English – native speakers
Report on a subject.
Dead line : 10th June 4-6 pages with pictures/maps/schemes ...
Structure :
Introduction : explain what you are going to talk about 1§
Development : different § about your subject, try to put at least one illustration for each theme.
Conclusion : summarize what you talked about, give your personal opinion about the theme you chose.
Evaluation criteria :
Content : structure and coherence of the text - how is the subject covered - level of vocabulary used
Technical aspect of the language : grammar - spelling - structure of the sentences.
English – native speakers
Report on a subject.
Dead line : 10th June 4-6 pages with pictures/maps/schemes ...
Structure :
Introduction : explain what you are going to talk about 1§
Development : different § about your subject, try to put at least one illustration for each theme.
Conclusion : summarize what you talked about, give your personal opinion about the theme you chose.
Evaluation criteria :
Content : structure and coherence of the text - how is the subject covered - level of vocabulary used
Technical aspect of the language : grammar - spelling - structure of the sentences.