English I PreAP Himel

January 2
INSERVICE / 3 Introduction to Globe Theater, Shakespeare and Elizabethan England power points; notetaking / 4/5 Drama terms handout and notes p. 1026-1035; Read Romeo and JulietPrologue and Act I Scene I p. 1036; Answer study guide inference questions for Act I / 6 Grammar warm-up- Puns activity- Check for spelling errors; Elizabethan Age quiz;
p. R39-40-Write analysispaper -What is love? due 1/27 for summative grade.
9Grammar warm-up- active/passive tense; Analyze structure of iambic pentameter; blank verse in Act I; Read “My Name” (Models For Writers p. 98) essay by Sandra Cisneros and analyze tone.
VWS 6 due Friday / 10Act I- definevocab., dramatic conventions, stage directions, comic relief, sonnet, pun, monologue;
Complete graphic organizer for analytical essay / 11/12 Counselors visit-scheduling R & J predicting outcomes. Identify theme- how different cultures cooperate; Read Act II; Read Amy Tan essay p. 508-520 “Two Kinds” and “Rice and Rose Bowl Blues” (poem page 520)-discuss theme of parental conflict;
write a poem expressing the theme of cooperation. / 13Define AP term tragic irony; View R & J video clips Act II, listening to a play
VWS 6 quiz
MLK Holiday / 17 Grammar warm-up- active/passive tenses; Act II Quiz; use transitions effectively in writing / 18/19 Review verbals; reading Act III; analyze quotations using DIDLS (Applied Practice) / CBA Verbals;Hw: Write two definition paragraphs, one defining love, one defining hate (R40) and turn in to turnitin.com Sunday.
Discuss role of fate,light/dark imagery in R & J; Read Act IV; answer study guide questions. / 24 Read Act IV aloud; study guides, identify figurative language on tracker
Analyze author’s use of stylistic and rhetorical devices
Hw: Read “Seven Ages of Man” poem by Shakespeare p. 794 and analyze meaning, make analogies / 25/26 Act IV -identify figurative language, characters’ motivations. Analyze visual (photo p. 1125).
Hw. Read “Simplicity” by William Zinsser (Models For Writers p. 173) and study Zinsser’s methods of editing. / 27 Read Act V and make inferences.Turn in analysis essay to turnitin.com for summative grade.
30 Discuss R & J denouement, mood, themes. Read Epilogue. CBA W/Th / 31 Socratic Seminar R & J / February ½ CBA 1 R & JDrama terms, Act I and III; cold read; poetry devices, verbalsp. R3-R13 Reading Informational Texts / 3 Grammar warmup-Punctuating restrictive/nonrestrictive clauses
Write an engaging short story.
Analyze Emily Dickenson’s “A Narrow Fellow in the Grass” p. 870, “Hope is the thing With feathers” p. 871, “Unraveling the Mystery of Emily Dickinson” p. 872 with poetic devices p. 873
VWS 7 due Friday / 7 Grammar warmup- Correct sentence fragments (p. 22 Models For Writers);Students will write a procedural text (email from Romeo to Juliet). / 8/9Grammar-Revising/editing restrictive/nonrestrictive clauses
p. 1148 Media Literacy Analyze how messages in media are conveyed through visual and sound techniques p. 1153 differentiate between opinions that are substantiated and unsubstantiated in the text. / 10 Grammar warm-up- Review active/passive tenses.VWS 7 quiz-Use context clues to determine meaning of words.
Reading Informational Texts p. R14-20
13 Read “Your Trusted Friends” (They Say I Say) argument essay in small groups and write a rebuttal. / 14Share essays with a partner and revise/edit for active/passive voice, restrictive/nonrestrictive clause and verbal usage errors.
P. 620-625 Analyze the clarity of procedural texts. / 15/16 Grammar warm-up- Frequently misspelled words; read “No Mercy” essay by Malcolm Gladwell (Models For Writers p. 101); make complex inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. / 17Introduction to A Tale of Two Cities
Writing Workshop: Read “Let’s Think Outside the Box of Bad Clichés” (Models for Writers page 335, visual on page 339)- revise clichés.

Anchor Pieces:

Non-Fiction essays “Two Kinds” Amy Tan; “Your Trusted Friends” by Eric Schlosser; “My Name” by Sandra Cisneros

Poetry“A Narrow Fellow in the Grass”, “Hope is the Thing With Feathers”, “I Never Saw a Moor”, “Seven Ages of Man”

DramaRomeo and Juliet

Making the Connection:

Looking back on the first semester-how could you connect themes of friendship, the hero’s journey, and man’s inhumanity to man?

Themes we will study this six weeks:Love is stronger than hate.

Love as a cause of violence; how different cultures cooperate


1A-E, 8A, 19Ai,B, 2A, 4A, 10B, 8E, 8F, 13A, 13B, 13E, 13 D 15A, 15B, 13C, 17A, 17C, 18A, 18B, 12A, B, 9A, B


Grammar test:Verbals

Paper: Analysis

Objective Test :Romeo and Juliet