
Course Title: English for Young Learners

Total Credit: 3

Semester/Class: 2/B (Postgraduate Program)

Day/Time/Room:Thursday, 07.00-09.30/04.073

Instructor: Dr. DidiSukyadi, MA

Course Description

This course is aimed to provide you an opportunity to explore basic principles of teaching English to Young Learners (EYL), to understand what is going on in EYL classrooms in Indonesia, and to acquire skills of teaching English to Young Learners. You will read some readings concerning the basic principles of teaching EYL, do individual presentation, prepare a lesson plan, and do the peer teaching. In addition, you will also be required to carry out a small-scale study in the field of EYL.

Course Objective

At the end of the course, the course participants are expected to be able to:

1)identify the basic principles of teaching English to Young Learners.

2)comprehend the practice of teaching English to Young Learners in Indonesia.

3)plan and teach EYL classes


Assessment will be based on:

1) Critical review (20%)

2) Mid term test: essay (20%)

3) Small scale EYL research based paper (RBP) (60%)

A+ / 98-100% / B+ / 85-89% / C+ / 70-74% / D+ / 55-59%
A / 95-97% / B / 80-84% / C / 65-69% / D / 50-54%
A- / 90-94% / B- / 75-79% / C- / 60-64% / F / below 50%


Session / Date / Topics / Activities / References
1. / 02/02/12 / Introduction, topic assignment and grouping
2. / 09/02/12 / Perspectives on EYL / Discussion
16/02/12 / Practice of EYL in Indonesia / Discussion
3. / 23/02/12 / Children learning a foreign language
The child as a language learner / Individual presentation
Individual presentation. / Cameron, Lynne (2001:1-19)
Linse, Caroline T. (2005:1-18)
4. / 01/03/12 / Working with young language learners
Identifying priorities and their implication / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Halliwell, Susan (1992:3-8)
Halliwell, Susan (1992:9-18)
5. / 08/03/12 / Learning language through tasks and activities
Learning through stories / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Cameron, Lynne (2001:21-35)
Cameron, Lynne (2001:159-175)
6. / 15/03/12 / Learning words
Learning grammar / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Cameron, Lynne (2001:73-95)
Cameron, Lynne (2001:96-121)
7. / 22/03/12 / Theme based teaching and learning
Lesson planning and classroom management / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Cameron, Lynne (2001:180-197)
Brewster, Jean and Gail Ellis with denis Girard, (2003: 218-231)
8. / 29/03/12 / UTS
9. / 05/04/12 / Teaching listening
Teaching speaking / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Linse, Caroline T. (2005:21-44)
Linse, Caroline T. (2005:45-67)
10. / 12/04/12 / Teaching reading
Teaching writing / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Linse, Caroline T. (2005:68-95)
11. / 19/04/12 / Games and songs
Assessing young learners / Individual presentation.
Individual presentation. / Brewster, Jean and Gail Ellis with denis Girard, (2003: 151-203)
Linse, Caroline T. (2005:137-162
Cameron, Lynee (2001:214-240)
12. / 26/04/12 / Peer teaching 1
Peer teaching 2
Peer teaching 3 / Everybody prepares lesson plan and do a 30-minute peer teaching concerning relevant topics from available sources. / Halliwell, Susan, 1992: 41-95, 145-161,
Wright, Andrew, 1995, etc.
13. / 03/05/12 / Peer teaching 4
Peer teaching 5
Peer teaching 6
14. / 10/05/12 / Peer teaching 7
Peer teaching 8
Peer teaching 9
15. / 17/05/12 / Peer teaching 10
Peer teaching 11
Peer teaching 12
16. / 24/05/12 / Paper submission / Everybody should submit a research-based paper of about 15 pages, single-space, Times New Roman 12, left margin 3 cm, top, bottom, and right 2.5 cm, with abstract and keywords. Be on time
17. / 31/05/2012 / Paper correction
18. / 14/06/2012 / Grade notification and remedial


Brewster, Jean and Gail Ellis with Denis Girard 1992. The Primary English Teacher’s Guide. Essex, Penguin English.

Cameron, Lynne 2001. Teaching English to Young Learners.Cambridge.CambridgeUniversity Press.

Halliwell, Susan. 1992. Teaching English in the Primary Classroom. Edinburgh: Pearson Education Limited.

Linse, caroline T. 2005. Practical English Language Teaching Young Learners.Newy York: McGraw-Hill.

Paul, David. 2003. Teaching English to Children in Asia. Hong Kong: Longman Asia Ltd.

Wirght, Andrew. 1995. Storytelling with Children. Oxford, OxfordUniversity Press.