English IV: Florida College Prep (#1001405)
Instructor: Ms. Dorothy Moore phone: 474-7702 ext 3354
All of the following information will be available on my school webpage; http://lemonbayhigh.com/staff.cfm?teacherid=72
Course Description
This course incorporates reading and writing study through writing a variety of informative texts using grade-level writing craft and through the in-depth reading and analysis of informational selections in order to develop critical reading and writing skills necessary for success in college courses. This course prepares students for successful completion of Florida college English courses. The benchmarks reflect the Florida Postsecondary Readiness Competencies necessary for entry-level college courses and are also related to the College and Career Readiness (CCR) anchor standards, the exit standards of Florida's K -12 Common Core Standards.
The content will include, but not be limited to, the following:
- demonstrating successful reading of argument, including recognizing bias and supporting details
- demonstrating successful reading of fact and opinion, including recognizing inferences and main ideas
- demonstrating knowledge of a variety of organizational patterns and their relationships in the
comprehension of text, including recognizing purpose and tone of informational reading
- demonstrating successful understanding of vocabulary in context and through writing effective sentence
- effectively implementing patterns of paragraph development; recognizing and solving common sentence
development problems
- reading and modeling mentor essays
- understanding and using language, grammar, and mechanics effectively
Every class will begin with bellwork. Bellwork should be started before the bell rings. Bellwork will be collected and checked periodically.
Rules and Procedures:
Be POSITIVE, show RESPECT, have INTEGRITY, act with DETERMINATION, and demand EXCELLENCE (PRIDE). Students will also be required to follow all rules and regulations of Lemon Bay High School and those of Charlotte County Public Schools. (ie. No hats, iPods or cell phones.) Here are some other Academic Strategies class rules:
1. Go directly to your seat, be seated, get out notebook and begin BELLWORK assignment.
2. NO cell phones or Ipods allowed in class--they must be put away and out of sight.
3. No food is allowed in class: Only drinks with screw-top lids are allowed. All other drinks must
be disposed of before class.
4. Be on time and prepared for class. Have your notebook and pen/pencil, along with any other
utensils/work you need in order to participate and be successful in class each day.
5. The bell does not dismiss students. Remain seated until the teacher tells you it is time to leave.
The course will be broken down as follows: Grading scale:
Journaling checks A 90 – 100
Participation B 80 – 89
Projects C 70 – 79
Class work/Homework D 60 – 69
Test/Quiz F 0 – 59
Every Day Is A Great Day at THE BAY!!!
Required Materials:
Students will be required to bring these materials to class each and every day:
Textbook: Evergreen -text and workbook, River Reader text
Daily journal Classroom notebook
Notebook paper Pen or pencil
Something to read
Students will keep a class notebook and file in which work samples will be kept to monitor academic growth. I will provide their first notebook and file folder. These will be kept in the classroom.
Important School and Class Policies:
Attendance is important to your success in school and this class. Refer to your STUDENT HANDBOOK for district wide attendance procedures. If a pattern of non-attendance develops, the principal or designee may require documentation to excuse an absence.
In the case of unexcused absences, a teacher may deduct up to 30% from the earned grade for makeup work.
Being tardy to this class is unacceptable. You must be in your seat and working on the daily "bellwork" when the tardy bell rings. Tardiness can result in a referral to the Dean of Students. Anyone who is late without a pass is tardy.
Please be aware of the LBHS Tardy to School policy:
ELATESCL: Student is late to school and considered excused because a parent/guardian has called the school to report the tardy and the student has not exceeded the 5 call-ins per quarter limit. Full make-up privileges and no academic penalty to student.
ULATESCL: Student is late to school and is considered unexcused due to a lack of parent/guardian notification to the school or because of excessive call-ins without formal documentation being provided. Thirty percent may be deducted for missed work.
Using the Bathroom.
The bathroom may only be used in emergencies. Plan to use the restroom BETWEEN classes.
CHEATING on any quiz, homework or assignment will not be tolerated. Cheating will result in a grade of zero for the assignment and YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO MAKE UP the '0' grade you receive. Also, a referral will be written to a School Administrator. Parents will also be notified. Please remember that plagiarism (or copying someone else's work) is a form of cheating. Please ask about using someone else's written work before you include it in your assignments.
Make-up tests or quizzes, as a result of excused absences, will be given during the regular class hour when possible, during lunchtime, or before or after school by appointment. IT IS THE STUDENT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MAKE THE APPOINTMENT FOR MAKE-UPS. The make-up test given may or may not be exactly the same as the missed test, but it will cover the same material. All make-up
------cut off and return by August 15, 2017 ------
I have read and understand the English IV: Florida College Prep course syllabus.
Please Print Student Name______