English Lesson Plans for March 11-15, 2013

English III Honors

Date / March 11 / March 12/13 / March 14/15
Daily Routine / Grammar
Read Aloud
Lesson: Developing a Thesis and Writing an outline
Pacing Guide Review—outline due
Computer lab—research essay / Grammar
Read Aloud
Lesson: Writing an Introduction
And Body Paragraphs
Pacing guide—rough draft due Monday/Tuesday
Computer lab—research essay / Grammar
Read Aloud
Lesson: computer lab to continue with writing research essays
Pacing guide—rough draft due next at the end of next class
Standards/Essential Question / How do I write a thesis for a research essay?
  1. Analyze and organize outline information
  2. Write a thesis statement
  3. Organize and outline information for research essay
/ How do I construct my introduction?
  1. Use a variety of print and electronic reference materials
  2. Locate, evaluate and document sources
  3. Understand and create an introduction for your research essay
/ How do I incorporate research into the body of my essay?
  1. synthesize multiple sources on the subject, demonstrating understanding of the subject under investigation
  2. Gather relevant information from multiple authoritative print and digital sources, using advanced searches effectively

English II CP

Date / March 11/12 / March 13/14 / March 15
Daily Routine / Vocabulary 8: 7-8
Read Aloud
Grammar Practice: Personal Pronouns
Finish “Montgomery Boycott” lesson
Take quiz
Lesson: Comparing Texts and Non-print Sources
Activity with group
Read “Marriage is a Private Affair” (page 898)—finish for homework / Vocabulary 8: 9-10 (study for quiz)
Read Aloud
Grammar: Pronoun Test
Finish “Marriage is a Private Affair” lesson
Take quiz
Lesson: “The New Colossus” (page 931) –finish reading for homework
Sensory Detail Activity / Vocabulary 8: 1-10 Quiz
Read Aloud
Lesson: “Aftermath of September 11”
Watch September 11th documentary
Standards/Essential Question / How do I apply what I know to writing?
Draw evidence from literary text to support analysis and reflection.
Use various types of phrases to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing. / How does it feel to start over?
Compare/contrast ideas to make inferences
Analyze the effect of the author’s craft, including tone and imagery / What are the signs of the times?
Explore the key idea of images that are reflections of a historical event
Analyze how meaning is conveyed in visual media
View visual media to understand how images can suggest the values and concerns of a time period

English II CP (Daily)

Date / March 11 / March 12 / March 13 / March 14 / March 15
Daily Routine / Vocabulary 8: 7-8
Read Aloud
Grammar Practice: Personal Pronouns
Finish “Montgomery Boycott” lesson
Take quiz
Lesson: Comparing Texts and Non-print Sources
Activity with group
Read “Marriage is a Private Affair” (page 898)—finish for homework / Vocabulary 8: 9-10 (study for quiz)
Read Aloud
Grammar: Pronoun Test
Finish “Marriage is a Private Affair” lesson
Take quiz
Lesson: “The New Colossus” (page 931) –finish reading for homework
Sensory Detail Activity / Vocabulary 8: 1-10 Quiz
Read Aloud
Lesson: “Aftermath of September 11”
Watch September 11th documentary
Standards/Essential Question / How do I apply what I know to writing?
Draw evidence from literary text to support analysis and reflection.
Use various types of phrases to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing. / How does it feel to start over?
Compare/contrast ideas to make inferences
Analyze the effect of the author’s craft, including tone and imagery / What are the signs of the times?
Explore the key idea of images that are reflections of a historical event
Analyze how meaning is conveyed in visual media
View visual media to understand how images can suggest the values and concerns of a time period