Daily Orange PSA (Allen, Smith, Andrews)
Targeted Skills
Which skills will be targeted in this phase of the project? / Anticipated Need-to-Knows
What need-to-knows do I expect/ anticipate students will have after the Entry Event? / Scaffolding Activities
What research, activities, workshops, lessons, or discussions might help students prepare for the Key Benchmarks?
DQ- How can you use a printed ad to foster healthy change in readers?
Knowledge & Thinking:
-Using Internet Resources
-Highlighting Key Points
-Formatting Notes
Oral Communication:
-Public Speaking (presenting topic key points to class)
Standards: MS Health- 1. Students will
recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease.
2. Students will recognize threats to
the environment and offer appropriate strategies to minimize them.
3. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products, and
services. Students will advocate for healthy families and communities. / *What do other advertisements look like?
*How much time will we have to complete the project?
*What resources do we have to develop an advertisement?
*Who are our readers?
*How long does the essay have to be? /
  1. Entry Doc- Letter from GM of Daily Orange
  1. Choose/Research Topics
-Choose topic
-Gather information
-Format Key Points
  1. Present Key points to be used in Ad to class (basic informational overview of your topic)

Key Benchmarks
What tasks will students complete as they progress toward the final products? / *Highlighted Articles
*Formatted Notes
*Argumentative Essay
*Brief Oral Presentation to class about topic
Formative Assessments
What assessments will provide students with feedback throughout the project and guide the learning process? / *Quiz developed from student presentations
*Argumentative essay rubric
*Oral presentation rubric
What journals, discussions, or activities might help students reflect on their progress mid-project and revise their work? / *Class discussions after each topic presentation
Targeted Skills / Anticipated Need-to-Knows / Scaffolding Activities
*Main Task- Write persuasive essay about importance of students topic
Knowledge & Thinking:
Written Communication:
-Write arguments to support claims with clear reasons and relevant evidence. (W.7.1/W.8.1)
-Introduce claims, acknowledge alternate or opposing claims, and organize the reasons and evidence logically.(W.7.1a/W.8.1a)
Agency: / *What does a persuasive essay look like?
*How long does it have to be?
*Do we have to support our topic?
*Is our essay going in the paper as well? /
  1. Examples of Persuasive Essays
  1. Persuasive Essay Template

Key Benchmarks
/ *Completion of Persuasive Essay
Formative Assessments / *Rubric
Targeted Skills / Anticipated Need-to-Knows / Scaffolding Activities
*Main Task- Create advertisement advocating for healthy topic to be placed in newspaper
Knowledge & Thinking:
-Key points included about topic
-Effectively gets message across
-Staying within restrictions
Standards: MS Health- 1. Students will
recognize the relationship between behaviors and healthy development. They will understand ways to promote health and prevent disease.
2. Students will recognize threats to
the environment and offer appropriate strategies to minimize them.
3. Students will understand the influence of culture, media, and technology in making decisions about personal and community health issues. They will know about and use valid health information, products, and
services. Students will advocate for healthy / *How much space will our ad get in paper?
*Will it be in color?
*Can we have writing and pictures?
*Can we use the computer to create an ad?
*Can someone else do our drawing?
*How are they determining the best ones? / *Display Examples
* Teach use of Word or computer to aid Design
*Student sketch of idea
*Class mini “critical friends” on sketches
*Final Sketch/Design in color
Key Benchmarks
/ *Rough sketch * Argumentative Essay *Final Presentation
Formative Assessments / *Rubric developed w/ DO help
*Argumentative essay rubric
*Winning PSA chosen by editors
*Gallery Walk Presentation of PSA & argumentative essay
Reflection / *Class discussion on why certain ads were chosen over others
*Knowing who won, would you go back and change anything about your own?