English II Word of the Day Vocabulary (31 - 40)

#31 tentative

o  ten-tuh-tiv

o  Adjective

o  Uncertain; not definite or positive

o  We’ll set next Thursday as a tentative day for the meeting, but it will depend on the weather.

o  Write your own sentence with tentative

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

#32 unattainable

o  Un-uh-tey-nuh-buhl

o  Adjective

o  Not achievable or accomplishable

o  You must set realistic goals, not ones that are unattainable.

o  Write your own sentence with unattainable

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

o  Write 2 other forms of the word

#33 contemplate

o  kon-tuhm-pleyt

o  Verb

o  To observe or study thoughtfully; to think about

o  The teacher was contemplating giving more homework to those who turned in poor work.

o  Write your own sentence with contemplate

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

o  Write three other forms of contemplate

#34 dispensation

o  dis-puhn-sey-shuhn

o  Noun

o  Something that has been distributed or given out; a certain order, system or arrangement.

o  Our preacher felt we needed to be given the correct dispensation of the gospel.

o  Write your own sentence with dispensation

o  Write two synonyms

#35 precursor

o  pree-kur-ser

o  Noun

o  A person or thing that comes before another

o  Principles of Communication is a precursor to English I.

o  Write your own sentence with precursor

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

o  Give an example of a precursor in history (Ex. Hitler gaining power was a precursor to WWII)

#36 appease

o  uh-peez

o  Verb

o  To bring to a state of calmness or contentment; to give in to the demands of another

o  I had to eat something quick in order to appease my growling stomach.

o  Write your own sentence with appease

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

#37 apathy

o  Ap-uh-thee

o  Noun

o  Lack of interest; state of not caring

o  The fundraiser to raise money for a new gym failed because of student apathy.

o  Write your own sentence with apathy

o  Write 1synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

o  Write another form of the word

#38 negligible

o  Neg-ludg-uh-bull

o  Adjective

o  Of little importance; insignificant

o  The car was in great shape except for a few negligible scratches.

o  Write your own sentence with negligible

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

#39 adamant

o  Ad-uh-ment

o  Adjective

o  Unyielding; firm in opinion

o  My teacher was adamant that we complete all of our homework.

o  Write your own sentence with adamant

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym

#40 ambivalent

o  am-biv-uh-luhnt

o  Adjective

o  Having uncertain or mixed feelings toward a person, thing, or idea; unable to decide.

o  John’s feelings toward his classmates were ambivalent; the students seemed nice, but they were always getting into trouble.

o  Write your own sentence with ambivalent

o  Write 1 synonym

o  Write 1 antonym