1) Peoples of the Northwest
**They learned to make use of the natural resources around them, such as wood and salmon.
** They built large houses using cedar or spruce boards and roots. They decorated their houses with carvings and paint.
**They used cedar logs to make totem poles. Totem Poles are tall poles, used to mark the entrance to their house. They carved and painted with human and animals figures.
** They held Potlatches to celebrate important events, such as a marriage or the building of a house.
Potlatch was a large feast that could last for several days.
2) The Peoples of the Southwest
*The Southwest was so dry and it has little rainfall, so irrigation was necessary for them.
**The Peoples of the Southwest couldn’t use wood to build their houses because there were few tree grew there.
**They used sticks, stones, and adobe to build their homes.
The Hopi
**They are one of several groups known as Pueblo Indians because of their large buildings.
**They were known as caretakers because they tried to keep their lands healthy.
** Corn was the staple for them and part of every meal.
**The Hopi prayed for a good harvest. They had a special ceremony, called the Bean dance
3) The Peoples of the Plains
**Home: Lodge, they used bark, earth, and grass to made lodges.
**Nomads: The Western Plains Indians were nomads. They moved around and they didn’t live in one place. They used Travois.
**Travois: it was similar to a sled. It was made from two poles and usually pulled by a dog.
**Buffalos: Buffalo was extremely important to Plains Indians. They hunted it for food. Western Plains Indians also used buffalo skin for shelter and clothing and bones for tools.
The Comanche
**They started riding and raising horses in the 1600s.
**They were rich and powerful because they owned more horses than any other American Indian nation and controlled a large area of the Plains.
** They were called “the lords of the Southern Plains”,
Eastern Plains Indians Western Plains Indians
-They had villages hunted buffalos - They didn’t farm
- They practiced agriculture had horses -They lived as nomads
- They built lodges - They used teepees for shelters
-They hunted buffalos in the - They hunted buffalos all year
summer and winter only.
4) Peoples of the East
**The Eastern woodlands stretched from the Atlantic Ocean to the Mississippi River and from the Gulf of Mexico to the Great lakes.
**Shelter: Longhouse, it was made by wood poles and bark.
The Haudenosaunee
** Five Haudenosaunee nations joined to form a powerful union. They joined in a confederation known as the Haudenosaunee League.
**They lived in clans.
**Clan is a group of related families.
** They traded with other Woodland Indians. They sometimes used Wampum to symbolize agreements.
**Wampum: were pieces of carefully shaped and cut seashell.
**They bartered for goods.
**Barter: to trade without using money.
** More than 50,000 Haudenosaunee live in North America and some live in their homelands in New York and Canada.