English I Course Syllabus
Mrs. Rogers
I am very excited about this upcoming year! We will go on a journey through literature and writing that will be full of learning and fun.

Class Expectations:
I expect the best from my students. Students are expected to be in class, ready to work when the bell rings. Students should have all necessary materials in class with them (i.e. spiral, folder, pens). Positive attitudes are also key for an effective learning environment, so remember to bring that to class each day!

Late Work/Make-up Policy:
When a student has an excused absence, they have one day per each day missed to turn in their make-up work and have it turned in without receiving a penalty. For instance, if a student misses two days of school, he or she has two days to get their missed assignments turned in without penalty. After that, it is 5 points off for each day it is late. It is the student’s responsibility to make sure they pick up their missed work and have it turned in on time. I have folders hanging on my wall where make-up work is placed each day a student is absent. Forgetting to pick up work out of the folder is not an excuse. Not turning in work is not an option in my classroom. If the student doesn’t do the work, a learning experience is being missed. Therefore, the student must make time for each assignment given.

Grading Policy:
Daily grades will count as 40% of the student’s six weeks grade. Daily grades will consist of the following: class assignments, class participation, and quizzes. Tests will count as 60% of the student’s six week grade. Test grades will consist of the following: book/chapter tests, projects, major writing assignments.

Supplies Needed:
*One 5 subject spiral notebook (Plastic covers work best.)
*One folder (Brads aren’t necessary.)
*Notebook paper to go inside folder.
*Writing utensils (Pens or pencils)

Accelerated Reader:
I have an Accelerated Reader policy in place. The students are required to take two AR tests over a library book each six weeks. The students will not have much classroom time to read AR books because our class time is used for learning. The AR policy is to promote the students to read aside from our classroom readings. Good reading habits improve vocabulary and writing performance, as reading and writing go hand in hand. The following are the AR deadlines for the entire year. Missing a deadline would be detrimental to a student’s grade because it would result in a zero for a test grade.
Deadline 1: Wednesday, September 30
Deadline 2: Wednesday, October 21
Deadline 3: Wednesday, November 11
Deadline 4: Wednesday, December 9
Deadline 5: Wednesday, January 13
Deadline 6: Wednesday, February 20
Deadline 7: Wednesday, March 2
Deadline 8: Wednesday, March 30
Deadline 9: Wednesday, April 20
Deadline 10: Wednesday, May 18
Lesson Plans
Please check my lesson plans on the school website to remain updated with what we are doing in class. You may do this by going to the school website at Click on schools->Sam Rayburn High School->Visit Website->School Staff->Kathryn Rogers. Here you will be able to view assignments, test dates, project information, and any other activities going on in the classroom. Please stay updated, we have many exciting things going on.

I am available for tutoring every day before school from 7:30-8:00 and after school until 4:30. Please let me know a day in advance if your child would like to attend tutoring to ensure I have necessary materials. Also, please be sure to have specific reasons for coming to tutoring so our time can be used efficiently.
Contact Information
Please feel free to contact me by phone or email with any questions or concerns. I can be reached by phone at 903-664-2165 ext. 222. My conference is fourth period, from 10:46-11:34. I can also be reached by email at .

Tentative Course Outline:

Each six weeks the student will be involved in rigorous reading and writing lessons and activities. The types of reading and writing will vary each six weeks.

1st Six Weeks: Students will have a rigorous focus on fiction and nonfiction literature and writing compositions.

2nd Six Weeks:Students will have a rigorous focus on poetry and drama literature and writing.

3rd Six Weeks:Students will have a rigorous focus on informational text and nonfiction scientific and historical articles.

4th Six Weeks: Students will have a rigorous focus on expository reading and writing.

5th Six Weeks: Students will be making literary genre connections while comparing and contrasting the different types of literature and writing we have worked with throughout the year.

6th Six Weeks: The inquiring minds of the students will explore a novel and learn how to write an effective research paper on a given topic that aligns with the novel.