OLMC Parish Society Meeting
September 2nd, 2015
President Don Lynch called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm, and opened with a prayer.
Present: Don and Irene Lynch, Anita McGowan, Geraldine Busta, Roger DeSloover, Curt and Anita Franzen, Eileen Carolan, Shirley Murray, Duane Wurzer, Jane Lynch and Grace Arens.
August minutes were approved as submitted.
Anita McGowan, Treasurer, reported the cash balance. Approved.
Old Business
Church cleaning—will continue to plan for a big cleaning this fall – volunteers continue to clean before and after events (as the janitorial position is still open).
A stool in the Ladies Restroom continue to leak and mopping is necessary after use of the stool. Grace Arens said she would contact Speltz Plumbing and see if they would check the stool and advise repair plan.
New Business
Don Lynch reported a telephone call from Deb Zubrod. Deb has decided not to serve as a committee member for the Parish Society.
A soup supper is scheduled for September 12, after the 4pm Mass—two soups will be served with turkey and ham sandwiches. First half of Group 3 will be called to help work –Don Lynch will call grp members regarding making bars and helping with the September 12 soup supper and clean up after. Jane Lynch and Geraldine Busta will purchase the food/items necessary for the soup supper. Parish Committee members should report at 3pm to make soup and sandwiches, etc.
The Finance Committee has proposed an idea for a new church sign by the road. It would replace the hitching post style sign now in place. The Finance Committee has asked Don Lynch to present the sign idea to the Parish Society Committee and report a consensus on the idea. Don asked Roger DeSloover to share information and price, (Roger is a Finance Committee member and also Parish Society Committee member.) Discussion held regarding a new sign, and information shared that a volunteer has repaired the current hitching post sign. It was noted that the sign is greatly improved. Also, a broken glass was replaced in the stone sign. It was noted that the current stone sign looks structurly sound, but needs some cleaning, etc. and removable of the old/overgrown bushes (that hides the sign) would help the appearance of the stone sign. And maybe add a light to showcase the current stone sign that matches the church stone. Parish Society committee members unnamiously voted against the idea of adding a LED sign or any new sign to the church property. The discussion / vote concluded money and time could be spent on projects necessary for the upkeep of the OLMC church.
n The roof is leaking (after the Aug 28/29 two inch rain fall)--reported to Renea Huinker and Father Nick March.
n Stool in the Ladies Restroom needs immediate repair
n Men’s Restrooms needs remodeling, due to poor flushing of the urinal, etc.
n Repair of outside Flood Light near OLMC statue
n Replacing of light bulb in yard light (near ‘Pastor Parking’ area)
The Parish Society Committee received a report of the church basement floor being slippery. The committee went to the church basement to view the report of ‘slippery/wet floor’. The committee noted a wet floor, walls dripping with moisture and windows/mirrors fogged over. Roger DeSloover volunteered to make a call Thursday (Sept. 3, 2015) to report the issue. The committee also noted the heat registers were pumping heat in the upstairs meeting room (checking the thermostat indicated the air conditioning was on, but temp was 78 degrees in the meeting room. (It was a hot/humid day and Gold Room being used for CDA salad supper.) A report taken from two individuals that on different occasions the Gold Room was too cold. On the evening of Sept 2, a fan was brought to the upstairs meeting room and a dehumifier was turned on in the Gold Room area.
Discussion also regarding appointing a grp (10-12) of volunteers from the parish to be informed and trained regarding some basic operations/ functions of the church building; especially regarding shutting off breakers, light and fan switches and basic air conditioning and heating issues.
Next meeting will be Tuesday, October 6th and 6pm (changed to Tue vs. Wed, due to Light of Christ Faith Formation Program using the church).
Meeting adjourned
Respectfully submitted
Irene Lynch