consequences in society.
- Choose a method and identify correct apparatus to use.
- Identify control variables & explain why they should be controlled.
- Collect data in a table & draw line graphs with a line of best fit.
- Describe how one variable affects the other.
- Explain how & why things are happening using scientific ideas.
- Begin to judge the accuracy of data & make suggestions to improve the method used.
- Link scientific knowledge to positive & negative consequences in society.
- Plan a fair test and try to control variables.
- Choose apparatus from a list
- Collect results and display them in a table.
- Plot bar graphs and describe the pattern in the data.
- Suggest ways to improve results.
- Describe what results show.
- State how science is used in real life.
Religious Education
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9- Evaluate two differing points of view
- Justify own opinion having considered two differing points of view
- Examine others’ points of view
- Justify own opinion in light of consideration of the alternative point of view
- Examine others’ points of view
- Justify own opinion in light of consideration of the alternative point of view
- Justify own opinions using evidence and examples
- Good use of PEE chain to express own opinion.
- Appreciation of other points of view
- Justify own opinions using evidence and examples
- Good use of PEE chain to express own opinion.
- Appreciation of other points of view
- Justify own opinions using evidence and examples
- Good use of PEE chain to express own opinion.
- Appreciation of other points of view
- Explaining beliefs using PEE chains
- Explaining impact of beliefs using PEE chains and examples
- Examining religious symbolism
- Explaining beliefs using PEE chains
- Explaining impact of beliefs using PEE chains and examples
- Examining religious symbolism
- Retell whole stories
- Use keywords appropriately when explaining
- Explain basic symbolism
- Define Keywords
Year 7 / Year 8 / Year 9AO1: Investigate and research
Use individual experiences and what artists and designers make, to critically inform intentions in your own work.
Interpret the ideas of artists and designers from other cultures and why there are different social, cultural political, spiritual or moral context.
Sustain and investigate a study of an artist, designer, craftsperson, genre, movement or period to inform personal actions to exploit the creative characteristics of the work studied.
AO2: Explore and Experiment.
Confidently take creative risks with drawing, designing and investigative techniques.
Apply their technical and expressive knowledge of the propertiesand characteristics of materialsand processes to select techniques and control outcomes.
Refine the technical, creative and expressive skillsinformed by their study of artists and cultures to exploit the qualities of materials using all the artistic elements.
Take creative risks as you explore the properties of 2D, 3D and tactile media, lens or light based media when developing ideas to realise your creative intentions.
AO3: Record and present
Demonstrate purposeful ideas leading to imaginative, personal and original responses that communicate meaning.
Confidently apply principles of perspective to create images that represent the real world and use dynamic perspective for dramatic effect.
Confidently take creative risks with drawing and designing when recording observations and studies in sketchbooks, journals and other media, as they work towards an outcome.
Explain, analyse and use your understanding of different genres, styles and traditions to inform their own judgements and strengthen next steps
AO4: Present and Final outcome
Present a personal, imaginative, informed and meaningful response and accomplish intentions with confidence
Provide an evaluation when reviewing their intentions, strengths, and how you improve.
AO1: Investigate and research
Use personal interests, Inspirations and what artists, designers and craftsperson’s make, to decisively inform inspirations in your own work.
Be inspired by the ideas of artists and designers from other cultures and why there are different social, cultural political, spiritual or moral context.