Read the following paragraphs carefully and fill in the each blank with one word. Write your answer in space provided.

1.  In [1.1] ______modern age travelling [1.2] ______became quick and convenient. Nobody thinks [1.3] ______travelling on foot. The train [1.4] ______motor cars have replaced the horse and the [1.5] ______old world bullock – cart. It is only in deserts [1.6] ______people still travel [1.7] ______the camel’s back; while the horse [1.8] ______the only convenience on hills .

2.  The character of good men [2.1] ______like that of tree. They live [ 2.2] ______others and [2.3] ______not lose their qualities even in losing [ 2.4] ______lives. [ 2.5 ] ______also follow the right path. To live for the sack [2.6] ______one’s own is to lead the life of beasts [2.7] ______birds only those [2.8] ______lay down their lives for others with live forever in the world of joy.

. There is an error in each line with a blank against it. Write the incorrect word and the incorrect word in the space provided:

Incorrect correct

A biology is the story for the life a. ------

Of the person wrote by someone else b ------

The story about the life of people c. ------

Written by himself is called autobiography d ------

Sometimes you are require to write e ------

The autobiography of a animal, a bird f ------

Or a lifeless object. At the case you g ------

Must trying to put yourself in h ------

The position of the object you are write i ------


. In the passage given below there one word is omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after in the space provided against the correct blank number

The test of great book is whether a.______

We want read it only once b.______

Or than once. A book c. ______

That person of education and d. ______

Good taste not care to read e. ______

More than once probably not f. ______

Much worth. But opinion that g. ______

Makes a book great must the h. ______

Opinion of many. We cannot I ______

Consider the judgment of single individual j.______


. Rearrange the phrases and words to make meaningful sentences:

1.  In our / became a / cities / major problem / these days / pollution has

2.  Causing / to the / human / life / survival of / serious damage / this is

3.  Clean / our / duty / keep our / clean / it is / to / environment

4.  Planted / should be / and more / more / trees / land / on available